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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Downloaded the attachment and it flagged on my PC as Malware/Phish.A which is weird. No phishing in sight either... I suspect it's the content. A lot of companies have become very sensitive to healthcare content lately due to the pandemic.
  2. The archive is missing, so it can't be restored. (I've been seeing a lot of these on Johnny lately...) Invite sent.
  3. Yeah, something is rather messed up on the DNS side we think. I'm not sure why Krydos didn't respond to this yesterday though (I'm guessing he's still looking into it).
  4. We can manually add a second $sub.heliohost.org for you. First, create a subdomain on your account and give it its own doc root, then let me know what you want the extra domain to be and I'll park it on the subdomain for you. That will give you two separate $sub.heliohost.org sites on a single account
  5. When I started here 11 years ago (then a second time when I came back, 9 years ago), it was 3AM EDT for me. You may have to try repeatedly if you want a Tommy account, but Ricky and Johnny are usually open long enough to get on the first try.
  6. Krydos wanted me to send him one of these cases when I came across one. You're one of many with this problem at the moment, and we needed a broken domain to investigate with. We think the issue is something to do with our DNS server sending REFUSED and/or SERVFAIL instead of NXDOMAIN like it's supposed to. The domain cybercity.eu.org is returning REFUSED against NS1 at the moment, so you're the lucky one to try and get this fixed ; <<>> DiG 9.8.1-P1 <<>> @ns1.heliohost.org cybercity.eu.org A +m ; (2 servers found) ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: REFUSED, id: 57885 ;; flags: qr rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0 ;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;cybercity.eu.org. IN A ;; Query time: 64 msec ;; SERVER: 2001:470:1:1ee::1002#53(2001:470:1:1ee::1002) ;; WHEN: Wed Mar 25 14:40:21 2020 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 34
  7. Joomla's updater is broken. I have x.13 running on a Windows/IIS box outside of here and have the exact same issue...it won't update to 14. It just fails, or partially updates and hoses the install. It's not us, it's the product. There's got to be some arcane requirement that most servers don't meet.
  8. This is normal for Johnny. MySQL goes down quite regularly on that server due to load. It usually recovers on its own in about 10 minutes.
  9. Yes you were blocked. I've unblocked you. Are you using SFTP? If so, the ONLY user account that will work is your cpanel username and password. You cannot create additional accounts that will work over SFTP. In order to use the FTP accounts you create in cpanel, you need to use "plain" (unencrypted) FTP, hostname tommy.heliohost.org, port 21. FTP over TLS is not supported (it does seem to randomly work, but it's never reliable and we don't officially support its use).
  10. I see you've fixed it, but the issue is that the session directory is used by everybody, so you don't have full rights to it. We don't allow custom PHP.ini settings either for security reasons. Your software was designed with the assumption that you have the entire server to yourself. For those who run into similar errors in the future, the fix is to configure your software to not attempt to clean these folders up.
  11. It looks like the Johnny account didn't clean up properly for some reason so I've fixed it for you. The domain <removed> has been cleaned up, and has been assigned to your new tommy account. It should start working shortly.
  12. The Domains don't always clean themselves up correctly. What is the domain you're trying to attach to the new account?
  13. There's actually no way to rename a hosting account oddly enough. Your forum account can definitely be renamed though. In fact, your old forum account should still be valid if you want me to merge the two. Do you want me to merge and rename the forum accounts?
  14. That's what I was trying to do with this guy but he decided on the main domain route. I'll let you know when I get one.
  15. It likely fixed itself because you put it as your main domain (which forces the zone to create). Glad to see it's working now.
  16. Very true. I've just been seeing a trend in chat bots and load suspensions lately. One guy got his stuck in an infinite loop, which is an easy way to spike the CPU. Also, creative coding makes it completely possible to have the bot watch the overall server load and react (e.g. stop doing certain intensive things, or just flat out quit) when server load is up...
  17. Ironically I had a user get suspended for load while following that guide last week...
  18. I know. I can see them set here: https://bybyron.net/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=kanboard.ml&rec=NS My experience has been that a registrar will not propagate NS records for a name server that sends REFUSED as a response. The REFUSED code is meant for when a server wants to refuse to provide an answer at all, as opposed to answering the query but saying "I don't know about that domain" (NXDOMAIN). Our NS should be returning either a valid zone, or NXDOMAIN if not known/parked. If I manually park the domain (or manually create a zone file for it), the REFUSED goes away and the server will return a valid zone. Once I do this, the DNS propagates across the internet, usually within the hour. What I don't know is what's causing the server to send that REFUSED back for some domains but not others (which correctly return NXDOMAIN). I can't think of any good reason our servers should ever return REFUSED as it currently stands. The main problem is that domains usually don't propagate well (if at all) while being answered as REFUSED, yet the domain needs to propagate so it can be added and stop being refused. As a result, the only fix I've found is for an admin to manually park it (which bypasses the DNS check) unless you use as the main domain.
  19. @Krydos: This is an ongoing issue. cPanel won't let you add the domain claiming the name servers aren't set...even though they are. It never propagates (I had one guy wait almost a week). Only once I manually park the domain for the user does the DNS propagate (and it does so within the hour). Eu.org is the worst affected, but I've had a few other freenom domains like this do the same thing. The issue is that our name servers return REFUSED instead of NXDOMAIN like they should. The REFUSED code keeps the registrar from propagating the records for some reason. If you take a look through the past week or so, you'll see me manually parking a bunch of these for this issue.
  20. We’ve had people try for weeks without success, and others get it on their first try. We don’t provide specifics on how many per day is given away, but it’s always less than 3 for tommy. That’s in contrast to Johnny which usually gives out 20+. The number given by a server is never 0 unless announced. On average, tommy fills in 0-5 seconds. There’s no need to check the box, just click the sign up button. If it kicks you out, you didn’t get it. Also, don’t do the validation too early or your session can time out before midnight.
  21. Ricky supports 2.7 and 3.6. If you need 3.7, that's available on either of the other two servers. Module list for 3.6: http://krydos1.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules36.py Module list for 2.7: http://krydos1.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules27.py
  22. We generally don't provide exact numbers to the public because it varies from time to time and we don't want to disappoint our users who find old and outdated numbers. I will say that it's less than 3 per day though on Tommy. This is as compared to Johnny, which usually gives away more than 20. The fact we give away so few Tommy accounts is one of the primary reasons that server is fast. All servers give away at least 1 account per day unless otherwise announced. Tommy gives the least, Johnny gives the most. Ricky is in the middle, but is much closer to Tommy than Johnny. Also, note that even when full for the day, donors will still receive and can use their account invites (the invites ignore the daily limits).
  23. Tommy currently fills in 1-2 seconds, so it's basically a lottery as to who gets it. You basically have to get to the server selection screen and mash F5 at midnight UTC hoping you're the one who sees it open. An account can be moved directly to tommy (as opposed to deletion and trying to sign up for free) but that service requires you be a donor.
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