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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. You can set it as your main domain and it should work.
  2. Not really. Most of the log files are full of information from all of the users on the server, so we can't provide direct access due to the possibility that the logs contain private information from another user. There is the error log button in cpanel that you may not have seen yet. Sometimes it contains useful information, but most of the time an admin can get a more detailed error message. Cron jobs can usually do a pretty good job of emailing you the errors, but you can only use them twice a day so that limits the usefulness. If you want us to try to get you a better error message just post the URL to the flask app. Probably. Most of the time in a production environment you want potentially malicious visitors to your site to not see the error messages, because they could use them against you to find vulnerabilities in your code. PHP ships with error messages disabled by default for this reason, and it wouldn't surprise me if flask was the same way. Make a post in customer service, and include your username, server, and python version that you're using. You can just reply to this thread if you want rather than making a new post. Not a big deal. Wow, you're right. That semicolon has probably been there for 4 years or more. It works with it there and it works without it there so erroneous might be too strong of a word since it doesn't cause an error. I would agree with the word unneeded though. I edited the wiki. Thanks for pointing that out.
  3. It seems like more and more registrar's are doing this lately. It's a circular dependency. Cpanel requires the nameservers to be set before you can add the domain, and the registrar requires the domain to be added to cpanel before they will let you set the nameservers. The industry standard for the last 25 years or so is to set the nameservers at the registrar first and then add the domain to httpd.conf which is what cpanel does when you alias or addon a domain. It makes 100 times more sense to do it this way, because the nameserver check that cpanel does prevents people from doing dumb things like trying to add google.com as an addon domain. The best option is to contact your registrar and tell them their system is broken and they need to fix it, but obviously that rarely works. A workaround is you can still use your domain from a broken registrar as your main domain, but then you can only have one such domain on your account. Some registrar you can trick by changing your main to the broken domain, and then getting them to set the nameservers correctly and then change your main domain back and add it as an alias or an addon domain quickly before they notice. Sometimes it works and other times it doesn't.
  4. Autossl can take up to 24 hours after you add a domain to start working. If you've added the domain less than 24 hours ago you just need to be patient. If you added the domain more than 24 hours ago and autossl still isn't working let us know and we can take a look. I checked your domain, and apparently in the 8 minutes since you made your post ssl has started working. You can see the details of your autossl certificate at https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=plantgreenpg.com Try adding this to your .htaccess: <IfModule mod_gzip.c> RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1 [NS,E=no-gzip:1,E=dont-vary:1] </IfModule> Memory usage and disk usage are two different things. Memory gets used when someone visits your site and a php script like index.php runs. Disk space gets used up when you upload files to your account like images, etc. The reason your memory is sometimes at 100 is because wordpress is terrible software. If you insist on using it for some reason I recommend trying this plugin https://www.simplystatic.co/ It will speed up your site, reduce your load, and help prevent your site from being hacked.
  5. I guess my phrasing is a little confusing. What might be more accurate way to explain it is your account basically goes into donor mode for 2 months from the date of your donation which means it doesn't need cpanel logins to update your last login date. 2020-12-10 is when your account goes back into free mode, and when that happens you have 30 days before your account gets flagged as inactive. So yes, you're right, if you didn't log in at all your account would go inactive on 2021-01-09, which is 30 days from 2020-12-10. Maybe I should change the way I phrase it.
  6. Unblocked. It was for failed IMAP logins, so make sure your credentials are saved properly in your mail clients.
  7. Unblocked. It was for failed SFTP logins, so make sure you have your credentials saved correctly in your SFTP client.
  8. I have increased your storage to the maximum, and you don't need to log in to cpanel to keep your account active until 2020-12-10. Let us know if there is anything else we can help you with. Thank you so much for your donation!
  9. No, it shouldn't have any effect. You're on Johnny though which is our experimental server. That means he experiences lots of instability and high load spikes. Johnny just probably happened to be having high load around the same time that you set your picture which can cause invalid login messages and 500 errors.
  10. Our organization is located in the US, so it is illegal for us to provide service to anyone from Iran. Sorry for the inconvenience, but you'll need to find another hosting provider, or convince our governments to get along. EDIT: It might also be useful for you to know that cpanel is based in the US as well, so you won't be able to use any hosting provider with cpanel.
  11. Try this https://www.simplystatic.co/ It increases the speed of your site, reduces the load, and as long as you block access to the dynamic part of your login reduces your chances of getting hacked to nearly zero. Also, you're in violation of our terms of service. Each user is allowed to have one account. Please delete all accounts in excess of one immediately. I wouldn't have unarchived your other account if I had noticed.
  12. You're actually on Tommy, so for the host use tommy.heliohost.org or
  13. We implemented a way for users to deploy their own .war files since that post was made. I checked and it looks like you already have java enabled, so to deploy a .war you just need to Go to https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/java/index.live.phpClick the upload buttonSelect the .war file from your hard drive to upload to /home/slimsim/example.warSelect the .war file from the dropdown menu if there are more than 1 .war file uploaded to /home/slimsim/Click the deploy buttonWait patiently and refresh the page. For a new deployment, or if you change the filename of your .war file it can take up to 2 hours to deploy. If you submit an updated file with the same name as before it only takes a few minutes to deploy. If it takes longer than 2 hours let us know because there might be something wrong.When your .war file is deployed it will show a URL link to the deployed .warIf it fails to deploy it will let you know and you can contact us for detailed error logs. We aren't able to provide direct access to the error logs because they contain information for all of the users on your server, and might contain other people's private information
  14. 37 simultaneous postgresql connections left open and idle is too many. Please try to limit yourself to 4 open connections. If this happens again we will probably have to set a hard limit of 4 open connections for all Johnny users and if you try to open more than that you'll just get an error message. Unsuspended.
  15. You're on Tommy now. Thank you for the donation.
  16. Another person on your server was complaining about not being able to connect to postgresql too. Since he posted the actual error message I was able to figure out that one account on Johnny was hogging all the available postgresql connections. Perhaps this was your issue too? https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/41312-psql-remaining-connection-slots-are-reserved-for-non-replication-superuser-connections/
  17. That's the error message you see if someone on your server is using up all the available postgresql connections. Thanks for letting us know.
  18. I have increased your storage to 2000 MB, and you don't need to log in to cpanel to keep your account active until 2020-11-08. Let us know if there is anything else we can help you with. Thank you so much for your donation!
  19. You can monitor your load here https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/load/index.live.php
  20. I just tested your account by logging in to it and it is active, not suspended, and fully functional. Try resetting your password here https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/resetpass?start=1
  21. You might want to whitelist @heliohost.org emails to be delivered to your inbox. The inactivity warning emails comes about 2 days before your account becomes inactive from no-reply@heliohost.org. Then you get another email right before your website gets disabled for inactivity. If you want I can send you a test email to make sure you're receiving them.
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