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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Yeah, running one does take up quite a bit of time, and we only have like 5 players. I spend half the time on there fixing things like blast damage. I'd actually like it to grow to the point where its self-sufficient, but because we're an older 1.7.10 server it's hard to find new players these days. One of our main mods is still being updated to 1.12.2... I'm debating making it into a challenge/contest server of sorts. I'm also into crypto-currency so I'm thinking of setting up a few maps on it with various mini-games and obstacle courses where you can actually get real crypto for winning.
  2. It hasn't been restored yet. Krydos will post here once he looks at it.
  3. Please reset your password here: https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/resetpass?start=1
  4. The contents of public_html have been discarded and the account has been unsuspended. It may take a few minutes for the account to start working again.
  5. If you won't provide sensible names and non-obfuscated code, your account cannot be unsuspended. If you agree to make your software look like proper software (in that I can read the code and ensure it's not phishing/malware/spambot/etc. and the filenames make sense), I'll send you a link for a new account. What you have on your banned account is not acceptable here. Period.
  6. Can you explain all of these random obfuscated files? Obfuscated code and random filenames will automatically get accounts banned for malware due to the fact that the majority of the botnets and malware we see look like this. We don't make exceptions on this policy. ./pay.lscnet.cn: cgi-bin DV7RtxH1h9.php FPH.php HLVJDJ5lh9.php index.html JP1H3lV7N9.php JXNRN9Z9Vx.php mail RDbf33ZtB7.php res TLdfH5JdHB.php wXNvv9Z9Vx.php ./pay.lscnet.cn/cgi-bin: ./pay.lscnet.cn/mail: JD3xNTJrp9.php kuc68u4UE6.php RPHbDD3fx1.php ./pay.lscnet.cn/res: css DRDzll9ffB.html img js
  7. That account cannot be unarchived due to an internal error with database restoration ("Database owner already exists"). Krydos can usually restore these, but your username will probably change to nazabal2 in the process.
  8. Honestly, this shouldn't have been unsuspended to begin with. It's full of what appears to be malware or a botnet. This account cannot be unsuspended.
  9. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should start working within 2 hours.
  10. If I had to guess, it's the same issue that's been going on a lot on Tommy the past few weeks. Tomcat keeps crashing. Last time Krydos posted an error for a war issue on Tommy, the error was java.lang.OutOfMemoryError due to Tomcat having ran out (probably someone running bad code). I'd bet something similar this time around as well. Lets have Krydos take a look.
  11. You need a VPS to run this. With a VPS you have your entire own virtual server, with its own operating system installation and resources, and you can use the virtual server however you want. Always-running bots like yours are a common use, as are game servers, websites that need lots of resources, etc. The bad news is that you'll have a difficult time finding such an offering for free. Even we can't afford to offer them free: https://heliohost.org/vps For what you're doing, the cheapest $4/month plan would be plenty.
  12. We have a maximum runtime on scripts, so the script is timing out and producing that error. Scripts that are designed to indefinitely will hit their time limit and be killed by the server in order to help keep load down. Apache spits out a 500 error when the process its waiting on dies unexpectedly without producing output (which is what happens when python is killed). In laymans terms...it won't run here by design. We can't host scripts that are designed to be background processes.
  13. Topic was closed and redacted by user.
  14. You have to delete your hosting account and sign up again to change the cpanel username. Cpanel accounts cannot be renamed. We can rename the forum account if you'd like, and the wiki I'm not sure on.
  15. Ricky and Tommy take up to 24 hours to get a certificate. If you are on johnny, you won't get a certificate at all.
  16. Your password has been manually reset. Please check the email address associated with your account for your new password.
  17. We don't offer IPv6 addresses for our servers and do not support accessing hosted sites via IPv6. Tommy websites are accessible via an IPv4 shared IP, which is We do offer dedicated IPv4 addresses for $12/year as well. Not supporting it keeps things simple and also keeps costs down, which makes sense considering that 99.999% of users support accessing servers using IPv4, whereas less than 30% of systems support IPv6 (about 20% globally, though the USA is at about 32%) and that number shrank last year. However, cPanel does support the addition of AAAA records to DNS zones, so if you have your own IPv6 server and wanted to point a subdomain to it, you can do so.
  18. error_reporting(0); Added to the code will also prevent their display. Our system already logs the errors to error_log in the same folder as the script, though your method should allow you to prevent the logging or change the filename or location if desired.
  19. Some of those suggested settings are security issues...even if Krydos can change some, I can say for certain we’re not going to put 300 second execution timeouts or blank the disable functions line...
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