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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. There is no account matching that email address. An account matching your username does exist, but the email address is different. Is that the account you meant to reset?
  2. There is no one way to do this as every installation of wordpress is different depending on the template and plugins used. I would suggest starting by changing the domain setting for the site though. Since it won't load, you can do this by editing the database in phpmyadmin (the settings table contains a value for this you can edit).
  3. High server load. 7563.18 MB memory and 1415 CPU in 30 minutes. You absolutely did have something running as you managed to use 14% of your entire day's CPU in allotment just 30 minutes. If you continued at that rate, you would've used 67920 CPU, or 6x the allowed limit. You also managed to use 7.5GB of memory in 30 minutes, or 354GB/day if we had allowed it to continue, that's 3.5x the allowed limit. Node apps run in the background, so you may not have been using the account, but it still consumes resources to sit there unused. Whatever code you are running is way too heavy. If you need to run code that can use this sort of memory, you may need to consider a VPS instead. I've turned off node for your domain to prevent the app from running. Please be mindful of your resource use. You can watch your load here: https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load/ Unsuspended. It may take a little while to start working.
  4. Domain added. Please be sure to configure DNS to point to our name servers or for external DNS, use A and AAAA records pointed to the IP addresses shown in Plesk. The domain may take up to 2 hours to start working, and SSL may take longer since DNS is not currently configured.
  5. This happens sometimes... Please check your email for a link to reset your password.
  6. See https://helionet.org/index/topic/58737-error-on-loading-website/?do=getNewComment Please don't duplicate your request in multiple forums.
  7. It's because the WP site is trying to access files in the home folder for bookhaven.helioho.st, but the site is now at roborave.helioho.st. You need to update WP's configuration to use the correct domain. Wordpress does not tolerate the domain being changed very well (among other things...WP is garbage in its entirety, but that's besides the point here).
  8. Do you need a backup before we reset this? There's currently almost 600MB on the account, resetting the account will delete all of your content.
  9. Please check your email for a link to reset your password.
  10. Do you still need this account reset? Also, we have to add domains for you, you can't do that yourself yet. EDIT: Nevermind, its a duplicate topic. Closing.
  11. Please check your PMs for information regarding your Lily account.
  12. High server load. 3038.55 MB ... in 30 minutes. Oof. The limit is 1000MB per day, you managed 3 times that in half an hour. Wordpress is infamous for this, and is the leading cause of load suspensions. Plugins make it even worse. WooCommerce, Wordfence, and Elementor are 3 big offenders for plugins, but plenty of others will also cause it. I added deny from all to .htaccess to prevent it from running and unsuspended you. Do not run that WP install here again.
  13. Changed. Please make sure to configure DNS by setting the name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org, or by setting A and AAAA records to the IPs shown in Plesk. The domain may take up to 2 hours to start working, and SSL will take several additional hours once the DNS is configured.
  14. For SFTP, use the server tommy2.heliohost.org as the host, not your domain. Port is 1373, username is franklow and password is the same as plesk. I see you have a Lily account as well, if you're accessing that, Lily only supports ftp on port 21. SSH proper ( command line ) is not permitted as moneybroz already stated.
  15. Moodle does not run well on our servers. It's too heavy and usually either throws errors or gets the user suspended for load. It's enterprise software and is designed to be run on a dedicated server, so a VPS would be appropriate for it. I'll let Krydos deal with the domains since removing a domain tends to delete its content and I'm not sure if there's a better way to make an existing domain the main domain without backing up, deleting it, then changing the main domain to re-add it.
  16. Domain added. It may take up to 2 hours to start working.
  17. @MoneyBroz I believe this user pays manually every 6 months vs. as a subscription.. The link shown in the admin tools is for the subscription payment. Krydos has to manually generate the links for one-time payments.
  18. I assume you're doing this in Plesk? If so, uncheck the option for wildcard certificate and try again. That option is what causes the DNS prompt and is not supported.
  19. It's because you're using WordPress. WordPress is badly written and extremely inefficient. Most users on our service that try WordPress have this issue (and if they don't, they usually end up suspended for high load instead). You can try removing a bunch of extensions from your WordPress installation (some such as elementor, wordfence, and woocommerce are especially known for their performance impact), but the best solution is to use something other than WordPress.
  20. Setting is intentionally set to prevent you from accessing files outside of your home folder. As said above, if you need this to be set to none, you'll need to buy a VPS instead.
  21. Looks like it probably hasn't propagated yet then. Give it until tomorrow and try the test again.
  22. Recheck name servers, still showing domain.com: https://bybyron.net/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=ppblk.space&rec=NS also, the best you can possibly do is going to be about 7.5 until you get a different domain. -0.499 FROM_SUSPICIOUS_NTLD From abused NTLD -0.001 FROM_SUSPICIOUS_NTLD_FP From abused NTLD -1.725 PDS_OTHER_BAD_TLD Untrustworthy TLDs URI: ppblk.space (space)
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