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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Ok, I set up your .htaccess for you. I made it a little more elegant than my simple example above. RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^-?$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !ua.html$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://dl5ark.heliohost.org/ua.html [R=301,L] and ua.html is this Please provide a non-blank user agent to access this site. That way the blank user agent bots will have a useful error, and can change their bot to continue accessing your site if they want to. Thanks for being so responsive, and trying so hard to fix this issue, by the way.
  2. Depends on what the php script does. I could easily write a php script with less than 10 lines of code that gobbles up 512 MB of memory and pegs the cpu at 100% for 60 seconds and then only outputs 15 bytes of bandwidth.
  3. Well, the load is coming from php for sure. Unless you're using a custom error page that points all 404 requests to a php script, that probably isn't the cause of your high load. Without a custom error page apache just handles 404 errors on its own which causes very little load. I think you should block some of the bots, especially the "empty user agent string" bots, using .htaccess like I suggested. Unless you know what they are for sure I would say that wget, fetcher, obot, and old firefox versions should probably be blocked too.
  4. I think those are temporary files that are created when you use phpmyadmin. Have you been using phpmyadmin?
  5. If you want to block the "empty user agent string" bots you can do so by putting this in your .htaccess RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [F,L]
  6. That's a lot of bot hits. Any idea what "empty user agent string" could be? Unless you know what that is it's probably malicious because respectable bots identify themselves.
  7. You are getting hit by a lot of bots looking to hack Wordpress installs. Obviously you don't actually have a Wordpress install though so they're all getting 404 errors. Do you have a custom 404 page that is served by php perhaps?
  8. I have unsuspended your account so you can log in to cpanel, edit files, view reports, etc, but I have left the suspended notice in place. I recommend leaving the suspended page in place for at least 5.5 hours until midnight UTC when the day resets. If you want to take the suspended page down let me know and I'll remove it for you, but it might be wise to replace some of your pages with temporarily down messages served from static html files before we do that.
  9. Have you tried looking at the raw access logs and other metrics tools in cpanel? Perhaps your site is getting pounded by bots too?
  10. It's mainly this guys fault that Tommy is slow the last few days https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/41097-solved-suspended-dl5ark/ Feel free to yell at him. Haha. Surprisingly it's not Wordpress on his account causing the high load this time, but it usually is. Unsurprisingly, you're the second highest memory usage on Tommy today. I've seen this happen like 50 times. Whoever complains the most about Tommy being slow is 99% chance of being the one causing the slowness themselves with Wordpress. Like Wolstech already said, Wordpress is garbage software. If you insist on using Wordpress you can speed up your site massively, reduce your load massively, and reduce your chance of getting hacked to basically none by using this plugin https://hostadvice.com/how-to/how-to-convert-a-wordpress-site-to-a-static-html-website/ It's called Simply Static plugin. Give it a try and let us know how it works for you. Not a threat because I really don't have control over who causes the most load and gets automatically suspended for it, but if you don't try the plugin or switch to something other than Wordpress you have a strong chance of being suspended for high load eventually. Also, I want to mention that you need to keep an eye on your account load if you don't want to get suspended. You can find it located at https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/load/index.live.php or just search for "Account Load". Here's what your graph looks like. The closer you are to 100 the higher your chance of being suspended.
  11. We don't make backups of your account. You're responsible for doing that yourself and we provide the tools in cpanel to take full backups whenever you want. Perhaps Luigi wasn't clear, but if you wanted us to move your account you needed to NOT delete it. Javascript is run in your browser, not on the server. The server sends the .js files to the browser exactly the same as it would send .html files. Perhaps you need to clear your browser cache? Sometimes browsers cache .js files rather than downloading a new copy each time to make websites appear to load faster.
  12. Only a few servers in the world are seeing ns1.heliohost.org set correctly, and there is no mention of ns2.heliohost.org anywhere. https://dnschecker.org/#NS/abduh.us.to Have you tried setting abduh.us.to as your main domain using this link https://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/domain ?
  13. Have you requested java access? https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/java/index.live.php Java increases the server load considerably for each person who has access so we have to limit it to only the accounts that need it, and Johnny, the server that you picked, currently has a wait list of about 2 weeks to get java access. If you need jsp code to work immediately you'll need to move your account to Tommy.
  14. It looks like you successfully deleted your Johnny account, received an automated Tommy invite, recreated your account, your main domain works, and autossl has already even set up https for you. The next step would be to restore your backup and get your site working again. I'll leave this topic unsolved in case you have any issues restoring your backup.
  15. All it says is the load is coming from php 5.4. It looks like all of your subdirectories use php 5.4 though so that doesn't narrow it down much. If you want to test different directories individually you would have to assign them different versions of php by editing the .htaccess in each subdirectory and putting a different php version like below <IfModule mime_module> AddHandler application/x-httpd-ea-php54 .php .php5 .phtml </IfModule> Even after being suspended for most of the day your account is currently using 389% more memory than #2, and you're #1 on cpu usage too. If Tommy gets high load and needs to suspend an account to reduce the overal server load your account is #1 on the list to be suspended.
  16. Try removing these lines at the bottom: php_value post_max_size 4G php_value upload_max_filesize 4G php_value memory_limit 512M Trying to do any php_value code in your .htaccess will surely result in a 500 error because regular users don't have permission to edit php.ini. Furthermore, your account only has 1000 MB storage, so trying to allow 4 GB uploads is ridiculous.
  17. You can check the progress of your DNS propagation using this tool https://dnschecker.org/#NS/caiquedb.tk Once all the lines say ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org you should be good to add the domain to cpanel. Also, my advice is to keep your caiquedb.heliohost.org domain as your main domain and add caiquedb.tk as an alias. Freenom is infamous for "giving" you a free domain until you get more than maybe 3 people going to your site. Then they take down your website, replace it with a bunch of spammy ads, and try to charge you like $20 to get your domain back. It's happened to me and hundreds of other HelioHost users. Freenom is kind of a scam.
  18. If you use our nameservers you shouldn't have to forward anything. Using our nameservers mean that we're hosting the domain. Forwarding means godaddy is actually hosting the domain and then redirecting people to your free domain with us. That extra redirect will cost visitors to your site an extra second or so too because they have to load the page, and then get told to load some other page instead. If you use our nameservers that will make your site appear faster in the browser too because your browser won't have to follow the redirects.
  19. You can sometimes get some error log information from this page https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/stats/errlog.html but if you post the URL or path to your script an admin can sometimes get more useful information for you. The reason you can't access the detailed error logs directly is because you're on a shared server with thousands of other users, and there may be private information in the detailed error logs. If you want direct access to all of the logs you could consider getting a VPS https://www.heliohost.org/vps/ where you'll have root ssh access to run your scripts and view all the logs. One of the most common reasons for 500 errors is trying to load modules that aren't installed. You can see the modules that are currently installed on Johnny at https://krydos2.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules27.py https://krydos2.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules37.py
  20. Try deleting or renaming your .htaccess file. If that fixes the 500 error it will narrow down that the issue is in the .htaccess.
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