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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. The errors you're seeing are because Plesk is down on both servers at the moment. Websites should be up, but you won't be able to log in.
  2. Yep, it's not a password issue but rather Plesk is down.
  3. Plesk is currently down on both servers, it's not your account. I've reported it to Krydos in a staff channel and am waiting on a response. The actual issue can be seen if you try to log into https://tommy.heliohost.org/ you''ll get a 500 error. Something in Plesk crapped out. The websites themselves are still up.
  4. You likely don't need a password reset, the server is down. The issue has been reported to Krydos.
  5. Ugh, Johnny is down as well. You likely don't need a password reset, and the issue has been reported to Krydos.
  6. Password isn't the issue, but rather the server is down. Nobody is able to log into Tommy at the moment. It's been reported to Krydos on a staff channel and I'm waiting for a response.
  7. It's not the account, but rather the server is broken. Nobody is able to log into Tommy at the moment. It's been reported to Krydos on a staff channel and I'm waiting for a response.
  8. It's not your account, but rather the server is broken. Nobody is able to log into Tommy at the moment. It's been reported to Krydos.
  9. Unfortunately we aren't able to make exceptions to this particular policy because federal law in our country (USA) prohibits a US company from doing business with any person or other entity that resides in Iran. It's illegal for us to allow Iranian users. If only our governments could just get along... The same also applies to users in Syria, Cuba, and North Korea at this time.
  10. If you're doing it in Plesk, just uncheck the wildcard option and try again, it will work without the DNS record as long as that option is not checked. The wildcard option is not supported at the moment.
  11. Domain added. Do you still need your two disabled domains kaayoutfits and costcoshanghai) or would you like them removed? If you want them removed, please back up their contents as removing them will delete their files.
  12. Weird, it does show as sent on our side. Also, it's a 5000MB account, not a 6000MB account for some reason (can't check Paypal at the moment to see why). I've resent the 5000MB invite and Krydos can check why the extra 1000MB is missing. We can always add it later. If you still don't receive it, please let us know and we can use a different email address. Gmail usually marks our mail as spam, but there is history of them not accepting mail from us at all.
  13. Please check your email for a link to reset your password...
  14. It's pretty common after unarchiving that accounts need a password reset in order to log in. Please check your email for a link to reset your password.
  15. The site is working for me. I see a wordpress installer. Is this still an issue?
  16. He means a domain that you own/provide (as in, one that does not end in .heliohost.us or .helioho.st), and is using Cloudflare for DNS.
  17. WP generates tons of load when any of its pages are hit. That includes maintenance pages (assuming they're served by WP) and the admin panel. This user was able to handle his load with CF and a plugin: https://helionet.org/index/topic/57606-handling-cpu-load-spikes-or-high-load-using-cloudflare
  18. You probably need to clear the cache in the original browser...
  19. The saturn.ms message is a false positive related to a CDN, in our case it's used by Arc.io. I was getting the same alert from my Malwarebytes web protection as well until I whitelisted it. Your own site should not be generating these alerts as we don't implement any of the Arc CDN stuff on user websites, only pn our website/forums/Plesk. It's part of IPFS, which is widely used to host static content including phishing websites. Being decentralized and semi-immutable has been an attractive aspect of IPFS for cybercriminals as it makes removal of their phishing content difficult, there's nobody to send an abuse report to... As for WP, you don't really need much traffic to make it generate load. WP toolkit scanning it likely caused the server to make a request to the site, which caused it to generate tons of load because you installed Wordfence and Elementor (2 of the 3 most common troublemakers we see, the third is WooCommerce). WP is extremely inefficient and badly coded, and its extensions aren't much better. If you install plain WP, without those extensions, it should run acceptably, though we discourage the use of Wordpress. I'll escalate this to Krydos, who can probably give you a better idea of what the load numbers look like with Wordpress and what exactly happened here.
  20. Looks like it's working now that the erroneous DNS entries have been deleted. Please let us know if you need anything else.
  21. The ooka-kyi.tech domain is showing the "What is ookma-kyi" page but the sub pages land on a suspended page that isn't ours (that's a cPanel-style suspended page). The app subdomain shows a website that isn't yours. This looks a lot like you have CF configured incorrectly...are you sure you have the DNS records on CF correct?
  22. The Wordpress site on that domain is causing too much load. WP is infamous for this due to how badly it's coded, and extensions just make it worse. Removing extensions usually helps in most cases (short of not just using Wordpress). While all extensions can cause load, three of the biggest offenders I see regularly are woocommerce, wordfence, and elementor. This user also found relief via Cloudflare: https://helionet.org/index/topic/57606-handling-cpu-load-spikes-or-high-load-using-cloudflare/ You can monitor your load here: https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load/ I've added deny from all to the .htaccess for that domain and unsuspended you. Please fix the issue and then remove the deny from all from the .htaccess file when ready.
  23. WP Toolkit timed out...which is unsurprising. With the WP toolkit in Plesk, it's best to install WP manually then import it into the toolkit to manage it afterwards. The load on our servers means that the toolkit can struggle with installations at times. Also, be aware that WP is the #1 leading cause of high server load and poor performance that users experience here. Extensions are usually the issue with most installs, and short of using different software entirely, the usual solution to WP being slow or causing too much load is to remove extensions. WooCommerce, Wordfence, and Elementor are 3 of the worst performers that we know of, but many others can cause load as well. This user also found Cloudflare and caching extension for WP to be helpful at managing resource usage: https://helionet.org/index/topic/57606-handling-cpu-load-spikes-or-high-load-using-cloudflare/?do=getNewComment I would start by installing a vanilla WP site with no extensions and see how it performs. Add themes and extensions one at a time, and monitor your load. https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load/ Also, other than VPSes, we don't even offer paid hosting at the moment. We are working on offering that down the road, and because it will not have the load restrictions of our current offerings, it should handle WP better than the free servers once it's available.
  24. Your account is not suspended. If you're seeing a suspended page, you may need to clear your cache.
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