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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. It went through on our end. Invite manually sent. Thank you for the donation. (The donation failure error happens when Paypal times out and our website doesn't get the information back that its supposed to. When this happens, it can't tell if you paid or not, so it never sends the invite and instead spits out that error).
  2. Please keep in mind if you donate XMR, it may take several days to verify as we have to manually process the wallet. Also, the ETN wallet is no longer supported, I thought that was already removed but I guess not. Please don't donate to that. For the other currencies, please post the blockchain transaction ID and the email address you want the invite sent to after sending the coins.
  3. Not really. It's the memory and cpu needs that make it slow, and a CDN can't really help with that, only more server resources. Your choices are basically to buy a VPS or find different software that isn't bloated. Slowness with moodle on shared hosting isn't specific to us either, it's just that Moodle is not meant to run on shared hosting.
  4. Done, it can take up to 2 hours to go into effect though since Apache needs to restart.
  5. If you used external DNS, yes. Many users here use cloudflare so they can manage DNS themselves. Eventually once domain DNS integration is done you'll be able to edit DNS on our name servers, but it's not ready yet. If you want to use external DNS, you need an A record pointed to, an MX pointed to tommy2.heliohost.org, and a TXT record with this value for SPF: "v=spf1 a mx ip4: ~all"
  6. If you look at your profile, you can see you have 20 posts, most from before you created the account: https://www.helionet.org/index/profile/211822-hunterparker93/ I told IPB to recount your posts for you so your post count includes the merged posts...
  7. It's intentionally disabled at the moment because it's part of the ability to manage domains, which isn't ready yet. This will probably become available when we finally get the DNS integration for adding domains working and turn on the ability for users to manage their own domains. In the meantime, what domain needs to be edited and what folder do you want the root set to? We can change it on our end.
  8. It's probably because it can't verify the sender due to your SPF record being missing. Since myhelio.ml is using our name servers, Krydos needs to fix that...
  9. Since you mention an upgrade, I'm assuming you already have a VPS. Krydos can do the upgrade for you as well as the control panel. For a control panel, usually its Hestia that gets installed for a VPS unless you prefer something else since it's free. The only info he'll need is what control panel you want and what VPS number you are (if we don't already know based on username/email, or if you have more than one). He may also need you to change the root password so he can log in to install the control panel (though it probably won't matter here, for a control panel its usually best to reinstall the OS first if you've been using the VPS).
  10. OK. It may take up to 2 hours for the domain to function now that it's been changed. Give it a few hours then clear your cache. Also, make sure you've uploaded an index page so your website has something to show, otherwise you'll see the default Plesk page.
  11. No problem Let us know if you need anything else.
  12. Resent to that address instead. Gmail used to be really bad about delivering our mail and would refuse it entirely at times, though lately they've been at least nice enough to put it in Spam. If it still doesn't arrive, we can try a non-gmail address. (Spam filters typically hate us because we sometimes get abusive users who use our servers to send phishing email...). EDIT: You posted while I was typing Glad to see you got it that time. Please let us know if you need anything else.
  13. The email on your forum account and paypal don't match, and the invite went to the Paypal email. Do you want me to try to send it to the anxxxx@gmxxx.com address on your forum profile instead?
  14. Uncheck the box for wild card certificate in Plesk and try again, and it should verify automatically by file instead.
  15. If the server connecting to the database is your own website that's also hosted here, use localhost instead of your domain name for the hostname to fix this error. If you still need remote access, please let us know what IPs will be accessing the database, or we can allow from any.
  16. Changed. To make the domain work, you'll need to create an A record pointed to if using your own DNS, or set your NS records to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org to use ours.
  17. Nope, that's caused by Paypal erroring out when our website goes to verify you paid... Your invite has been manually sent to the email on your Paypal account. Please keep in mind that with gmail the invite usually ends up in Spam. Please "Not Spam" it if that happens so you receive future communications from us.
  18. Ack I forgot to edit that out. Sorry about that.
  19. You were blocked in the firewall for repeated failed IMAP connections. Odds are a mail client or cell phone is checking mail with bad credentials. Unblocked. Tommy 2022-11-01 20:43:50 5 in the last 3600 secs (imapd) Failed IMAP login US/United States/.ciello.com
  20. Good to see you got it working Closing request.
  21. Do you no longer need this rebuilt, or do you just no longer need help finding the IPv6 address?
  22. No problem. He'll rebuild it when he sees this. Just keep in mind that I believe you only get one free rebuild a month (not sure what the fee is for additional ones). Out of curiosity, what exactly happened that needed a new OS? A lot of the common problems (like accidentally firewalling yourself out of SSH) can be fixed without a reinstall.
  23. If you plan to use mail from our servers, create an MX and point it to tommy2.heliohost.org. You'll also want to create a TXT record for SPF. "v=spf1 +a +mx ~all". Without a valid SPF record, major mail providers like Google and Microsoft will not accept your mail. I'm seeing zoho mail is set up on that domain at the moment, if you plan to use zoho for mail instead of us, use the records provided by them instead of the ones above. Be aware that Tommy has a 50/day sending limit for email.
  24. We support Cloudflare (and in fact, for the time being I'd recommend it since you can't yet edit the DNS on our name servers yourself). You just need an A record for the domain pointed to Since you can have more than one domain, I added it as a second domain for you. There should be a folder inside your home folder called davidon.top that is the document root for the new domain. You need to set up DNS and upload content for it, and the server may take up to 2 hours to finish configuring the new domain for you. SSL won't work until the DNS is set up. Once the domain resolves properly, you can issue the certificate from Plesk.
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