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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  2. I just tried resetting the cPanel password for you and the one I changed it to didn't work either :-\ Might be blocked for too many attempts... Escalating.
  3. You're welcome to sign up on Johnny, registrations open at midnight UTC every day and fill quickly. If you want to use Tommy, you can donate to get one, or hope you receive one for free at random. If you want to reuse your username and domains, please let us know so we can remove them for you. Also, be aware that if your hosting account and forum account use the same username, we will need to rename your forum account in order for you to reuse the username on Johnny.
  4. wolstech

    Stevie is beyond (remote) repair, so he has to wait until a root admin can visit the server in person to fix it, likely January or February. While it's unfortunate that he failed, Stevie ran great for over 6 years before failing (a long time for any server to go without needing some form of repairs). You need to move to Johnny when his signups reset, or donate to get an invite for Tommy (if you do this, be aware that the invite will be sent to the email address used to donate). If you want to reuse your username and domains, let us know and we'll remove them for you so you can sign up on Johnny. Be aware that you will need to restore your site using whatever backups you have, since we do not have any way of retrieving data on Stevie at this time.
  5. Your Johnny account is working for me: http://cryofy.com It says it was created today and is active. I see an empty directory listing on your site. Can you log in now?
  6. If the main domain always points to public_html, all the addon domain and subdomain content can be accessed through it unless you use some creative htaccess or other code to redirect/block it.
  7. If you had this forum account back in 2015, it's probably the forum account already existing. Lets have Krydos check what exactly happened though before we have you try again.
  8. That account does not exist. Was that domain previously used on another server? Also, did you create your forum account with the same name before creating the hosting account (I've seen the hosting account fail to create if the forum user exists since it tries to create the forum user during signup)?
  9. Krydos, When you get a chance can you restore the Johnny backup for my old sacred92 account onto my new rax1 if you have it? It should just be a bunch of files, there were no databases on that account (at least not that mattered). Thanks.
  10. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  11. Split from http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/26723-solved-howto-transfer-subdomain-between-stevie-and-tommy/ Seeing the same results for me. Not sure if it just hasn't caught up syncing yet or if something is actually wrong...
  12. Split topic. http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/26739-nameservers-out-of-sync/
  13. Yeah, the one I was thinking of is the first one you pictured. That one's an extremely easy addition on my end too (one line of code in the globalTemplate...) if Krydos is good with it. As for our main website, I don't know where it'd be best put. I agree it should be in that menu somewhere though. As it stands, there's only the one button in About Us, and no option on the other pages of the site.
  14. That account no longer works because it is on Stevie, which has finally failed after 6 years of great performance. You need to move to Johnny or donate for an invite to Tommy. If you want to reuse your domain, please let me know and I can have a root admin remove it for you so you can sign up again.
  15. Not a bad idea. If Krydos is good with it, I'd be happy to add it... Let's see what he thinks.
  16. Some recent developments with Stevie lead me to think we're probably looking at months before he's fixed. I'd recommend moving to the new Johnny (limited signups that reset daily at midnight UTC) or donating for a Tommy invite (make sure to donate using an email address that's not already used by a Stevie account).
  17. All of our servers allow directory listings by default. You can turn it off in cpanel under index options or by using a .htaccess file if you want.
  18. Type either your home's public IP (preferred) or a % (allow everyone) in that box at the top and click add. Then it should work.
  19. I'm going to assume this is fixed since its locked, but the account dr exists and is working on tommy.
  20. Yep. Johnny has 5.6. If you want more control and don't mind donating for an invite, Tommy has 5.4 through 7.0 (you can pick for each domain or subdomain in your account).
  21. We don't want people piling on him until we know how stable he'll be, so Johnny is currently limited like Stevie was. I'd assume they reset at midnight UTC like Stevie used to.
  22. Assuming you have a Stevie account, yes. Users on (new) Johnny or Tommy can still log in. The system checks your password by asking the server you're on, so if it's down, it can't get an answer. No answer is a wrong answer.
  23. Krydos will send the invite in time. He sends them manually. As for your data, you'll need to use an existing backup or wait until Stevie comes up enough to get your files.
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