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  1. Hi it me again sorry to ask but I have a huge Problem and need help very fast… I am building a Website for a friend whit both a “mobile” and a “normal” version. I am new to programing any language. So I have almost no experience whit it... I know you normally you would use a CMS like drupal etc. but I don’t like them so… So I knew of the Ajax method using JavaScript so I wanted to use that method to build a simple CMS to swap the content whit “articles” in a folder on the server. So loading a single site is no problem… jQuery - AJAX load() Method or Load page to a div jQuery Mobile So back in the internet I found this method: It changes the div content and adds a #page name to the URL: How to load content with back button enable and refresh using Ajax the script: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ // part 1 $('menu a').click(function(){ location.hash=$(this).attr('href').match(/(^.*)\./)[1] return false }) // part 2 var originalTitle=document.title function hashChange(){ var page=location.hash.slice(1) if (page!=""){ $('#content').load(page+".html #sub-content") document.title=originalTitle+' – '+page } } // part 3 if ("onhashchange" in window){ // cool browser $(window).on('hashchange',hashChange).trigger('hashchange') }else{ // lame browser var lastHash='' setInterval(function(){ if (lastHash!=location.hash) hashChange() lastHash=location.hash },100) } }) </script> <title>main</title> </head> <body> <menu> <li><a class="menu_links" href="newproject.html">New Project</a></li> <li><a class="menu_links" href="accord.html">Accordion</a></li> <li><a class="menu_links" href="project_summary.html">Summary Table</a></li> <li><a class="menu_links" href="detail_report.html">Detail Report</a></li> <li><a class="menu_links" href="upload_data.html">Upload Data</a></li> </menu> <div id="content"></div> </body> </html> And in the demo (link) it works well. But for some reason I’m not getting it to work whit my own Site… Could someone please help me by explaining how I have to set all the <div> so that I can build the rest of my site? I know I am asking allot… But please help me… And thanks for reading this Question and answering my questions p.s. sorry for my bad English.
  2. This AJAX error is irritating me when every time I try to create a new folder on the folder of the Document Root of my Addon Domain: But after clicking the "OK" button on the alert, the created new folder will appear, I mean, it's created, but still, the error is irritating. But when I try to add a new folder on the folder of the Document Root of my main domain, that error doesn't exist.. Do anybody here experienced the same issue when creating a new folder on the Document Root's folder of an Addon Domain in File Manager? Is there any way to fix it? My details about what's folder of a Document Root that causes the error when I try to add a new folder and about what's my username, are in the attachment. I hope that irritation can be fixed, thanks!
  3. Hello There! I am trying to get my chat room, to automatically update the messages and data. As of right now, to see a new message, you must refresh the page. ( I learned from w3schools and don't quite get AJAX as much as I want to. :/ So if I'm way off track, please tell me. ) As always, here is the code I am using: &--#60;?php session_start(); if(!session_is_registered(myusername)){ header("location:/login/main_login.php"); } $myusername = $_SESSION['myusername']; ?&--#62; &--#60;html&--#62; &--#60;head&--#62; &--#60;link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="http://oi46.tinypic.com/rky444.jpg"&--#62; &--#60;title&--#62;Mbox:Chat&--#60;/title&--#62; &--#60;script type='text/javascript'&--#62; function updateChat() { var xmlhttp; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else {// code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) { document.getElementById("topscreen").innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText; } } xmlhttp.open("GET",/chat/chatroom.php?error=",true); xmlhttp.send(); } &--#60;/script&--#62; &--#60;style&--#62; /*3DS SCREEN START*/ div#topscreen { border:15px solid; border-color:#1E90FF; overflow:auto; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; height: 205px; width: 290px; background-color:#FFFFFF; z-index:2; } div#bottomscreen { position: absolute; top: 218px; left: 0px; height: 212px; width: 320px; background-color:#1E90FF; } /*3DS SCREEN STOP*/ div#taskbar { background-color:silver; width:320px; height:100px; position:absolute; top:30px; z-index:5; } &--#60;/style&--#62; &--#60;meta name="viewport" content="width=320"&--#62; &--#60;/head&--#62; &--#60;body&--#62; &--#60;body onload="setInterval('updateChat()',5000);"&--#62; &--#60;!-- TOP SCREEN --&--#62; &--#60;div id="topscreen"&--#62; &--#60;?php $db_sitename="spencer_register"; $db_hostname="localhost"; $db_username="spencer_mega"; $db_password="PASSWORD HERE"; $no_of_comments="15"; /* Leave the script below as it is */ mysql_connect($db_hostname, $db_username, $db_password); mysql_select_db($db_sitename); $pagename=md5($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $query=mysql_query("Select * from comments where comment_on='$pagename' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0, $no_of_comments"); while($fetch=mysql_fetch_array($query)) { echo "&--#60;p&--#62;&--#60;b&--#62;&--#60;sub&--#62;".$fetch['comment_by'].": &--#60;/sub&--#62;&--#60;/b&--#62;&--#60;sub&--#62;".$fetch['comment']."&--#60;/sub&--#62;&--#60;/p&--#62;"; } mysql_close(); ?&--#62; &--#60;/div id="topscreen"&--#62; &--#60;!-- BOTTOM SCREEN --&--#62; &--#60;div id="bottomscreen"&--#62; &--#60;!-- PUT STUFF ON THE TASKBAR UNDER THE DIV ID TASKBAR --&--#62; &--#60;div id="taskbar"&--#62; &--#60;a href="../homepage.php"&--#62;&--#60;img src="http://the12.squarespace.com/storage/zzzzhome.png?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1356027845932" width="50px" height="50px"&--#62;&--#60;/a&--#62; &--#60;/div id="taskbar"&--#62; &--#60;!-- Send input box start --&--#62; &--#60;form action="/chat/post_chat.php" method="post"&--#62; &--#60;table&--#62; &--#60;tr&--#62;&--#60;td&--#62; &--#60;/td&--#62;&--#60;td&--#62;&--#60;input type="hidden" name="comment_on" size="" readonly="readonly" value="&--#60;?php print md5($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?&--#62;"/&--#62;&--#60;/td&--#62;&--#60;/tr&--#62; &--#60;input type="hidden" name="comment_by" value="&--#60;?php echo $myusername;?&--#62;"/&--#62; &--#60;tr&--#62;&--#60;td&--#62;&--#60;input name="comment" size="33" maxlength="255" &--#62;&--#60;input type="submit" value="Send!" /&--#62;&--#60;/td&--#62;&--#60;/tr&--#62; &--#60;br/&--#62;&--#60;br/&--#62;&--#60;br/&--#62;&--#60;br/&--#62;&--#60;br/&--#62;&--#60;br/&--#62;&--#60;br/&--#62;&--#60;br/&--#62; &--#60;tr&--#62;&--#60;td&--#62;&--#60;/td&--#62;&--#60;td&--#62;&--#60;/td&--#62;&--#60;/tr&--#62; &--#60;/table&--#62; &--#60;/form&--#62; &--#60;/div id="bottomscreen"&--#62; &--#60;/body&--#62; &--#60;/html&--#62; Yeah I know. =P Some messy coding, but I'm working on it. Alright, well thanks in advance! ~ Spencer
  4. Hi guys, I would like to find know what is the best refresh rate to set for an ajax shoutbox so that is does not overload the server? I'm using MyShoutbox for MyBB forum board and the default refresh rate setting is 15 seconds. Thanks Jeremy
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