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  1. Is my main domain gonna change while it's dns is set to cloudflare? since I noticed I should first remove the domain from being parked, I'm wondering if I should also remove its cloudflare dns or not.
  2. Hello, my name is zout, and I am here with a doubt, came to heliohost for lack of good accommodation providers on the internet, so in the future I will create my own website, but when I complete 400 posts and ask for a custom domain, after one year the domain disappears? Can I, then after a year, go back to having the domain? and, if the domain disappears, my site will be off the internet? I'll be online in helihost waiting for a response.[/font][/size][/i] Thanks and Hugs.
  3. Hi there, Having just gotten myself a new domain from bigrock.in, I have put in a request for domain change using the script here: http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/domain I then discovered that I was unable to change the Cname or txt records, although I was able to change the MX records. So I wanted to ask is that something I am not allowed to change as a server setting or is that something that will happen only once the new domain propagates? Edit: I should probably add the error I am getting is - You do not have permission to read the zone for : www.jheelam.in My problem is somewhat analogous to this one here: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/17300-answered-need-help-to-configure-dns-to-use-email/page__hl__%2Bzone+%2Brecords__fromsearch__1 A second query I had was regarding the nameservers. I have added ns1 and ns2.heliohost.org to the domain settings. However for some reason, their system is suggesting I should add their nameservers, as well, even-though I am not using their hosting. This does not make much logical sense to me. But not being experienced in server administration, I thought it more prudent to ask.....should I keep those 4 additional nameservers (the same ones mentioned in post linked above) or just the heliohost ones? Thanks in advance for your help. Username: redviper Domain: jheelam.in I'd also like to congratulate the mods here on how well organized this place. I've been here several times looking for answers and not had to post cause I found them well answered already. I've had the privilege of being a mod on a top 500 site myself and I know what a job it can be. So congrats on what you've achieved here and my grateful thanks as well, for making the effort. Cheers!
  4. I have problem in my domain recently changed my domain on that page: "http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/domain". My old website was: "eventoshabbid.heliohost.org" New domain: "habbideventos.tk" But I have a problem where my old domain is working and not working again. I have to wait 48 hours until my domain is stabilized? Here is a screenshot: My new domain is in Cpanel, but when I enter the url or on my new website (habbideventos.tk) of this error: My new domain is not recognized and is old. Should I wait 48 hours for everything to return to normal? Summary: I moved my domain, but I can not access the new domain added.
  5. I recently changed my domain, and I go through the cpanel port 80, and its domain is still the old domain, is there a way I can change the cpanel domain.
  6. Good Morning (or evening, depending on where you are), I have a few problems, 1. On my cpanel, I am trying to create a subdomain called: mail.clovisd.com or mail.clovisd.heliohost.org However, everytime I attempt this, it spits out this error: also, when trying to access mail.clovisd.com, I get forwarded to my old host, website is coming soon page. 2. I have correctly added my domain name: clovisd.com as a parked domain, with the nameservers pointed at: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org50% of the time, when trying to acces clovisd.com, I get forwarded to my old host's suspended page. 25% of the time, I am forwarded to an error page: Internal Server error 25%: of the time, I get sent to Account Queued Heliohost.net page. 3. This brings me onto my next point, I created my account over 28 hours ago and it is still in que? This doesn't add up with what the que script tells me (it says my account is already activated and working). 4. I have created subdomains, such as proxy.clovisd.com and these already have webfiles in them, however, everytime I try and visit it, I get this error: However, checking the error logs doesn't tell me much. Just: I have both flushed my DNS and cleared my browser cache and still get all of these issues. It may just be because I need to wait longer, or it may because all my stuff is crazy jumbled. Other than that, I am really pleased with what I have seen so far. Cheers, Clovis
  7. The domain I got from dot.tk doesn't work with heliohost. I did change the domain with the domain change script. After a few hours, the heliohost subdomain dissapeared, but my .tk domain redirects me into Heliohost account Queued page. Here's my settings: My CPanel username is "ermando". Please help.
  8. earlier i had an account on jhonny and i had parked my "uni.me" free domain on that account. now i have created an account on Stevie and deleted my old Jhonny account. Before deleting that Jhonny account i deleted the parked domain from cpanel. Now i am in a mess. When ever i am trying to park my "uni.me" free domain on Stevie account it is showing this following error : - [Error from park wrapper: Using nameservers with the following IPs:, Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers or have your administrator add one of its nameservers to /etc/ips.remotedns and make the proper A entries on that remote nameserver.] please help me with this. My free domain name is :- www.konnectiva.uni.me My previous account on Jhonny was : konnectiva.heliohost.org My current account on Stevie is : jlab.heliohost.org And please let me know what will be the nameservers for Stevie. Is it the same ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org, or something else?
  9. I'm trying to add the "jimbo1qaz.ro.lt" addon domain to my "jimbo1qa" account, with main domain jimmyli.org . But the system won't let me, complaining that "ro.lt" 's nameservers are pointing to ns1-4.afraid.org, instead of looking at "jimbo1qaz.ro.lt", which does point to the HelioHost nameservers.
  10. Hello, I am wondering if my add on domain has been configured yet, my user name is aulc1344 and the add on domain is columbusaltnewsradio.info I have refreshed my browsers cache as well. Thanks
  11. Good day! There is a problem with my account. I have set-up a subdomain but when I try to access it, it cannot be found. Thanks.
  12. This AJAX error is irritating me when every time I try to create a new folder on the folder of the Document Root of my Addon Domain: But after clicking the "OK" button on the alert, the created new folder will appear, I mean, it's created, but still, the error is irritating. But when I try to add a new folder on the folder of the Document Root of my main domain, that error doesn't exist.. Do anybody here experienced the same issue when creating a new folder on the Document Root's folder of an Addon Domain in File Manager? Is there any way to fix it? My details about what's folder of a Document Root that causes the error when I try to add a new folder and about what's my username, are in the attachment. I hope that irritation can be fixed, thanks!
  13. Mam/Sir, When I try to Addon the Domain example.tk instead that domain be added, it looks like it's creating example.main.tk subdomain.. Wherever I do, I couldn't add my another "dot tk" domain. Could you please give me a solution? And tell me what's the problem? My following information: My domain that couldn't be added: webdirectory.tk My cPanel username: mbdungo My main domain: firm.tk Thank you!
  14. Username: arsinx Domain: http://cv-management.heliohost.org/ server: johnny I made my account 4-5 days ago, and I could access my C-Panel the next day, but for some reason my domain does not seem to be working, I am currently getting an error 503 when I try to access it. Please Help
  15. Hi, Server : Stevie Domain: mrgrindsmith.com username : sthabile My site redirects to another domain auto-im.com as if it was hacked, I don't know what the cause could be, kindly help.
  16. Hello! When trying to add an addon domain to my hosting account, I receive this error message: "Sorry, you are not allowed to add any more than (0) addon domains! The domain below was not setup!" It was my understanding that I was allowed to add domains. Here is my information: Server: Stevie Username: crthell Main domain: crthell.tk I also am given this information from my cPanel stats: Parked Domains: 0 / 0 Addon Domains: 0 / 0 While some who are more maliciously inclined would fail to state this, cPanel also reports my storage as infinite. I don't want karma to bite me in the ass If this has, by chance, been posted in the wrong subforum, please correct my mistake Thank you for your assistance, crthell
  17. Hello Heliohost, First of all. I love your service. It's better in lot of segment as most of the host companies. Thank you for it. I would like to register a new .hu domain. I gave the ns1.heliohost.org, ns2.heliohost.org DNS datas to domain register. Changed my main domain with your script to eqaudio.hu. Everything seems correctly setted up in Advanced DNS Zone Editor. My registrator signed me they can only begin the registration if this regcheck run successfully. However it answers back the following error : M-PRIF -E- [domain] Cannot get domain data (nshost_a nshost) I'm not able to set up anything on domain registrator side, and totally no idea what did I do bad. Could you help me to solve this problem? My shared IP: Server: stevie Domain: valyi.heliohost.org or eqaudio.hu ps: sorry for my English. Many thanks, Zoltan
  18. Hi, I am just trying to set my domain: www.electrosavings.co.uk To be the root of my account here, as when i registored it asked me to create one and now thats the root... Ive tried addon manager but that just creates my site as a sub-directery.. Thanks in advance! Ravenx30
  19. Hi there, I've changed my domain name from mandytw.co.cc to mandytw using the scripts provided by helionet but for some reason, the old domain name seems still to be registered. Can anyone at support do a quick check for me and tell me what the problem is? Thanks
  20. Hello, www.nradvocacia.com registered my domain, but when I change my ISP dns(rede host) error happens. thanks,
  21. first of all i want to thank all of heliohost staff for providing us best free hosting/support out there i just have one question, i can understand there is some sort of a que for creating new accounts but why is it like that for subdomains, parked/addon domains? its a real pain waiting 24hrs for a subdomain, i mean 1 day is really too long, there's 365 days in a year lol it is created immediately, it just points to another directory/has a redirect, why is it like that?
  22. Is there any restriction on sending e-mails using mail() to the same domain that is hosting the script? I'm slowly building my site during my free time and just noticed that my contact form isn't working properly. It spits out no error, but the mail never reaches it's destination. So, I've created the following test file (let's say my domain is "example.com"): <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); $to = "me@example.com"; $subject = "Test Mail"; $message = "Hello world!"; $headers = "From: no-reply@example.com"; echo mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers) ? "The email was sent" : "Fail!"; ?> Playing with this file I discovered that my mail never gets sent only if the recipient I've specified is from my own domain, the same domain which is hosting the script. If I change it to another one (gmail in this case) it works without problems: <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); $to = "me@gmail.com"; $subject = "Test Mail"; $message = "Hello world!"; $headers = "From: no-reply@example.com"; echo mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers) ? "The email was sent" : "Fail!"; ?> What really puzzles me is that this code works flawlessly in another host - and yes, using my domain. I've been using an DNS Round Robin to check out it's pros & cons and I'm able to test both hosts at the same time. Some useful (or not) information: My MX records are pointing directly to Google's records, since I'm using their Tools, and I'm also using an spf. I'm not using any nameservers, but A records only. The round robin has been working like a charm so far and the only problem I've encountered is the mail() one. I don't see how the round robin could have anything to do with this. If you need more info like seeing my DNS records, or how my mail headers looks like when I manage to send them (through the other host/to my gmail account) just ask. P.s.: English isn't my mother tongue, sorry about any weird sounding sentence. Also, I wasn't sure about where post it. Since it looks like a host-restriction, I've chosen this section.
  23. Hi! Good day! Anyone who knows how to change my domain name? from matthewhalos.heliohost.org to pepschool.co.cc Thanks!
  24. I X-posted this same question on WordPress' own forums just a little while ago, but I wanted to ask here as well since I figured Helio would be more familiar with the workings of their own sites (and some of my previous issues). So I finally got my domain names set up, and now am ready to get things into gear regarding my website. I use the Multisite system of WordPress because in the future, I may be looking to add other blogs to my "network" as time goes on and I get more comfortable with blogging in general. However, now that I have a domain of my own I will need to change things with regards to how URLs in WordPress are displayed. I also am seeking to relocate the WordPress system itself to a subfolder of the root. Right now WordPress sits at a subdomain.heliohost.org URL, with the "static homepage" of my current blog at the root, and the "blog page" under subdomain.heliohost.org/myblog. Not only am I looking to change the URL (via the "Parked Domains" section of cPanel) to the top-level domains I had ordered, but want to have a physical move of the WordPress install to a subfolder on the server. So what I want is for the physical location of the Multisite database to be a subfolder like /wp or /wordpress, and for the individual blog(s) to have URLs like blog1.mysite.com and blog2.mysite.com or mysite.com/blog1 and mysite.com/blog2 (with content reading as blog1.mysite.com/this-is-an-article or mysite.com/blog1/this-is-an-article). I'm not even sure if this is possible; from what I understand of WordPress' own documentation (and other sites delivering howtos on this subject), it is, but is difficult (especially for "beginners"), and requires some extra steps depending on how comprehensive your Multisite network happens to be. As of right now, there is only one blog, but as I'd also mentioned, I plan to add others in the future, and Multisite allows for that without having separate WordPress installs on the same server. What I'm basically asking, once more, as I had with the question about DNS and domain configuration, is which to do first. Do I configure my Parked Domains in the cPanel interface first, and then make the physical move, or do the physical move first (moving WordPress from subdomain.heliohost.org to subdomain.heliohost.org/wordpress) and then configure Parked Domains, replacing content as necessary (mysite.com/wordpress) i.e. with the popular, recommended Search & Replace Script? Also, since I have two domains (a .com and a .net) that I'll be looking to have as the main domain for my site (both of which pointing to the same content), how would I go about ensuring that each of these goes to the same location when relocating/changing the Multisite install, so that mysite.com/blog1 displays the same as mysite.net/blog1 or blog1.mysite.com = blog1.mysite.net? Is it enough to just have subdomain.heliohost.org point via Parked Domains to my .com and .net, or is there something in WordPress that I will need to configure too?
  25. !!! TL;DR ALERT !!! In a thread I started, I believe yesterday, I mentioned that I had purchased a domain -- two, actually (a .com and a .net) -- for which the company had yet to reply with an email indicating receipt of payment, and that yesterday they emailed me asking what DNS servers I wanted for my domain. I responded in turn, expecting that someone would at least acknowledge they got the email about DNS, but no one did. Thinking maybe it was my own error or some glitch in the system, I also cc'ed a copy to other addresses, one for Billing, one for Accounts, one for General Info, and another for Orders. No reply has yet come into my email, and I'm getting a little apprehensive -- especially after reading some reports about this company online. The company is called Katz Global Media, and reportedly is run out of some fellow's trailer park in Arizona, named Gordon Hayes aka Scott Morgan. (The first email was signed by a "Paris Hayes," either a family member/spouse or pseudonym, I can't be sure.) A legal battle ensued over a possible cybersquatter case involving a family-owned restaurant in California for which the owner, a man named Tom, had neglected to renew the domain TomsFamilyRestaurants.com (which is now unreachable), and saw it snapped up by an anonymous registrant who bought it with Katz and was accused of using it for "bad faith" purposes. This Tom's Family Restaurants case was back in 2005, I believe, and there's another (archived) thread at a forum called Web Hosting Talk dated from the same year or thereabouts discussing the allegedly dubious merits of Katz as a webhost and registrar. The thread mentions another site known as CattyShaq.com (via Internet Archive), on which a series of threads (not readable, only viewable via the Wayback Machine) issuing complaints was deleted when the owner of Katz threatened legal action for "defamation of character." CattyShaq appears to no longer exist in the form it once existed, and is now some other site written entirely in what appears to be Japanese. But this was, of course, seven years ago, and this being 2012, Like Mulder (or was it Scully?) said on The X-Files, "I want to believe" -- I want to give Katz the benefit of the doubt in terms of processing my account, so I am going to wait until at least Friday of next week, since Monday is a holiday in the United States and Katz, as mentioned above, is located in Arizona. I also don't know how long it will take for the payment to even get to Arizona from where I mailed it (the East Coast, so cross-country), especially considering the sadly ever-decreasing staff and schedule of the once stalwart U.S. Postal delivery. Several surreptitious fly-by-night sites operating in the MLM, HYIP and "discount RX" realms (99% of these from countries like China, India and various former Soviet republics) are hosted and/or registered with Katz, and it has been speculated that the owner is either involved somehow in some of these, or intentionally denies knowledge of the websites under the Katz trust, "pleading the Fifth" but with dubious merit. Just to point out, I am NOT running any of these kinds of services. I simply registered my own name (well, a pseudonym), not for illegitimate purposes but because I do not want certain people in my past/private life to be aware of my personal blog/website. I have suffered threats and harassment from personal acquaintances in the past, and hoped "anonymous registration" would have allowed me to make a "fresh start." Unfortunately, I feel as though I'm one of the gullible honest folks caught up in something screwy, one of the few golden eggs out of a rotten dozen all broken in the same spoiled omelette. (You kind of get what I'm saying here, right?) I went through Katz because I do need something like they purport to provide -- completely anonymous registration that not only masks your personal information in Whois records, but doesn't even ask you for it when you sign up. I also do not have a credit card or checking account and would have needed to pay by paper currency, which I (foolishly?) did. I am also boycotting Go Daddy because of Go Daddy CEO Bob Parsons' abhorrent passion for elephant hunting and his company's stance on the recent SOPA initiative (I also am patently disgusted by the Danica Patrick ads). Katz promises that Whois anonymity is bundled with registration and is not subject to an extra fee, like other hosting providers and registrars, another aspect that attracted me because of my extremely limited budget. Now, however, I am unsure the status of my domain registration and what to do regarding contacting customer service. I cannot claim copyright infringement because the name I registered is one that would be applied to a person and not a company. I am posting here, for advice, after asking a similar question on Yahoo! Answers about the situation (a few days after asking another one about how long mailing takes from NY to AZ). The responder of that last one said it would take no more than 3 days. It is now Friday, 5 days after mailing, and I'm still waiting on an email to confirm they got my DNS request. I know it's a desert out there, hence no water, but something smells fishy out in Tucson, Arizona. So should I wait until Friday of next week to contact them, which is what I intend to do, to either call up their line, email the "emergency" address, or IM via their ICQ #? If so, what should my next course of action be if (1) my DNS is not ready, (2) they haven't received the payment or (3) they don't get back to me? How can I make sure I can still use my domains? As I said, I'm on not even a shoestring budget -- more like a frayed thread -- and obviously can't afford legal fees if there is a legit red flag. My whole purpose for going with Katz was to avoid paperwork and identity requests in the first place. Does it cost money to file for an investigation with the BBB? Is it possible to request help from ICANN if something goes wrong?
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