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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Solution is to use a non-anonymizing VPN that gives you a consistent IP, or use a network connection whose IP doesn't change every 5 minutes. Typical fiber or cable home internet service will fall into that category in most places, as will most enterprise networks.
  2. I wonder if Krydos forgot to open port 27017 outbound...
  3. Basically what MoneyBroz said. Your public IP address is changing too frequently. Cellular internet, cell phones, and some anonymizing software like Cloudflare Warp and Tor that are designed to frequently use different exit IPs will cause this. If you're not using any of those, try a VPN whose IP doesn't change frequently and see if it works properly.
  4. This is likely because your IP keeps changing, and is very common if you're on cellular internet. Using a VPN will probably solve this issue for you.
  5. Lily account cannot be added because the user is suspended for violating the terms of service.
  6. I unsuspended your Plesk account and your Lily account. Please have the others sign up and maintain their own accounts from their own computers. Please see the response to your PM as well regarding your other questions.
  7. Whatever you were running was using too much memory. The limit is 100GB per day. Please fix the cause of the issue quickly (nodejs is an especially common cause of this, though other things can cause it as well). Unsuspended. It may take a few minutes to start working.
  8. Lets see if this is something that can be installed or not...
  9. These domains are working properly for me. If you're still seeing a default web page or other strange behavior, please clear your cache.
  10. Added. Please ensure DNS is configured properly. Domain may take 2 hours to start working.
  11. Node.js should be there as an option under the development tools section, though I believe Plesk can hide it in certain views. Try changing your view settings in Plesk. Also, be careful with node as its a very common cause of load suspensions (notably for memory use). You can't install extensions or modify the PHP configuration on the shared hosting yourself by design (beyond the few options you see in plesk). Krydos may be able to add support for connecting to external mongo databases if it won't affect anything else, but there's a possibility that it will require a VPS instead. What exactly do you need, a PDO driver for Mongo? What version of PHP are you using?
  12. Krydos would be the one who would know more about vps issues.
  13. I assume you're connecting from your PC and not from something else that's running on the VPS? If so, do you have a firewall configured on the VPS and is port 5432 open inbound through it so the connection can reach the pg server?
  14. Added. You'll need to set name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org or A and AAAA records pointed to the IPs shown in Plesk. The domain may take up to 2 hours to start working.
  15. That 403 error is normal if you don't have an index file present. Upload an index file and it will go away on its own.
  16. This is a known issue affecting some domains hosted on Johnny accounts. We’re in the process of working to resolve it. In the meantime, you can try enabling them yourself in Plesk but may receive an error.
  17. We can't add a domain because the account is suspended for excessive resource usage.
  18. Domain is for sale, so I can't change the domain to that. If you want to buy it: https://heliohost.org/partners/namecheap/periodicojoshua.dev
  19. We don't offer SSH access on the free service, so not being able to access that is by design. You have to have a VPS for that. As for the node error, if you're getting that error on Tommy, I'm not the most familiar with it, but I'd start by making sure the module CXXABI is installed. The error you posted is basically a module not found error. Also, is the app designed to run under node 17? If not, you can change the node version in plesk.
  20. Solved by PM. For those who might read this, all of these are possible on Lily, but we have to set it up.
  21. Uncheck the box for wildcard certificate and try issuing the certificate again. The wildcard option is not supported.
  22. I fixed the cgi-bin folder so Python is working on the account now: https://kokofixcomputers.helioho.st/cgi-bin/test.py That discord bot has so many issues though (a few are because that guide is ancient...) Path to kokobot.py was wrong in start.py (guide inaccurate, home folders are now your main domain, not username). Shebang lines in all scripts specified a python version that does not exist (guide inaccurate, Johnny has 3.6 and 3.10), Permissions/owner were hosed on the cgi-bin folder because you deleted and recreated it (not sure if Plesk did this or you accidentally deleted it) Permissions on kokobot.py were 757 when they should have been 755 (user error) Line endings were not of type unix (common issue for Windows users, use Notepad++ if developing on a Windows box) After fixing all of the above (some of them twice since I tried doing 2 things at once and accidentally set cgi-bin's owner to another user the first time), the start.py now works, but the bot itself (kokobot.py) seems to have an issue as it doesn't stay running. You'll need to troubleshoot that. I'd bet that's going to be an issue with the code/module versions/etc. as I don't see anything obviously wrong at this point.
  23. Created per discussion on discord. Please check your PMs for information.
  24. Changed to dojokime.heliohost.us. It'll take up to 2 hours to start working.
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