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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Domain changed. It can take up to 2 hours to start working.
  2. Only one can be unsuspended at a time. Which one do you plan to close? I'll unsuspend that so you can back it up, then once you're done I'll resuspend that and unsuspend the other one.
  3. The reset also failed. Krydos is investigating.
  4. Domain added. It may take up to 2 hours to start working. Yes the rewrite engine is enabled. PHP 8.2 is already supported, you can select it under the PHP settings in Plesk. We have no ETA on when 8.3 will be supported.
  5. The load monitoring only tracks and reports load at the account level, and though sometimes Krydos can give detail that's a little more specific, I think that's limited to a process name and maybe the name of the file that was called (which for frameworks will generally be something like index.php or app.js, etc.). We have no way of knowing exactly what the script was doing to cause the usage.
  6. Also I renamed your forum account for you
  7. That's almost 3 times the daily limit in about 3 hours. I'm fairly certain it's also one of the highest recorded usages ever before getting suspended, especially for that short of a period of time. Please don't run that here again. I've put an .htaccess in your httpdocs folder to block the website until you remove the offending software. You can delete it once you've take care of this. Unsuspended. It may take a few minutes to start working.
  8. You were suspended because Wordpress got hacked. This is extremely common for Wordpress. It's is notorious for its terrible security and poorly written code, especially when it has extensions installed. You'll need to delete your current installation and reinstall the latest Wordpress and extension versions, or better yet, find a different product that doesn't have this issue. Please let us know when you're ready to fix the problem and we'll unsuspend you.
  9. That would be a question for Krydos as he is the one who handles the VPS side of the business.
  10. No problem. I've added "deny from all" to the .htaccess file in httpdocs to block access so the site can't cause load while you back it up. Once you've got it migrated or have the load under control, feel free to remove the deny from all line to start using your account again. It might take a few minutes for you to be able to log into Plesk again. Unsuspended. Also, if you get the VPS from us and need help setting that up, let us know and we can help get you going. VPSes come empty (bare linux install), so a lot of people ask us to install a free control panel like Hestia to make it easier to use and set up.
  11. Unsuspended, it may take a few minutes to start working.
  12. One of the other support staff suspended you for extremely high load this time around. This is your load chart (you can see where we suspended you both times because the load dropped to zero when we did). I had mentioned watching your load in your last topic because we knew this was going to be an issue. Your CPU load was almost 14000 units in just 6 hours, the limit is 10000 for an entire 24 hour period, and your load slowed down 1000+ other websites that share the server with you. You really need a VPS to be running anything that involves video processing. It's $4/month for a small one, though for this you probably want the $7/month Venus (2CPU and 2GB RAM) considering video is extremely resource hungry. I can unsuspend you, but we'll need to take your website offline until you figure out how to deal with this load. Please let me know when you're ready to address the load issue and I'll unsuspend you.
  13. Added. It can take up to 2 hours to start working. Please keep in mind that this was your 10th domain, so your account is now full. If you need to add any additional domains in the future, you will need to have an existing one removed first.
  14. Thank you for the proof of license. Please make sure this script is not used to distribute illegal movies. Also, please be mindful of your load as well, this script was causing a substantial amount of load when it was running yesterday. You can watch your load here: https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load Please keep the CPU below 10000 units and RAM below 100GB cumulative usage per day. Unsuspended. It may take a few minutes to start working.
  15. Please check your email for a link to reset your password.
  16. You're suspended for copyright infringement because we detected possible unlicensed software on your account. Do you have a license for the Dooo software (and the movies in its database) that are on your account? If so, please provide proof of license. If not, please let us know and we'll disable the offending content. Once we have an answer to the above we can unsuspend you.
  17. You have to regenerate the certificate in Plesk once the domain becomes active so it can validate the domain. I just did that for you, but I've attached a picture of where the option for the alias is for the future if you need to reissue your certificate. It will take up to 2 hours for the SSL to start working properly now that it has a certificate. Aliases do not have files/databases since they share content with the site they're an alias of. Since this is an alias of http://daskunk.heliohost.org/, you need to manage the website under that domain. This is by design. Simply edit the content of the daskunk.heliohost.org and the alias's content will update automatically since they're the same website. You do not want that redirect option enabled (I actually turned it off for you when I added the domain) because it will cause your domain to automatically be replaced in the user's address bar with http://daskunk.heliohost.org/ which I doubt you want.
  18. Done Just got to wait the 2 hours for it to finish activating.
  19. The domain has been added but can take up to 2 hours to start working.
  20. Correct. An alias would make both domains show the same content. Now, if your site's software is coded to redirect to one domain or the other, it may switch domains upon visiting (Wordpress will do this for example), but that can be fixed by changing the domain in the software settings.
  21. Does the squarespace domain support changing name servers? If so, we can change your main domain or add it as an alias domain.
  22. I'll send you a password reset link shortly to that herr***@gmail.com address as well as clean up the forum accounts. If you've managed to get in in the meantime, you can simply delete the reset email (I did notice the login time is now today instead of 11/30, so you might have gotten it working).
  23. We were able to find a reference to that account using that email address when the account was created in 2019. I've relinked them, though because its listed as the alternate email you can't sign in with it. If you're unable to log in using uli and your password, let us know and I can send a password reset. You also have 2 forum accounts...the other of which is called tyra under that same email address dating to 2016, and never used. Do you want me to merge them and associate this forum account with your hosting account instead?
  24. It should be from no-reply@heliohost.org and was sent to both gmail addresses on the account, one of which is the same one on your forum profile. Please check the spam folder for it. If you still can't find it in either mailbox, I'll resend it.
  25. Please check your email for a link to reset your password.
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