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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. We don't keep backups. You need to use your own backups, or if they don't exist, try to fix your wp5555 database instead.
  2. What's your username and the names of the databases that need restored?
  3. It should. You can also use http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/ to log in and it will count.
  4. Delete your database users, recreate them, and reassign them to the databases. Make sure to use the same password that's in your software's config file.
  5. If it's already parked, they're functionally the same. Just park it in cPanel if it's not already, and use it the same way as you would your main domain (we recommend keeping the .heliohost.org domain anyway...Freenom has been known to randomly cancel domains). Also, with Charlie crashed, there is no way for most of us to change it. A root admin is the only one who can change it. Do you want me to escalate it for you?
  6. Yeah, I missed the edit. Surprising to see indexes eat so much space, but if you can drop some of the indexes to make it fit, that works
  7. Overhead possibly, but that seems excessive. I'm not too sure what's up with this at this point. I didn't realize the 213MB was an uncompressed dump (I thought it was compressed, which would make 840 reasonable)...the dump as you said is nearly always larger than the DB produces. As for another place to host this, I'm not sure...I've always had mine run here or on a local PC.
  8. Yes, I would drop that database and host it elsewhere. It's far too large to host here. I thought the DB was 213MB uncompressed. That size would be fine, but 843MB is not. Very surprised to see it actually import and not get counted as used space though... Out of curiosity, what is that database used for? I don't know of many websites other than gigantic forums that need databases that large.
  9. Did you make sure the database user has the correct password? The database user's password should match the one in the configuration.php. Also, be sure to assign the user to your database in cpanel (many forget this step).
  10. I'm honestly not sure what file system we have on the server... An 840MB database should be WAY too large to host here. Cpanel sometimes takes a few hours to update its meter. If its meter hasn't jumped by now, cPanel is probably not counting pg usage.
  11. Didn't realize you were on johnny...Johnny (or more specifically, Charlie, which hosts Johnny) suffered hardware failure several days back, so yes. No idea if or when it'll be fixed...it's acting like the hard disk died in the server. You can sign up on Stevie if you want (you won't be able to delete the Johnny account, so don't bother trying).
  12. Is the database hosted on Johnny by chance (I know silly question, but we do have users who use Johnny's MySQL with a Stevie account).
  13. Upload, import, then immediately delete the dump file. If I remember right, it should let you go over for a short period, exactly for this reason. Just be sure to get back under 500 ASAP, staying over for too long may get you suspended. I know backups in cpanel will let you go over when you create/restore them there. Not sure if phppgadmin will or not (worst case is it fails with a disk full message). Just try and see If you get suspended for space, just let me know and I'll unsuspend you since I know why you went over.
  14. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  15. It cannot be recovered. Starting over is the only option at this point. You should create new databases and reinstall your software as you did originally. Your forum content is lost, so you'll need to start fresh there. The sourcebans site I cannot imagine being terribly difficult to set up again. You should be able to just reinstall that. In the future, make a backup regularly in cPanel using the full backup option so you get backups of databases and files along with other things such as email forwarder settings. Download the resulting file and save it so you can restore your stuff if the server acts up later. I had to use my backups when this broke...this was my second time I had to use my backups in 4 years. We always say to make them because there will likely come a day when you will need them.
  16. Well, that answers that...you'll need to start over In the future, please be sure to make regular backups of your account. If your data changes constantly, I would back up once a week. If not, I would suggest monthly.
  17. Escalating. @krydos: do we have any database backups for any databases on this account?
  18. Just sign up again. You can't delete your Johnny account because Johnny crashed.
  19. If it is hardware failure as suspected, it won't be fixed until Ashoat goes to California next. It may come up if krydos can get it running, but it currently doesn't want to stay up once we get it to boot. Runs for a few hours and dies.
  20. Just wanted to make sure. The way he's phrasing it makes it sound like he thinks making a backup now can fix it.
  21. Change your cpanel password, then log out and in again.
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