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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. @temscs: See your topic here: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/26725-remove-emaildomains-tommy-invite-doesnt-work/
  2. Also, be aware that the invites don't work if your PayPal email is also your Stevie account email address...we have a few others that are seeing this issue. Normally the solution would be to delete the Stevie account (since you're only supposed to have one anyway), but with Stevie down, that's a bit difficult. When you eventually receive the invite...if the invite just tries to give you a quota increase, please post your username and domain of your Stevie account so it can be deleted and the invite resent.
  3. I don't know if it even came back up so they can do that. I would've expected at least a short period where it was working before they turned them off...
  4. It won't work because the server is down.
  5. You can't transfer it the way your thinking. Normally, you delete the Stevie account then just use the invite to sign up again. Then use the contents of the backup to rebuild your site. Your username/domains can be reused once the Stevie account is gone. It's also worth noting that the invite won't work if the email address your invitation was sent to has an existing Stevie account (hence why the Stevie account needs deleting). If you want your Stevie account deleted, post your username and any domains you need removed, and I'll escalate.
  6. The tommy invite issue is because you donated from an email that was already used here. Normally, the fix is to delete your Stevie account then try again. Of course, with Stevie down, you can't do that. Escalating.
  7. wolstech

    Stevie Backups

    If FTP is all that's running, Krydos would need to export them like he did for Johnny (he dumped them and left the dumps in your home folder). I doubt he plans to do that though since we're trying to troubleshoot a load-crash issue...last thing we want to do is cause load. Your only choices in that scenario would be to abandon your database and rebuild it elsewhere, or wait until he's fixed enough to get access and make the backup. Leaving cP running would be nice, not sure how that'd go over with the testing we're trying to conduct though. If it's causing the crash...it'd defeat our attempts at repair if left running.
  8. That won't work either. You cannot reset a password on a server that's not working. Nothing to do with your hosting account will work while the server is down.
  9. It came up, then crashed again.
  10. It's a little hard to do much of anything at the moment. Moving would be a manual process (backup, delete account, sign up on new server, restore site from backup), but since your existing Johnny account was deleted by the rebuild process anyway, you'll just sign up again when he reopens. Supposedly the data was backed up, but it's yet to be seen if/how any of that will be restored. The rebuild is still under way (he's working at this point, but there's still stuff Krydos needs to do before it could handle the load from the public). Steve is down due to repeated crashing (being worked on). Tommy is invite only.
  11. There's a donate button on our website here: http://www.heliohost.org/?_=new
  12. If you're trying to sign into any account on Stevie or Johnny right now, it won't work. You can't log into Stevie because he's down, and Johnny got rebuilt and no longer has any accounts on it.
  13. We do not. It comes up, but has been crashing again shortly after. Tommy is invite-only. You can donate to get an invite for that server, but be aware that the invite doesn't come instantly. Krydos manually sends them. For those who are interested in what Tommy is like...as someone who is currently on Tommy, I ask myself why I stayed on Stevie for so long Sure I had some minor code changes due to PHP 5.4 being the oldest I can get, but that was time well-spent in my opinion.
  14. Stevie crashed. It's being looked into already. Please see the news forum for more information. There are also posts in some of the related topics over in customer service you might find of interest if you want some more details on the progress of fixing Stevie. EDIT: Beaten again
  15. Yeah, that server isn't even up. We're working on it. It looks like it was rebooted again sometime around 10PM EST last night (you can tell because cP finally went red, in it's post-crash state cP stayed alive returning 500 errors), and will probably come up sometime later this morning (fsck usually takes ~12 hours on Stevie IIRC). Some info from last night: Ashoat seems to think the issue is extreme load of some form. Ashoat reported seeing a load average of 222 (!!!) during a crash, which he says is probably caused by excessive disk tasking since high CPU use would crash Linux long before it got that high. We need to wait for Stevie to come up first though to look into that idea.
  16. I don't control that, though I agree it'd be a good idea. It's up to Krydos.
  17. Probably, but we're more concerned with Stevie being down right now. Also, what is you accounts username?
  18. Krydos would need to delete the domain for you and open your ports on tommy, but technically yes. You also need to rebuild your site... I would wait until Stevie is up, make backups, then decide. Be aware that the tommy invite doesn't come instantly either. It comes when krydos sends them. Donors are just guaranteed to receive one before we randomly pick users.
  19. This time around it's because the whole server is down... Stevie has been rather unstable the past few days, we're looking into the cause. Check out the news forum and the other relevant posts in customer service for more information.
  20. Our website has been bouncing a bit today due to load that I suspect is related to cleanup work that's part of the Johnny rebuild. If it goes down, just try again in a few minutes. If you donated, you'll probably be getting a Tommy invite in your email at some point in the near future (I believe Krydos gets notifications when people donate).
  21. We do not offer alternative ways of donating at this time I'll ask, but I think you may need to just wait for the public release unfortunately.
  22. You're not banned, the server crashed. It's still down: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ It repeatedly comes up, then crashes a few hours later. Been doing that for several days now. EDIT: bdistler beat me to it
  23. Yeah, Cody (or more specifically the SQL server on Cody) is acting a bit odd. I suspect it might be load from cleanup activities related to the Johnny rebuild...Krydos was working on Johnny last night and this morning.
  24. Bdistler pretty much has it. Your access issue is not an account problem but rather the fact you're hosted on a server that crashed. The cause of the repeated crashes is still under investigation. Please see the news forum for more information regarding Stevie.
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