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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. We've been busy dealing with Johnny's crash lately, so things are a bit slower than normal around here. Thank you for the donation. The invite has been sent to the email address of the paypal account that donated. If you don't receive it, check your spam as they have a habit of going in there on some providers. Please let us know if you need anything else and I apologize once again for the delay in getting this processed for you.
  2. That wasn't archived, just inactive. Not sure why it would say it was archived... Anyway, it's been renewed for you. Please make sure to log in at least once every 30 days to keep this from happening. Also, the username is aim, not aiming.
  3. I can't change it from my end either. WHM says your domain doesn't exist when I try to search for it in the MultiPHP options, and if do it from your cPanel, I experience the same behavior shown in the picture. Renaming your htaccess didn't help either... Lets see if Krydos knows what happened here.
  4. If I had to guess a few weeks if not sooner. I know Krydos was looking at it recently, and he's debating whether resuscitating Johnny 3 is still an option. He'd rather keep Johnny 3 if he can so we can keep RoR and Mono 3.5 support. cPanel no longer offers them, so a rebuild or anything involving a cPanel upgrade means losing these features...
  5. It should just ignore the features that are missing during the restore. Since the RoR app's files live in your home folder, you'll see the files in there but there won't be any way to run them.
  6. wolstech


    Nope. The port 2083 on Lily is where all the management tools for Lily are. I just picked the port number because everything else already uses it for management tools. Lily also supports insecure access to it on 2082 as well. I've done away with the Apache proxy idea and instead will use DNS to point to Lily like it should. The way Lily is going to work now is you'll create a subdomain or addon domain on Tommy, then use a Lily plugin Krydos is going to build for me to complete the Lily setup (this will change the A record and actually configure Lily for the domain).
  7. wolstech


    PhpMyAdmin is just standard PHP software, you don't need cPanel for it, and Lily has a database server installed: https://lily.heliohost.org:2083/phpmyadmin/ (I'm not sure what's up with the SSL warning...Chrome is adamant the common name is wrong when it's not, I'll get LE set up at some point...).
  8. We can't right now, which is why you were given the raw files. Once you get mysql to open the databases, you should be able to export them to .sql files using mysqldump or similar.
  9. It does. It's a result of the thousands of accounts he creates and deletes over his life. I personally wish we would just reduce the number of accounts allowed on it, but Krydos' reasoning is that he'd rather have a server that's always open and breaks a lot vs. users that get mad they can't sign up, which sort of makes sense considering all the traffic/signups generate ad revenue. The downside is that the unlimited accounts means overloading, causing Johnny to not be even remotely similar to our other offerings in terms of usefulness or performance, and while that's intended and mentioned all over the place, many people fail to read and complain anyway. It can especially hard to convince complaining Johnny users to move to Tommy at times (these users see this as "it sucks now, why would I give them money/go through the hassle of trying to get a free account for it to continue sucking?")
  10. That's a raw MyISAM database. You need to set up MySQL on your PC and convert them. Here's a guide that explains how to restore/verify them: https://blog.arekibo.com/restore-a-mysql-database-from-backed-up-program-files-frm-myd-myi-no-sql-dump-required/
  11. That usually happens when it's too big for the server to import in a timely manner. How big is the .sql file you're trying to import?
  12. Please pick a different username. The username nemo2 is already in use by something else. Invite resent.
  13. The DNS entry for guitar-resources.ga and the main domain for the account "guitar" have been removed.
  14. That account has already been deleted. Please note that deletion is nearly instant (seconds to minutes) on Ricky and tommy, and as a result cannot be cancelled before it happens in most cases. Deletion is also permanent, we don't keep backups so there is no way to un-delete an account or to recover the contents of an account that has been deleted. Please sign up again. I've sent a Ricky invite to your forum email address so you can create the account without waiting, but you will need to restore your data from any backup you have (or start over if you don't have one.) You will need to pick different username.
  15. Johnny may or may not return in his current form. It's quite likely it will need to be rebuilt. If you don't mind waiting what could be weeks, yes, Johnny will eventually be offered again in some form... Also, remember that Tommy and Ricky are available for free too. We give away a few accounts for each server every night at midnight UTC, though those slots do fill very quickly (Tommy usually fills in seconds, Ricky lasts anywhere from a few minutes up to an hour).
  16. You can always sign up again at midnight UTC for free on another server (though you need to be fast since the free accounts go quickly). Your data is available for download from here: https://heliohost.org/backup/ If you donate, we can send you an invite that lets you skip the wait.
  17. @euler45: Your account cannot be transferred because the archive is in the wrong format. Please note that even if it was, you'd need to donate to have it moved. The contents of your account are available for download from https://heliohost.org/backup/ An email will be sent to you containing a link to the backup. Your backup contains the contents of your home directory and one database. Tommy accounts are available for free at midnight UTC, but fill quickly each day. If you donate, please provide the transaction ID and a Tommy invite can be sent to you so you don't need to wait.
  18. What was your old account's username? I can change the email address on it so you can reuse your email to sign up again. Since we haven't cleaned up Johnny yet, the username and domain will still be attached there even if I change the email for you. I'd rather not remove those until we've decided what we're going to do with Johnny, since it'll create a mess if Johnny ends up being resuscitated as opposed to rebuilt, but if you absolutely need the domain and username I can clear them out as well.
  19. You can download your data from https://heliohost.org/backup/ , and can create a new account on another server if you wish. There is currently no estimated time when your current server Johnny will be back up.
  20. There is (was...) an SSL Not installed page on Johnny since he doesn't have AutoSSL. Not sure whether we ever bothered to add it to the other servers since they have AutoSSL and the assumption is that there won't be many domains without a valid certificate. I do know that they way SSL is handled internally means Apache serves the first website it can find if the domain isn't configured for SSL. For a while we had a weird bug that effectively resulted in a random user's website appearing on your domain if your certs were missing. That bug is what led to the SSL Not Installed page, which lived in a special account that was designed to always be the first thing found.
  21. We get paid to show them, and get paid more if it gets clicked. The ads here are sourced from Adsense and media.net.
  22. Probably was running out of memory. MC is a ram hog. I have a 1.7.10 server with 73 mods, it needs 6-8GB idle. It's allocated 16, and will use all of it if there's players on. It can and does crash when it runs out of memory. I'm going to assume an rPi has no swap file either...
  23. You need to sign up again and restore the backups, but yes you can use another server. Registration opens at midnight UTC and fills quickly, or you can donate for a tommy account invitation. Your backup wasn't in cpmove format, so a direct transfer isn't possible. You'll receive an invite for a new account if you donate. Also, if you want to ruse your username/email/domain, there's some stuff I need to do before that will work for you. Let me know if you wish to reuse these and I'll get it sorted first thing tomorrow if another admin doesn't do it sooner (it's going on 10:30pm local...).
  24. The forum account rahulio is showing as belonging to the hosting account, and you've verified yourself by posting from the forum account. I've sent the backups to the forum account email address since the email address on the hosting account is no longer valid. Please let me know if you did not receive the email. When you sign up again, register with the email address associated with your forum account. It will make the accounts link so we can identify you in the future Please note you won't be able to reuse your username unless I rename the forum account and clear out the dead hosting account for you.
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