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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. You're on Tommy now. Thanks for the donation.
  2. .59% of our traffic comes from windows xp still. Even worse .03% of our traffic came from windows server 2003.
  3. https://wiki.helionet.org/accounts/moving-your-account
  4. Looks like the only reason this account was created was to send spam email. Probably should read the ToS first next time, and we can keep the account suspended. An except from one of the spam reports we received for this account
  5. Your account appears to be functioning fine. You can reset your password at https://www.heliohost.org/reset/ or https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/resetpass?start=1 if you can't login.
  6. Mysqlclient is a far superior and faster way to connect to a mysql database from a python script. If you insist on using mysql-connector you'll need to get a vps https://www.heliohost.org/vps/ where you will have root command line access to install any modules you want.
  7. In Linux files that start with a dot are hidden files, so file manager and ftp might not show them by default. If you want the file to show when you view a directory listing you need to enable the viewing of hidden files.
  8. Your account was archived not suspended. Suspended means you violated our terms of service or caused too much load. Archived means you abandoned your account and didn't log in for at least 60 days. Unarchived.
  9. APCu has been installed on Tommy's php 7.3 https://krydos.heliohost.org/73/phpinfo.php
  10. We already have mysqlclient installed on Tommy's python 3.7 https://krydos.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules37.py
  11. You can reset your password yourself at https://www.heliohost.org/reset/ or at https://ricky.heliohost.org:2083/resetpass?start=1
  12. There you go https://krydos2.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules37.py
  13. Go to https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=P63828V7WFM54 and make a donation of $1 USD or moreThen go to https://www.helionet.org/index/forum/45-customer-service/ and click "Start New Topic"Post the followingYour paypal transaction IDYour usernameYour main domainYour current serverThe server you wish to move to I checked the logs, and the last time your account was suspended for inactivity was April 21st. Are you sure your account was inactive?
  14. You can probably store somewhere around 65 million words in 1 GB of storage. I'm not sure how many auto replies you plan on sending, but I'm pretty sure that will be enough. Text doesn't take up much storage. Pictures take a lot more, and videos take even more space than that. For instance you can probably fit about 50 minutes of 1080p video into 1 GB as long as it's compressed well.
  15. You're of course welcome to donate as much or as little as you want, and even set up a recurring donation if you wish. The minimum to get moved to Tommy though is a one time donation of $1 USD. If you're considering donating anyways it might also interest you to know that for a $5 donation you can get your storage space doubled. So it's minimum of $6 to get moved to Tommy AND have extra storage added. Your account is at 218 MB our of 1000 MB right now, and your space could be raised to 2000 MB if you want. The next thing that I suggest is making sure you are receiving our emails. You get a warning several days in advance of your website being taken offline for inactivity. Then you get another email at the exact moment your website is taken down. If you were to whitelist our emails from no-reply@heliohost.org it would prevent this from happening again because you would know several days in advance that you needed to log in. If you want I can set it up to send you a test email to make sure it's working, and you're receiving them correctly. We have discussed setting up a system to prevent account inactivity by donating each month, and that is something we'd like to do in the future because quite a few people have requested it, but it hasn't been done yet. Keep an eye on our news on our main website, here on the forums, on facebook, on twitter, or even on our discord channel, whichever is most convenient for you, because we will make a news post when we add this functionality. Finally, I just tested logging in to your server, Ricky, via https://www.heliohost.org/login/ and it correctly updated the last login date in our database. I'm not sure why it didn't work for you.
  16. @tarot, our intention isn't to embarrass you. We just have a policy of verifying donations before we move anyone's account because in the past we've had people claim they donated when they actually hadn't to try to get services for free. @wolstech, I've considered closing the gofundme down, but I don't think it's a good idea to refuse donations of any form. One of the advantages to gofundme is they do quite a bit of research on your company before they give you the "Registered nonprofit - Donations are 100% tax deductible" badge. Anyone can create a paypal account and pretend to be a non-profit, but if gofundme says we're a non-profit people can trust them because they have done the research. The last gofundme closed on it's own after a few months without any donations, and I expected this one to do the same, but people keep finding it and donating. Some of them might not even use our service, and they just found HelioHost by searching through charities on gofundme. When you create a campaign you can choose whether or not to have it be searchable, and like I said we're not going to refuse any donations no matter how big or small or where they come from so I definitely let them make it searchable. It does say that the server was purchased right at the top of the updates, and the total raised is now $200 over what we asked for. My plan was to lock the sparkie fundraiser when we started our next fundraiser, and put a link to the new one so people can donate to that instead. That way we'll have one gofundme option for people who would prefer to donate that way. I've sort of put the new fundraiser on hold for a few months because of the pandemic though. We should probably get a new fundraiser going soon. Anyways, I have verified the donation, and moved your account to Tommy. Thank you very much for the donation. We really appreciate it.
  17. Ahh, that might explain it. When an account is inactive for 60+ days the archival script takes a look at it. If it has any content on it at all, like a database, or even just a single html file, it will archive the account which saves all your data, but if the account is completely empty, no databases, no files, no nothing, then it just deletes the account because it's pointless to archive something that doesn't have any content so you might as well just make a new account. That might be what happened to you. I just assumed that you had actually used your account prior to it disappearing. A Tommy invitation has been sent to your gmail address that we have on file for you.
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