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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. There you go https://krydos2.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules37.py
  2. You forum username has been changed.
  3. The next problem I see is your test.py file has Dos line endings. This is usually caused by using a Windows editor, such as notepad, that doesn't understand line endings, and then uploading the file to the server. This is a Linux server, so you need to have Linux line endings. The easiest way to accomplish this is to create the file through the cpanel file editor, and copy/paste your code in. If you prefer to use an editor on your Windows computer and then upload through FTP you'll need to get an editor that understands line endings. I've never used it myself, but I've heard that Notepad++ can do this.
  4. CGI is different from running python scripts on the command line, because you have to output a header. Without a content-type header your script will always give a 500 error. Try this code: #!/usr/bin/python3.7 print("Content-Type: text/html\n\n") print("HelioHost rules!")
  5. Accounts don't just mysteriously disappear on their own. You or someone that knows your password deleted it. Would you like an invite to recreate your account? It looks like you've tried Johnny, Ricky, and Tommy was the latest. I would assume you would want to recreate your account on Tommy. If you do decide to recreate your account please make sure there are no keylogger malware on your computer and you use a strong password to prevent this from happening again.
  6. The Tommy invitation link that was automatically sent to your paypal email address has been invalidated, and your existing Johnny account, daisycit, has been moved to Tommy. Thanks for the donation.
  7. Were you aware that one of the things in our terms of service that you agreed to was Why do you have six accounts?
  8. The VPS is all ready to go. Check your email.
  9. pdjm.heliohost.org now points to /home/amalgd/public_html/pdjm/
  10. Perhaps try something like this https://stackoverflow.com/a/18967744/2336864
  11. By default apache ignores .htaccess files. You have to edit the configuration, find the directory block, and change "AllowOverride None" to "AllowOverride All".
  12. You donated $5, so you can get more than the $4 VPS. You could get 1 GB memory, 6 cpus, and 50 GB hard drive, or your could get 1 GB memory, 2 cpus, and 150 GB hard drive, or you could get 1 GB memory, 4 cpus, and 100 GB hard drive, etc. etc. It's odd that the paypal website doesn't work for you, and yet you're able to access paypal and send a payment anyways. I just tested the vps page and it worked for me. I wonder if it's a country thing? I searched and paypal is supposed to work in your country. Anyways, let me know what stats you want on your VPS and I'll get it set up for you as soon as possible.
  13. Johnny's python 3.7 discord.py-1.2.5 has been upgraded to discord.py-1.4.1. https://krydos2.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules37.py
  14. Are you asking about how to run flask in your web root instead of a subdirectory? You just move all your files from public_html/flask/ to public_html/ and then update your .htaccess and flask.wsgi paths to match. The reason we recommend running flask in a subdirectory is so you can use your account for more than one thing. If you run flask in the web root, then that's all you can do with your whole account.
  15. It explains how to set up the flask directory in the wiki https://wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/flask
  16. First of all, you didn't make it a recurring donation, so you'll only be able to use the VPS for 1 month. You'll either need to remember to make a new donation after that month is up, or your VPS will be shut down. Second, what stats do you want on your VPS? You need to pick hard drive space between 50-300 GB, 2-8 cpus and 1-32 GB memory. Third, why didn't you just use https://www.heliohost.org/vps/ ?
  17. Canceled. Thanks for using our VPS service.
  18. There you go https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=nonstate.heliohost.org
  19. You're on Tommy now. Thanks for the donation. We really appreciate it. I should also mention that unless you have prior written authorization from a HelioHost admin, having more than one account is a violation of our terms of service even if you're a donor. If you have a good reason to need more than one account please let us know, and we can consider the request. Tommy has Autossl which means as long as you don't try to install your own ssl certificate and mess it up cpanel will automatically install an ssl certificate on all of your hosted domains, and renew them too when they get close to expiring. Cloudflare and poorly written .htaccess files and a few things like that can mess up Autossl too. You can delete your account yourself at http://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/delete If that page doesn't work for you, or if you'd prefer us to delete your account for you we will need to send an email to the contact address, and you'll need to reply confirming that you own the account and you do want it deleted. The confirmation is required to prevent people from just randomly requesting deletion of someone else's account.
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