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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. You should probably fix all this cross origin resource sharing junk
  2. Yeah, we'll get php 7.4 eventually. No set date yet.
  3. You just create a start.py and stop.py cgi scripts based on the idea at https://wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/discord-bot#starting-and-stopping-your-bot Then when you want to start your script you go to domain.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/start.py and when you want to stop the script you go to domain.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/stop.py
  4. Here's the instructions on how to edit the wiki https://wiki.helionet.org/misc/contributing Let us know when you have submitted a pull request and we can merge it. The old wiki is still available at http://wikiold.helionet.org for reference, but all new content and edits will happen on the new wiki.
  5. You can update the .war file, and deploy a new one as long as it has the same filename as the previous deployment.
  6. Your java deployment has been moved to ssl https://sepiqon.heliohost.org/sepiqon_server2/ Keep in mind if you change the filename the ssl will no longer work.
  7. Is there any useful information in the email you get when the cron runs? Perhaps it's time to try the cgi method of starting the server since cron doesn't seem to be working? At least that way you can start/stop it as many times a day as you want instead of worrying about exceeding your cron limit.
  8. It sounds like tycoonlover is fine on Ricky for now, but a few things to keep in mind for people who search and find this thread. Signups don't happen at exactly midnight UTC to the second. They usually occur 3-6 seconds after midnight UTC. That means if you're spam refreshing the signup page and it says you have to wait 23 hours and 60 seconds it might be worth refreshing a couple more times. Johnny, Ricky and Tommy reset at exactly the same time to the millisecond though, so if you see Ricky and Johnny suddenly have available free signups, but Tommy is full that means you missed it for the day. If you want to set up your site first, and experiment on our free service you can create an account on Johnny and Ricky first, and then transfer to Tommy later. If you want a free Tommy account you'll still need to delete your existing account and try to get a free signup on Tommy, but if you're willing to donate as little as $1 USD an admin can move your existing Johnny or Ricky account to Tommy for you. This minimizes the downtime for your website, and obviously saves you a lot of hassle. When you're ready to move just make a donation https://www.heliohost.org/donate/ and then post your transaction ID and username on the forum. Some real numbers for free Tommy signups: 07-24: 7.045s, 07-23: 0.604s, 07-22: 0.482s (this one might be a new record actually), 07-21: 6.115s, 07-20: 4.727s etc. Occasionally free Tommy signups last for 10 minutes though. It just depends on the day. The number of free signups vary depending on load and how many accounts are already on Tommy. We have to limit free signups to prevent Tommy from becoming as overloaded as Johnny and uptime plummeting. If you don't already have an account you can donate and get an automated Tommy invite sent to you. Just go to https://www.heliohost.org/tommy/ to make a donation of $1 USD or more, and usually within 10 minutes or so you should get an email to your paypal email address. This invite is good any time of the day even if Tommy is full for the day. You can click the link in the email and create your Tommy account when it's convenient for you. If the invite hasn't arrived after 24 hours let us know, and we can send out a manual invite instead.
  9. The domain earlyedresearch.org isn't hosted by us. In order for earlyedresearch.org/cgi-bin/test.py to work you'd need to log in to whatever server hosts the earlyedresearch.org domain and put your files there. If you want to host earlyedresearch.org with us you'll need to log in to your registrar's website and change your nameservers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. The other option is you could change your main domain to something like earlyedresearch.heliohost.org by logging in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ and then click the "Change Main Domain" button.
  10. Make sure you're receiving our emails. They come from no-reply@heliohost.org. You should receive a warning a couple days before your account goes inactive, and then another email when your website is taken offline.
  11. I had another idea. You could make a loading page that would load instantly, and then check if ghost is running. Then if ghost is running redirect automatically. If ghost isn't running or gives a 503 error it just waits a second and tries again until ghost is functional, and then it redirects. Here's a quick example: <?php $url = "https://ghost.krydos.heliohost.org/"; $msg = "Loading ghost..."; if ($_GET['retry'] == "") { echo "$msg<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url=?retry=yes' />"; exit; } $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10000); $f = curl_exec($ch); $h = curl_getinfo($ch); curl_close($ch); $status = $h['http_code']; if ($status == "200") { header("Location: $url"); exit; } else { echo "$msg<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1;url=?retry=yes' />"; exit; } You can test it out at https://krydos.heliohost.org/ghost/ which redirects to ghost at ghost.krydos.heliohost.org Obviously if you're using this code on a production website you'd want to style it and make it a little prettier... haha. Also meta refreshes are kind of a dirty hack and are frowned upon and you shouldn't use them, but they still work. A better page refresh option would be javascript. Also this page the way it's written will just try again and again and again over and over forever, which could cause load problems if ghost wouldn't start and someone left this page open refreshing over and over all day. So it would be wise to implement a counter and after the page refreshes like 5 times, just give up and display an error message. Like I said, it's a quick example.
  12. I just opened my ghost install in a browser https://krydos.heliohost.org/ghost/ and it took like 15 seconds, but it didn't show a 503. Maybe they changed the behavior in the newer version that I installed? EDIT: Nevermind, I guess it was a fluke. I killed the ghost process and tried loading it again and it gave the 503 this time.
  13. An external cron that we set up is going to cause just as much load as an external cron from any other site. The way passenger works is this. Node applications take a lot of memory when they're running, but they only need to run when someone is actually looking at the website. The first time you request a node page it takes a second or two to load, and once the node app is running it responds quickly. After 5 minutes or so of no page hits passenger wisely unloads your node app from memory which helps keep your account and the whole server's load low. This is by design. The problem with ghost is it stupidly says 503 when it's loading instead of just taking a second longer to load like a normal node app and then showing the home page. People have asked ghost to change this behavior and they have stupidly refused. Obviously you've discovered that to avoid that 503 error you just keep ghost from unloading from memory by setting up a cron or site monitor to ping your website every once in a while. This is why you're getting suspended. Your ghost page is never unloading from memory. Your sitemonitor or cron or whatever is causing so much load that you're getting suspended. It doesn't matter if the page request comes from our servers or someone else's server. The solution to your high load is to just let passenger do it's thing and unload your ghost when it's not being viewed. The other option is of course you could also get a vps and then your ghost app could run constantly and you wouldn't even need a cron or sitemonitor to keep the 503's away. https://www.heliohost.org/vps/ Another option is you could edit the ghost code to not display the 503 error somehow.
  14. You're on Tommy now. Thanks for the donation.
  15. Does your script have some sort of exit condition, or should it run forever? EDIT: Why don't you try this:
  16. The data cannot be recovered because a hacker had access to your account and was using it for illegal phishing activity. There could be stolen information in your files, and giving you the data could essentially be giving you credit card numbers, etc. All the data is being held as evidence for law enforcement. This happens all the time with wordpress. The best solution is to not use wordpress.
  17. I can see your cronjob now, and it looks right. We'll find out if it works in 8 hours and 15 minutes I guess.
  18. You're on Tommy now. Thanks for the donation.
  19. I guess we'll wait for the tutorial link?
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