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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Home/etigui/robert Your files need to be in public_html for them to be viewable through a browser. So try something like /home/etigui/public_html/robert instead.
  2. See https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/38067-solved-johnny-bihourly-hung/?p=169014 and https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/38032-johnny-nameserver-detection-broken/?p=169008
  3. The extension zip has been installed on Johnny's php 5.6.
  4. Unarchived.
  5. See https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/38032-johnny-nameserver-detection-broken/?p=169008
  6. See https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/38032-johnny-nameserver-detection-broken/?p=169008
  7. This should be fixed now. Try adding your Johnny domains now.
  8. Also, I changed your username to jbbdude.
  9. Is it working now? https://family.block.ovh/
  10. Yes actually, you can use a public key to login to SFTP without a password. You have to generate the key with putty. Here is a good guide https://www.ssh.com/ssh/putty/windows/puttygen Once you have your .ppk file open it with a text editor and look for the text block between Public-Lines: and Private-Lines:. Copy/paste that text. On cpanel use the file manager to create the directory /home/username/.ssh/ Then in that directory create a new file named authorized_keys. Edit the file and paste in the text from the .ppk file. At the beginning of the first line add the text "ssh-rsa" and a space. You also need to remove all the line breaks that putty puts in there. It should all be one long line of text. Optional: You don't have to do this but I always label my public keys. For instance, "work computer", "laptop", "phone", etc so when you look at this authorized_keys file later you know what each entry is for. To label it just put the text at the end with a space before it so it looks something like this ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEAs11AscHG+MC3Plr32hCWFBHTUwsJaODUcxOLFurSZXOW3d0hUdKbNvWWRh1NPJoxB/gNtDkXz1TB14Ex4PMSvsy9Hn2kYmgRZDPiGGd5K/K91sbcTsSHF15r9+gpf6tsiZO7kAdrFj8nCNYBOJSPvMnrdjKjlkn0OUh6eOqjtFy//ov0Kkk/ys0+wCyh/3YTIpFYJgkQdgTvvzuBToucXyD2/CY8aEn/pT+wqsvMrh/7p/6lVDx1zq5wqgzdUjDSmmmBIZuwVbx+dWnhpQKHKPCo2R0GoT6ce4/OLKNmwkV2CcP8tOdnVB8LqMgmfqCjXZgt701ZvNf/e+UK0A4jSQ== laptop Then in filezilla open the site manager, and load up your SFTP settings. Under logon type instead of putting "normal" select "key file". Then click browse and click on the .ppk file that you created earlier. If you did everything right you can now login without a password.
  11. If your script is running on our servers the host is localhost.
  12. Which version of php are you using?
  13. What is your username, and what is the IP of the cams?
  14. The reason I said I'd handle them individually was because I wanted a domain that I could test, change settings, test again, change settings again, etc. Since wolstech has just been adding the domains manually I still don't have a test case to work on. I understand it's good customer service to get it fixed as quickly as possible for each particular user, but in the overall scheme of things it would be better for one user to have a broken domain for a little longer so we can fix it for everyone once and for all.
  15. We offer ASP.net hosting on our Windows server, Lily. Wolstech is our windows server admin and he can set you up with an account on Lily. He'll get in contact with you soon.
  16. 428 MB is in use by your mail accounts. Try deleting some junk mail perhaps?
  17. Make sure you add your postgresql user to the database through cpanel (not phppgadmin).
  18. There you go https://krydos2.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules37.py
  19. Unarchived.
  20. There you go https://krydos.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules37.py
  21. The extension curl has been installed on Johnny's php 5.6.
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