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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. If you need fast and stable service, we recommend moving to Stevie. As for the login issues, both of you should try a different PC and a different internet connection (like a cell phone on its data plan, or a friend's house). I don't see either of you in the block list, so it's likely something on your end. Zyxel, please make a new topic for the email issue so that can be looked into.
  2. Marko has it right, just be sure to log out and in again after doing that. It won't work until you do.
  3. Yes. Change cpanel password, log out and in, then delete database users and recreate them. After that, you need to check in phpmyadmin to see if all the data is there.
  4. Unsuspended. Please remove the auto like bot, that's your cause. Auto like bots are actually the number one way people get suspended for high load (in fact, they are the entire reason we have a load limit!), and are also considered abuse. I can actually suspend you just for having that on your site but since you already got suspended, I'll give you time to remove it.
  5. You have to use a different database name. Do this: Create a new database. Use any name you wish as long as it is not the same as the original database. Go into PHPMyAdmin and select the new database on the left side. Click Import up top, then import the SQL file. If it fails, upload the SQL file and PM me a link to it so I can see it. I'll edit it and send you a fixed one. If it succeeded, go back to cPanel and assign the user incog_wp109 to your new database. Grant it all rights when asked. Test.
  6. Since you have a backup: Drop the database, create it again, reassign the user to it, then open the new database in PhpMyAdmin and import the backup. I'm assuming your "full backup" is the one cPanel makes. If you unzip the full backup, the databases are in a folder called mysql. Just import the .sql for the database being restored.
  7. Did you drop the entire database and recreate it? You cannot reuse the damaged database, even if it appears empty. You must drop it in cPanel, make a new one, then open it in PhpMyAdmin and import the .sql file containing your backup. If it fails after doing that, let me know and I'll escalate it to see if Krydos can discard that for you.
  8. It sounds like you got hit by this: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/23764-stevie-innodb/ The data is likely lost. I lost 3 DBs myself. This is why we always recommend users make regular backups. The strange part is InnoDB data loss seems to be a common problem anywhere you go...another web host I deal with actually had InnoDB break for a chunk of users recently too...had to use a stale backup from December to fix it.
  9. The databases themselves may or may not be there. Once you get into PhpMyAdmin, see if the tables are still in them. If they're not, you need to restore a backup. The database users will all need to be deleted and recreated as well.
  10. My understanding is that Java is currently broken, so there isn't one. Krydos is working on fixing it. Once fixed, he'll put you and the other 50+ people who requested it on the wait list (he hasn't done the requests in over a month). We only have enough resources for ~50-100 users to have it right now, so someone new gets it when someone else loses it (due to suspension or inactivity).
  11. Yeah, Stevie was acting up earlier. About 10 minutes after I posted, I got a flood of emails from my monitoring service saying it was going up and down repeatedly... Seems to be working now though.
  12. @incog: Yep. Doesn't belong here. I'll move it for him though so he doesn't need to repost.
  13. InnoDB tables were lost in the recent crash. The fix is to drop the database and restore your backups.
  14. Empty response is when a server opens a connection then doesn't send anything to the client (in this, cloudflare). Odds are it was due to server load, especially if you are on Johnny. I see tons of ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE in Chrome when trying to get pages to load from Johnny.
  15. You have to change your account's main domain to a something.heliohost.org subdomain if you wish to do that. You can change the domain here: www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/domain The change takes about 24 hours to take effect once you do it.
  16. The account uzair3 has been marked for deletion. When the deletion is complete, your old domain will show a queued page. You weren't able to delete it yourself because it was suspended for inactivity. Escalating so the theme can be changed to paper_lantern on account cwk.
  17. Change your cPanel password, then log out and in again to fix PhpMyAdmin.
  18. There is an advantage there, but it's far from mandatory in many cases. I have at least one application on my account that was adamant it needed InnoDB...it's been running on MyISAM for a year with zero issues. Full foreign key support/enforcement in the database is nice, but a decently-written program should be able to handle bad foreign keys without choking (granted it means the database isn't strictly valid...) All bets are off if Transactions are needed though...MyISAM doesn't understand them. If Inno didn't blow up as often as it does, I'd be more inclined to use it. The first crash here had me lose 2 months of data (had to restore a stale backup). Everything was converted to MyISAM then except some less-important applications. Those broke last week and ended up needing (recent 3-week-old) backups restored.
  19. Delete your old account here: http://heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/delete No limit when using external mail server. The limit on ours is 50 emails/day though. That 50 also includes emails sent with things like php's mail() function.
  20. It's CPU and memory, not space. Basically, your program was hogging the server resources which makes everyone else's site slow, so we suspended you so everyone else could use their accounts. You don't have any way of monitoring it actually. The normal causes of this are programs that either need too many resources or are just malfunctioning. If it happens again, let us know and we can tell you what file is to blame for the load.
  21. Change your cPanel password, then log out and in again. After that, delete the database user ovt00_mysql, then recreate it and reassign its permissions. Once you do that, check PhpMyAdmin to make sure your database contains all of its data.
  22. If there was an old one, it wouldn't let you create the new one (I actually had this issue happen...I tried to drop one and it wouldn't let me make a new DB with the same name, Krydos had to drop it for me to get it to fully drop). Silly question, but did you use the same password on the new user? If you just used the password generator button, you need to edit the software's config file to make the passwords match. Just for testing, try using your cPanel username and password as your database user. While not recommended from a security standpoint, it'll at least prove that the database itself is functional since that user always has access to all databases in your account.
  23. Did you assign that user to the database you created? Also, try using your cpanel account as the database user to see if it works.
  24. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
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