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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Glad to hear. Let us know if you need anything else.
  2. This happens every once in a while. Krydos will renew it at some point. Right now we're more concerned with getting Johnny up and running again though, so I'm not sure how fast this will get fixed.
  3. Yes, Johnny is currently down because he keeps crashing. We're working to figure out what is causing this, but as of now, we don't know when he'll be up and stable. He's been up and down a lot over the past 24 hours. http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/
  4. InnoDB is almost certainly toast. It has a habit of not surviving a single improper reboot let alone multiple. What we do seem to know (or at least behaves like it) is that MySQL is why it's crashing. We can run Johnny as long as MySQL is stopped. We start it, and soon after, MySQL starts beating on the disks. While the disks are being kept busy by MySQL, other things spawn tasks which get allocated memory then just sit there blocked, waiting for the disk that rarely becomes free. Those tasks then pile up since they're completing too slowly or not at all. The server eventually runs out of memory, which just causes it to try to find more disk time to swap out the stalled tasks and make room for new ones, all of which are also waiting for the disk. It then just snowballs until it can no longer find any resources at all due to the massive backlog, at which point it just hangs. What I don't know is why MySQL is using the disk this much...is this normal and perhaps something else finally changed to make the server no longer able to handle the use? Is this a result of damage from an unrelated crash?
  5. The server you're on is down. http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ We're in the process of identifying why the server keeps crashing...
  6. Johnny is down, so this error is normal. http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ We are in the process of identifying why he keeps crashing.
  7. This appears to be a server malfunction of some kind. It says active on my end even though it's clearly not... Your account has been unsuspended.
  8. This was sent yesterday...did you not receive it?
  9. It looks like it may have crashed again at this point...http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ It turned solid red for the second time and is once again unresponsive...
  10. It looks like Johnny has hung or crashed. We're looking into it.
  11. 2FA was removed from deny on Tommy.
  12. Yeah, 2017. Most don't realize that XP POSReady and XP Embedded are still supported until 2020. In fact, if you change a registry setting on a regular Windows xp computer, it will happily utilize the additional 6 years of security updates meant for posready.
  13. They're not. We do install the Centos updates though. If we installed the cpanel uplates as they intended, this service wouldn't function. Cpanel is only meant to handle a few hundred accounts per server. We've customized it to the extent that got 10,000 accounts out of 10 year old hardware...(Johnny), and it's actually stable, provided someone is not abusing the service. Cpanel's own support has even recognized us as one of their most extreme use cases for what we've managed to do with it. Based on their design guidelines, we should have about 20 servers (they recommend about 400 accounts/server). We have 3.
  14. WinXP is also surprisingly popular for embedded devices despite its age...things get installed and never replaced until failure. Vendors also love to crank out the same things year after year in that world despite being obsolete right off the line. Source: Helpe install some brand new control equipment running XP for my job two week ago. :-/ Manufactured December 2017...
  15. Edit: I can't see it under "password & security" It has its own page under Security on the cpanel home page. It's right near the SSL options.
  16. Our custom stuff modifies a bunch of cPanel files and scripts so releases of theirs that reinstall or updates most/all files in cpanel will break the service. Does the LTS version update/replace fewer files per release, or does it still do a mass file replacement every time, but make fewer changes/enhancements? If it only patches a few files here and there as opposed to basically reinstalling it during update, it may be something we could consider for future servers.
  17. That requires cpanel 68, the newest version we run is 66, and that's on Ricky. Tommy has 64, and Johnny is even older (and can't be updated yet due to the RoR support). We rarely if ever update cpanel because all of our custom stuff breaks when we do. Upgrading cpanel is basically the second most involved thing we can do to just rebuilding the whole server.
  18. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should start working within 2 hours.
  19. InnoDB went corrupt again during a high load event last week. We highly recommend NOT using InnoDB because it's very common for InnoDB to go corrupt on Johnny. It's very sensitive to MySQL crashing, improper server shutdowns, etc. We've lost this data more times than I can count in the 7 years I've been with HelioHost...on the other hand we've never lost a single MyISAM table. If you really need InnoDB, I'd suggest moving to Tommy for best results, since he's stable and very unlikely to experience load that would crash MySQL. While all the servers are prone to things like power outages (which caused the previous loss a few months back), the risks resulting from load or MySQL crashing can be mitigated by moving to a low-load server. You need to create a new database and restore a backup again. If you don't have one, let us know and we'll check for one on our side. We did run a backup script again before fixing it, however we cannot make any guarantees that the backup succeeded. It's completely possible that we don't have a backup, or if we do, that it is outdated, damaged, incomplete, or otherwise unusable. Backups are the user's responsibility.
  20. Your account was archived because you haven't logged in for quite a while. We have a limited amount of space on our servers, and occasionally we have to remove the unused accounts to make space for new users. To prevent your account from becoming archived again please remember to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ at least once every 30 days. Unarchiving...
  21. @Bailey: Only the code version is actually free. The others are trial versions.
  22. If you want, I can send an invite for a new account after you delete the old one so you don't need to wait. Also, tommy accounts set up and delete within minutes, no need to wait. Johnny is the one that takes forever.
  23. I've never used netbeans. Also, Visual Studio != Visual Studio Code. The second one is free, the first one is not. Both are very bloated and can be resource hogs though. Seeing you mention XAMPP makes me think you're doing PHP development...in which case you can make do with something as simple as notepad++. I've written tons of PHP code over the years, NPP or SciTe got used for all of it. ...and yes, XAMPP is probably the best way to test your code. You won't be able to send mail, but it'll do just about everything else.
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