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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Sure. Yes. You can move for free if you want. The process to move for free isBackup your accountDelete your accountRecreate your account on TommyRestore your backupKeep in mind that step 3 can sometimes take a few tries over several days. Free Tommy signups open at midnight UTC and are open usually 10 seconds or less so you have to be fast to get a free Tommy account. The other option is you can donate $1 USD or more, and an admin will move your account to Tommy for you which means you don't have to backup, delete, re-signup, and restore. The existing account and all its settings is just moved to Tommy.
  2. No, CentOS ships with a fairly old version of gcc. The version of gcc that we're currently using is fully compatible with CentOS, but if I was to update gcc it wouldn't be anymore. No.
  3. It can take up to 15 mins to start working again. You waited 2 minutes.
  4. It looks like there are two solutions to this issue Use an older version of python, such as 3.6, that is compatible with CentOS's older gccUpgrade CentOS's gcc to a newer version that is compatible with newer versions of python, such as 3.7 that we have installed or even 3.8Neither of these things are possible because upgrading gcc would break many other things on the server, and hundreds of other people are using already using python 3.7 so downgrading it would likely break everyone else's code. This won't work on Tommy either, because he has the same gcc version and python 3.7 too. Ricky has flask on python 2.7 so that probably isn't an option either. It looks like the only options left for you is Figure out how to do what you're trying to do without tensorflowSwitch to a vps https://www.heliohost.org/vps/ where you will have root command line access to install whatever versions of gcc and python and tensorflow that will work together.
  5. Of course you can. I would just make new start and stop cgi scripts for the other node.js app. I'm actually not sure how you would differentiate between the node.js processes with stop.py though. You'd probably just have to have start scripts for each node app, and then one stop that would stop all of them. You could put the new node.js files in their own directory, or if they share some dependencies it might save disk space to have them use the same node_modules directory. Your load looks fine so far.
  6. To change your hosting username you have to backup all of your data, delete your whole account, recreate your account with the new username, and restore your backup. It's a huge hassle, a waste of time, and completely pointless in my opinion, but some people actually go through all that work to do it. To change your forum username, just post the new username you want and we can change that for you really easily. To change your main domain you just need to go to https://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/domain and type in the new domain you want to use. Please be aware that the new domain can't already be added to an account as an addon or alias domain. If you want to change an alias or addon domain to your main domain you have to first delete it from your account fully before trying to change your main domain. Let us know if you need help.
  7. Your account was suspended at 1:43am UTC. At the time that you were suspended you were at 100 memory usage, which means you were using more memory than every other account on the entire server. Once your account is suspended it causes basically no load, which is the whole point of suspending high load accounts. So your account is suspended for 7 hours and 53 minutes until 9:36am UTC when it was unsuspended. At 9:48am UTC you check the load. Keep in mind that the load meter measures from midnight UTC to midnight UTC. Your account has only been unsuspended for 1 hour and 55 minutes so far today. That's only 19.5% of the day so far. The other 80.5% of the day your account has been suspended, and you still managed to be at 65 memory level even though your account has been suspended for 80.5% of that day. Hopefully that helps you understand the numbers a little better because it seems like you were implying you shouldn't have been suspended, or implying that your account wasn't causing the most load or something. Let us know if you have any questions about how it all works, or if you need help reducing your load.
  8. You say this subprocess.Popen("/usr/bin/node /home/lookyweb/node/message.js") but when I look at the file I see this subprocess.Popen("/lookyweb/bin/node/home/lookyweb/node/message.js") The directory /lookyweb/ definitely doesn't exist so that will never work. The other thing I forgot to mention is if you open a command with an argument like that with popen you also have to add shell=True to the command. So now I edited it to look like this: subprocess.Popen("/usr/bin/node /home/lookyweb/node/message.js", shell=True) It looks like it's working. Go ahead and test it out, and if you leave it running please be sure to check your account load page frequently for the first few days.
  9. I'm guessing you created a new account because your old account got archived? You're only allowed to have one active account at a time, so if you want your old account unarchived you must delete your new account first at http://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/delete Let us know once it's deleted and we can unarchive your old account. If you'd rather just start over with a new account that is fine too. Welcome back.
  10. There you go https://krydos2.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules37.py
  11. The extension postgis has been created on the database readerx_db.
  12. Also merged duplicate threads. Please don't create multiple requests for the same thing.
  13. subprocess.Popen("/home/lookyweb/message.js") That file isn't executable because it doesn't have a shebang so that won't do anything. Try this subprocess.Popen("/usr/bin/node /home/lookyweb/message.js") Also if 'message.js'.encode('utf-8') in line: this won't do anything either because the executable will be "node" and the arguement passed to the node executable will be "message.js". You can't kill a process based on its argument like that. So try this if 'node'.encode('utf-8') in line:
  14. I'm not sure what you think a VPS is, but you get root command line access. That is "full control of the computer or virtual machine."
  15. Yes, I would definitely use a database to store emails and passwords for people. Make sure you don't store the passwords in plaintext either. They need to be salted and hashed. Storing emails and passwords in a text file is probably one of the worst ideas I've heard in a long time. What if someone figures out the name of the text file and just goes to yourdomain.heliohost.org/passwords.txt and everything is displayed? It may take a tiny bit more work now to figure out how to use a database and everything, but it will pay off in the long run. Develop good habits today, and you won't end up with a disaster later on.
  16. You can see the python modules that are currently installed on Johnny's python 3.7 at this link https://krydos2.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules37.py Go through the lines in your requirements.txt file and make sure each of them is listed on that link. If any of them aren't listed please post back which ones need to be installed.
  17. Usernames have to be 8 characters or less. The javascript enforces this, and the php enforces this too, but apparently if you create a forum account first with a ridiculously long username, and then try to create a hosting account using that same email address the username is imported from the forum and allows you to get around both the length checks. Of course that doesn't get you very far though, because the cpanel account creation script will still fail on the long username, which is why the javascript and php code tries to prevent the invalid username in the first place. You're the first one who has experienced this particular "bug" out of 437,671 people so far who have created an account using this version of the website. I requeued your account with the username angusnm3 this time, and it created successfully.
  18. Why not store data in a database? If you insist on writing to a file for some reason, I would bet the reason it is failing is permissions.
  19. What language do you intend to write the server side in?
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