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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. You have been emailed an invite to recreate your account.
  2. Yours and two other accounts were affected by a bug that caused them to not unarchive correctly. The bug has been fixed, and I restored your account and it appears to be working correctly now. I emailed you a password reset link in case you need it. You can ignore the invitation to create a new account. Since I got your account working again, I deleted that invite so if you try to use it it will say it's invalid. The server that you're on currently, Tommy, must be logged in to every 30 days to keep your account active, but we've had a lot of people like you express interest in a server where you don't have to login all the time to keep your account active. We're going to be building a new server named Morty next where donors won't have to remember to login. There won't be any free accounts on Morty at all so that will help keep it from getting overcrowded. Keep an eye on the news and we'll make an announcement when Morty is available.
  3. No, we use CSF. The PHP function system() is disabled because it is a security vulnerability.
  4. Oh good lord, unarchiving seems to have some serious issues right now. I tested it quite a bit, but it completely botched this account when it was restored. I'm going to disable archiving on both servers until I can test this some more. I just sent you an invite to create a new account since the unarchive messed your account up so badly. You'll be able to create a new password. Sorry about that.
  5. There is only one account. The account phradham was on Johnny and was hacked so instead of transferring a hacked account we just deleted it and sent an invite for a new account on Tommy. They used that invite to create the account dhammadh. The only backup you're going to be able to get is the one from 2021-07-20 which you can download from https://heliohost.org/backup/ Like I said above your account was hacked after this backup was made, and your contents was replaced with a phishing site. Our policy on hacked accounts is we suspend them with no backup, and give you an invite for a new account. The reason we can't backup hacked accounts is because they might contain stolen information, such as credit card numbers and passwords, so it would be illegal for us to give you that stolen information. The backup contains a database called phradham_wp35 which is 132 KB. It also contains public_html which is 82 MB. Let us know if you need instructions on how to extract the data you need, or if you need help restoring it to your new account.
  6. I tested the password being restored correctly after being archived and then unarchived, but I guess I can test it again.
  7. The username flradio is your Plesk username too. I already emailed you a password reset link, and you replied on Discord saying you got it so I'm going to assume this is solved. Let us know if you still can't login or if you need help with anything else.
  8. Since your forum email address and your hosting account email address don't match I sent you an email to the hosting account address to confirm you want to wipe your account and start over. Make sure you have a backup of anything you may need from the account because data will be irrecoverable once deleted. Once you reply to the email I'll wipe the account and send you an invite to recreate it.
  9. What does the error log say? The most common reason for 500 errors after being transferred is having Options in .htaccess. Just remove or comment out those lines if that's the issue.
  10. The A record for seihoeng.com has been fixed. Try issuing an SSL certificate with Sun Dark's instructions now. Let us know if you're still having issues.
  11. The PTR record was correct, but the A record was incorrect. I temporarily changed the A record of tommy2.heliohost.org to allow the Plesk control panel to be accessible during the DDoS which caused Google to have issues with email. The DDoS has ended and the A record has been changed back so it should be working now. I'm going to close this thread. If you're still having an issue please make a new post.
  12. This was solved via Discord.
  13. @paulw79 Since you never answered these questions I wasn't able to debug what went wrong exactly. I'm going to close this thread. If you're still interested in creating an account you can make a new post.
  14. The account calax2 has been deleted and the main domain for the account calaxit has been changed to mehdar.heliohost.org.
  15. You can install SSL yourself Login > Continue to Plesk > Websites & Domains > [domain] > SSL/TLS Certificates > Install > Get it free. Make sure you don't check the wildcard box because that requires DNS verification which isn't implemented yet. Eventually we will support wildcard SSL, but there is no ETA on when it will be available. If you get any particular error let us know and we can help you further.
  16. Sorry about that. I added the domain to your Tommy account, but set the DNS up as a Johnny account. It's been fixed now. It could take a few hours for the cached wrong DNS records to clear out though.
  17. It was a problem in cPanel because cPanel's implementation of open basedir allowed hackers to access other people's home directories. Plesk is more secure in that regard, and appears to not have that vulnerability. What directory are you trying to access, or did the error go away when you realized that your home directory is your main domain now, not your username?
  18. Since you already have 900m.heliohost.us would it be ok with you to do test.900m.heliohost.us and wp.900m.heliohost.us?
  19. It doesn't get confusing at all if people request the same thing in multiple places. I'm just going to mark this as solved and ignore it because it's probably the same person.
  20. Added. The next step is to login to your Freenom account and set your NS records to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org.
  21. It must be a coincidence that someone on Ricky has the domain mehdar.heliohost.us when your domain is mehdar.heliohost.org then.
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