I think that would run with the base VPS model for $4 per month. 1 GB memory, 50 GB storage, and 2 cpus. It's really easy to upgrade later on if you need more performance too.
We were only offering $5 move and double storage as a limited time discount from the normal $6 for users who were on Johnny since that server was going offline. Now that Johnny has been rebuilt it has gone back to normal.
I would recommend asking about this on a wordpress forum. We all hate wordpress around here because it causes so much load and gets hacked so often so the only advice you're likely to get from us is "Don't use wordpress."
Your site appears to be working for me.
You currently have zero open mysql connections. The limit on Johnny is 4 open connections at once. If you try to open more than 4 connections at the same time you will get that error. If you need more than 4 simultaneous connections I recommend transferring your account to Tommy which currently offers unlimited mysql connections. A limit may be added in the future on Tommy as well if we find people abusing the unlimited connections.