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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. You're probably seeing a combination of WP-related performance issues and load spikes. http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ The server has been fine for the most part (I see 2 spikes in the past day on the chart), so it's mostly WP just sucking like it always does. WP is terribly written (it's literally a pile of continually-patched legacy code...it hasn't been rewritten or optimized in years and is well known for performance and security issues)...when that mess of bad code gets combined with a load spike, yes downtime is normal. The easiest solution is to use different software that is better written and tolerates load spikes better. Joomla handles better than WP, and there's even lighter CMSes available too if you look around.
  2. It works fine for me. Make sure you the box on the left only contains the domain name, and the one on the right gets the entire string they give you. Mine looks like the attachment when I go to edit it. If you can't get it to work, use the file-based method instead. I have to use that with my sites that use CF.
  3. Unarchived. If this account had Java on it, you'll need to request it again.
  4. It probably expired. Please provide the transaction ID like flazepe asked for, we can send you a replacement.
  5. Yes you can actually. I just implemented a way to control these. In your home folder (the folder that contains the public_html folder, don't put it in public_html), create an empty file called stopapp.txt. Wait up to 5 minutes for the app pool to stop. You'll know when it does because your site will start showing a 503 error. To start it, create a startapp.txt instead. The start and stop work regardless of why it was started/stopped, so you can also use startapp.txt to restart your app pool if it crashed from bad code
  6. You need to wait 2 hours after installing it before it will work. Also, the certificate you're using doesn't fully cover the domain. It needs to cover both the bare domain lioncita.com and the www subdomain for full coverage. Considering you're on Ricky, my recommendation is to just delete whatever certificates you've installed and let autossl run. The server will get you a proper certificate on its own assuming validation passes. The process can take up to 24 hours. Make sure you don't have a forced ssl redirect on your site, as this can break autossl unless an exception is added for the .well-known folder. There's no need to manually install a certificate on Ricky (or Tommy). Only Johnny users have to provide their own certificate.
  7. Usually it means your code is broken and wouldn't start. Krydos can get the logs for you so you can figure out what happened.
  8. Quota for account life2 has been increased. Thank you for the donation.
  9. It's related to how you have the software for your website configured. The software is likely configured to expect the .in domain and no folder in the path, so using the heliohost.org subdomain and having the subfolder in the path breaks it. It's quite common for a site to not work correctly when accessed like this. Simply access it as it's intended and you're good. You might want to toss an index file in the root of public html that redirects to the correct domain, even if only so the directory listing isn't visible.
  10. Please clear your cache. SSL on that domain works fine for me. As for that link, yeah, we upgraded the wiki and all the documentation links broke.
  11. This account has been moved to Tommy. Thank you for the donation If you see a queued page or 404 error, please clear your cache. In some cases, it may take a few hours for DNS to fully update. It might also take a few hours before AutoSSL will get certificates for SSL.
  12. Done. Thank you for the donation If you see a queued page or 404 error, please clear your cache and flush the DNS resolver on your computer. In some cases, it may take a few hours for your site to be visible since the IP address has changed.
  13. It depends which one he's using. AngularJS looks like a plain old JavaScript library to me: https://angularjs.org/ There's also plain Angular, which is newer and uses node.js: https://angular.io/guide/setup-local
  14. Krydos might be able to do this.
  15. There's no need to change the main domain until you're ready to move your real domain to us. For now, just use http://life.heliohost.org/stroke/ to see your website until everything is working. Your new copy of your site should be at that location, however the software is broken (500 error). Check to make sure the permissions are set to 644 on the files in the ~/public_html/stroke/ folder, make sure the database is configured correctly, and rename the .htaccess file to anything that's not .htaccess so its ignored. That should help clear up the 500 error.
  16. You can just use life.heliohost.org if you want. I just used that domain as an example. It doesn't matter terribly much since it's not the final domain, what matters is that it resolves publicly, which (anything).heliohost.org will do. I didn't look at your account beforehand and assumed your real domain (the .in domain) was your main domain which won't work until you change the name servers.
  17. It has a phishing site on it that the hacker put there, so yes it's hacked. WP itself is massively insecure and must be kept updated at all times. Also, many "free" Wordpress themes from questionable sites are free because they have a backdoor in them. The hacker then uses the backdoor to set up phishing, send spam, or host malware on your account, all of which make the criminals tons of money off the unsuspecting public when it works correctly. The best solution is to not use WP at all. The second best solution is to keep everything up to date, use as few themes and extensions as possible, and and avoid using extensions and themes from random websites.
  18. Unarchived. It may take up to 2 hours to work.
  19. You already have another active account. Users are only allowed one account at a time, so in order to unarchive this, you'll need to delete postfre2 first.
  20. These aren't exact instructions, but should give you an idea: Remove the line from the hosts file, this is not supported on our service.Change the main domain to something that ends in .heliohost.org, so strokesupport.heliohost.org would work.Move the contents of the stroke folder directly into public_html.Wait 2 hours.Clear browser cache.Modify the appropriate mysql values to configure WP to use the domain strokesupport.heliohost.org (google will explain this process).Access your site at (if you use the above example): http://strokesupport.heliohost.org/Perform any changes you wish to make to the site.When you're ready to move the domain: Modify the appropriate mysql values to configure WP to use the domain strokesupport.inChange main domain to strokesupport.inWait 2 hours.Set name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.orgWait for DNS propagationClear browser and DNS cache. As above though, we highly recommend not using WP. If you're interested in just tossing out the site and building a new one: Remove the line from the hosts file, this is not supported on our service.Change the main domain to something that ends in .heliohost.org, so strokesupport.heliohost.org would work.Delete the stroke folder.Wait 2 hours.Access your site at (if you use the above example): http://strokesupport.heliohost.org/Build your new site in public_html or create a folder for it if desired (keep in mind if you use a folder, you'll need to set up a redirect in public_html or add the folder name to the end of the URL (e.g. strokesupport.heliohost.org/stroke/ ) every time.
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