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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. It was indeed for excessive resource use. Please fix the issue quickly. Unsuspended.
  2. The stuff on our website very easily fails (usually due to high load on the servers). The official features in cPanel are much more reliable in my experience. I've proposed removing the ones on our website in the past (primarily for the exact reason you experienced...they don't work reliably), but Krydos insists on keeping them around despite that. The best part is that they sometimes say they worked, but they don't (they're supposed to show a high load error when it fails, but as with the rest of it, that doesn't work reliably either). I personally would rather just have those pages forward the user to their server's relevant cPanel pages.
  3. That account is not suspended. Try resetting the password here: https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/resetpass?start=1
  4. If you're having trouble logging in, what error do you get when you log in here? https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/ Also, try resetting your password here: https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/resetpass?start=1
  5. Unblocked. The post you linked is from 2014 and is obsolete. The information listed in that post is no longer valid. Please use these settings: Host name: johnny.heliohost.orgPort: 1373Protocol: SFTPUsername: coffeehaPassword: your cpanel passwordAlternate settings are these: Host name: johnny.heliohost.orgPort: 21Protocol: Plain FTP (unencrypted, we do not support FTP over TLS)Username: coffeehaPassword: your cpanel password
  6. The backup tools in WP are likely the cause here. WP itself is notorious for being very heavy and causing load. Also, the restore failing is probably the PHP process running them timing out and being killed because they exceed the max allowed execution time. To be honest, I'm surprised you didn't end up suspended for load due to those restores. You must've been lucky and tried when load was low. The best solution to WP issues is, as always, to simply not use WP. It is terribly coded and consequently is horribly inefficient, not to mention insecure. Just about any other CMS in existence is faster.
  7. Ah whoops. I was on my phone so I didn't check...his post said Tommy so I gave a link for Tommy.
  8. Try resetting using this: https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/resetpass?start=1
  9. Was this sometime last night? I was having issues on tommy last night and he had a load of 116 (!!!) at one point (normal is usually 5-10).
  10. That’s indeed a phishing account, specifically targeting Apple IDs. That account is permanently banned and cannot be unsuspended.
  11. That sounds like a bad plugin. I would try disabling or removing unused plugins and see if it goes away. WP definitely should run here. Unfortunately, the main advice you are likely to be given is to not use Wordpress. It's junk software from a performance and security standpoint, and as a result we encourage everyone to avoid using it. (For what it's worth, WP is our leading cause of load and also one of the most common causes of hacked accounts and accidental spam/phishing bans.)
  12. For those who find this in the future, it would be considered both a spambot, and also a social media marketing service, neither of which are permitted here.
  13. All servers are on 9.2.24 because cPanel does not support anything newer.
  14. Certificate is not issued by a certificate authority. You don't get free ssl certificates if you signed up on Johnny, so you would need to manually get and install ssl certificates using a method like this: https://wiki.helionet.org/Installing_a_Let%27s_Encrypt_SSL_Certificate The other servers will get you a proper certificate in a few hours on their own.
  15. We've raised limits before, but never that much. Also, because of a history of email abuse here, and the fact that abusive emails can get the entire server blacklisted for spam, our policy is to suspend users if we receive a single spam report for their account. I would suggest finding a different host for mass emails if you need more than a few hundred per day. If you can make do with a few hundred per day and wish to apply for a limit increase, please provide an example email, and also explain where you'll be getting the email addresses from and how your users can unsubscribe.
  16. Could be a load spike, but most likely a problem with Wordpress. The best advice for fixing Wordpress is...don't use Wordpress. Just about every other CMS in existence is better. WP is horribly coded, inefficient, insecure, and notorious for causing high load as well as getting hacked. If you really insist on using it, start by removing all your plugins and see if the problems subside. Tommy does have load spikes on occasion too: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ They're nowhere near as bad as the other servers, but they do happen.
  17. Yes. In fact, you have to. The system won't let you add it otherwise. They need to be set to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org
  18. Krydos will be the one to answer this. It depends if the VPS slot got deleted/resold most likely. If it hasn't been, you'd simply set up a new recurring payment and he can just boot the existing VPS. I'm working on unarchiving this and will deal with the redirect issue when its done. As for the redirect, it's pointing there because the IP it resolves to was pointed to In order for it to point to your Tommy account, it should've been You need to change your name servers to get the domain working again: https://bybyron.net/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=efservers.online&rec=NS (please set them to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org).
  19. Or aliases if it's supposed to show the same content as the main domain. He needs to set that domain's name servers on freenom's site first though.
  20. That's because the domain groovetunez.ga doesn't actually exist. You can't have an email address at a non-existent domain. https://bybyron.net/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=groovetunez.ga&rec=ALL There's no DNS records and you get an NXDOMAIN querying it. Visit in your browser and you get an error. Did you actually register that domain? If so, it appears that it's misconfigured, or Freenom cancelled it on you (quite typical of them...they're notorious for this sort of crap).
  21. The domain for tpog2 has been changed to tpog.heliohost.org. It may take a few hours to start working.
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