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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Tommy is the most stable of the three, but I can say that Mysql sometimes lags or crashes on just about all of the servers at random when load spikes (which it's been doing a lot lately) so database errors are not terribly uncommon. They're usually transient though, recovering quickly (in a minute or less in most cases) as the server suspends the abusive user and load drops to normal. You can see the load spikes and historical performance here: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ If you need 100% stability, you'd need to buy a VPS, which will help isolate you from the load caused by other users and give you an entire operating system install to yourself. https://heliohost.org/vps/
  2. We'll need to look into this one further. It's showing as active, but it doesn't work either. The main domain doesn't resolve and changing it did not fix it...
  3. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. <br /><br />If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.<br /><br />If you need help figuring out why your site is causing such high load let us know and we can try to help. If the high load is simply because your site is getting a lot of traffic, you might want to consider purchasing a VPS instead. https://www.heliohost.org/vps/ VPS hosting gives you an entire virtual server to yourself, including no load limits, a dedicated IP address, and full root access.
  4. Firefox 40 is ancient by tech standards. We had that version at work for the longest time and had to get off of it because so many things were starting to become problematic. For reference, it's 33 versions out of date...version 73 just came out not long ago for consumer use, and the enterprise extended support version is on 68...
  5. Ouch. That's a lot of memory. Something on your site is either broken, too heavy to run here, or suddenly became very popular... Please fix this issue quickly. Unsuspended.
  6. You could just set up a custom error page for 500 errors. Then you can put whatever content you want on those error screens.
  7. Something on your account spiked...it was indeed excess load. Please fix the issue quickly. Unsuspended.
  8. Unblocked. It can take up to 10 minutes to be effective. Also, if you use https://heliohost.org/login/ this won't happen to you.
  9. You're suspended for creating two accounts. You're only allowed one. Which one do you want to keep? You mentioned maen1 in your post, but the domain you list is on maen2. Also, if you want to host more than one domain, you can use the alias and addon domain functions in cpanel to host them all on one account.
  10. Does this link work for you? http://portquiz.net:3306/ (Do you see a website, or get an error message?)
  11. Can you try connecting using an SQL client (e.g. the mysql command line tools) and see if it that works? We've had issues in the past with Java talking to mysql (usually the error is too many connections though).
  12. That account does not exist. The only way it can be deleted is if someone requested it be deleted, so odds are someone knew your password and delete it for you (we had a guy with a malware problem recently who lost like 5 accounts that way) If you were a donor, please post your transaction ID and I can resend the invite. A free account obtained at midnight cannot be replaced since we don't have any proof it ever existed (you'll need to sign up again at midnight).
  13. That's caused by your browser not processing the javascript on the page for some reason. That button is supposed to light up when you type your username in the box. Manually unsuspended.
  14. Glad to see you got it worked out. Yeah, some ISPs have a hard time with dns updates for some reason and take longer than they should. A new domain technically can take up to 48 hours for all dns servers on the internet to know about it, though the major ones generally get it within an hour.
  15. Try adding the domain as an alias instead. The main domain and any Aliases you add will all be functionally identical.
  16. The domain sitedofranco.com should now be available for you to add to your account.
  17. That domain is attached to an account that was involved in a recent attempted domain theft. Someone basically swept our name servers for every domain pointed to us that wasn't owned by an account, then added it to their account (usually, these accounts are later used to serve ads or illegal content). Let me get it cleaned up for you...
  18. Heliohost subdomains are banned by Facebook. If I had to guess, it’s probably for phishing considering we regularly remove tons of phishing sites, and the majority of them use either our free subdomains or freenom domains (which are also banned by major social media...I know Reddit flags my posts as spam if I include a freenom domain in it). A site on our service can be shared if you're using your own domain though.
  19. Our servers do not support http/2.0 at the moment. Considering the majority of servers on the internet still use 1.1 anyway, it’s safe to simply ignore this one for the time being.
  20. We offer that to users on Ricky and tommy, but not to Johnny users. Accounts on Johnny have to manually deal with those renewals every 90 days.
  21. Your username is actually anandra3. Unarchiving...
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