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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Moving to Tommy is a minimum donation of $1. Getting storage increased from 1000 MB to 2000 MB is a minimum donation of $5. To get both is a minimum donation of $6.
  2. You get a 404 not found error, because that file 403.html doesn't exist: # ls /home/djboutit/public_html/403.html ls: cannot access /home/djboutit/public_html/403.html: No such file or directory # cat /home/djboutit/public_html/.htaccess # Your .htaccess file doesn't have anything in it.
  3. Alright, it looks like you're all good to go. One thing I noticed is /usr/sbin/ isn't on the path. So when you said fsck isn't installed, it actually is at /usr/sbin/fsck, but running the command fsck can't find it. The command /usr/sbin/reboot isn't on the path either, so issuing the command reboot won't work either. Something to look in to, or keep in mind for the future when commands don't work as expected. I was able to log in and fsck your hard drive. It looks like it fixed all the errors. Then I was able to cleanly reboot your VPS. The reboot took about 30 minutes though because one of your processes really didn't want to die, but I just waited it out and eventually it shut down. Not sure if all reboots will take that long, or that process was just having a bad day. I installed open-vm-tools package so if we need to shutdown or reboot your VPS in the future for maintenance this won't happen again. That doesn't happen very often though.
  4. Thanks for the donation. You're on Tommy now. Your login information is the same. You can log in exactly the same as before with your username or email address at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ or you can login directly with your username only at https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/
  5. You can check Johnny's load with this image:
  6. I think I found the reason that Ricky has been doing this occasionally. It looks like the malfunction happened on August 15th, and has been affecting apache reboots occasionally since then. Thanks for reporting it. Hopefully it's fixed now.
  7. I tried logging in with the default password that I sent you, but it said it was invalid. Did you change the password? If so I'll need the new password to do anything. Obviously don't post it on this forum, but you can email it to me if you want. The other option is I can just yank the power cord out of the wall and then power it back on. That's unlikely to do anything other than maybe cause more filesystem corruption. I think this was actually all my fault in the first place now that I think about it. I was kind of in a rush to get the VPS done and I forgot to install vmware tools. That package allows my to cleanly shutdown or reboot a VPS through my admin control panel. Without vmware tools when I needed to power your VPS off for the maintenance I just had to yank the power on it, which is probably what caused the corruption in the first place. Sorry about that.
  8. It's possible to get an invalid login message even if you have the right username and password if the server that your account is on is down or has high load. Johnny, the server that you picked, has high load fairly frequently so don't panic if it says invalid login. Check the server load, and if it's high you can just try again later when the load has dropped.
  9. Your account has already been renewed, and your domain appears to be working. If you can't login try resetting your password. Let us know if you're still having any issues, but I'm marking it solved for now.
  10. Ricky was scheduled to be upgraded and rebuilt in March or so of this year, but it got delayed due to the pandemic. Once it's safe to travel we'll get someone to the datacenter in California for some long overdue maintenance, and then upgrading Ricky is the top priority after that. If you need a newer cpanel before then you'll have to switch to Tommy or Johnny which are both running cpanel 84. Is there any feature in particular on the new cpanel that you need?
  11. You'll need to run that command on your development system and then upload the results to the server. If that doesn't work or you still need shell access you will have to get a vps https://www.heliohost.org/vps/ where you will have full root shell access. SSH isn't available on our free shared hosting accounts.
  12. Your wordpress installation was hacked and used for illegal activity. That account cannot be unsuspended or backed up as it is being held as evidence for law enforcement. You'll need to create a new account. I have sent an invite to create a new Tommy account to your gmail address. Please don't install wordpress again.
  13. What is the command supposed to do? I don't even have to try to run it to know that it's just going to say that it can't find a file named "artisan".
  14. You picked the Johnny server, which doesn't have autossl. Ricky and Tommy have autossl though. On Johnny ssl is still supported; you just have to install the certificate yourself. Zerossl has changed their website a little since we wrote this guide, but here's the wiki article for installing free let's encrypt certificate on Johnny https://wiki.helionet.org/management/johnny-ssl The reason we have autossl disabled on Johnny, by the way, is to reduce load which allows us to fit even more accounts on to that server.
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