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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Your account filled up /tmp yesterday, which caused downtime for everyone else on the server. Something on your account is not cleaning up after itself like it should be. Did you upload a large number of components for Joomla through its web interface by chance (I've seen Joomla leave stuff behind if something like installing a theme fails)? Unsuspended.
  2. Please set your name servers to ns1.helihost.org and NS2.heliohost.org. By design, our system will not allow users to add domains that aren't pointed to us as addon or parked domains. Once the domain sets up and is working, you can set CF up again. If you are unable to remove cloudflare for some reason, you will need to make this your main domain using this script: http://heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/domain
  3. Unblocked. It may take up to 10 minutes to be effective. It was for failed cpanel logins, if you use https://heliohost.org/login/ this won't happen to you.
  4. I'll send you credentials, you can't sign up for it yourself, and you need to keep the Johnny account.
  5. Johnny itself does not support ASP.NET, but you can get it through our Windows server Lily. Please keep in mind that Lily is experimental and has no user interface or control panel. Will that work for you? If so, I'll set up an account for you when I have a moment and send you the credentials.
  6. Unblocked. They got blocked for failed cPanel logins. If you use https://heliohost.org/login/ this won't happen to you.
  7. That domain is now queued and should start working in the next 2 hours
  8. Step 1 is to get rid of cloudflare. We don't support it officially, and when troubleshooting, it's usually easiest to simply eliminate it. Also, the settings shown in your screenshot are wrong anyway, so I'm not surprised it doesn't work. The A record should be pointed to, the MX, TXTs, and a few CNAMEs are missing, and the list goes on... Go to eu.org's site and set the name servers for your domain to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org to cut CF out of the equation. Once you do that, let me know and I'll change your domain for you. Once we get the domain to work, you can try setting CF up again.
  9. Use this: http://heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/domain
  10. You can change the PHP version in cPanel under "MultiPHP Manager". You probably want to use 7.3. As a reminder, we strongly discourage the use of WP because it's extremely bloated and insecure. WP is the leading cause of suspended accounts here at HelioHost, usually because it causes high load, or because it got broken into and a hacker set up phishing. Just about any other CMS in existence is a better choice. Joomla (and more recently Ghost) have been popular choices here.
  11. EU.org is not fully compatible with our services because they don't follow industry standards regarding the setup of DNS records. The only way you can use an eu.org domain is by setting it as your main domain.
  12. It says the unarchive is already running...Kryos or Byron probably already started restoring this one.
  13. Plain FTP is just that...data sent in plain text. FTP over TLS is the usual solution here, but we don't support it because we recommend SFTP. You could try it if you want (use "explicit" TLS instead of "plain" if you want to try), because it does work on my account, but then my account was the second account ever created. Newer accounts seem to not work right with it, while older ones do. Hostname: tommy.heliohost.org Port: 21 Encryption: none/plain (as above, FTP over explicit TLS might work, but it's not officially supported). Username and password were your choice. Keep in mind that you need to type the whole thing, including the domain (e.g. ftpuser@domain.heliohost.org) when using these extra accounts. Just using the prefix (e.g. ftpuser) won't work. IP bans are measured as failed attempts over a rolling 1 hour period. The exact number of attempts needed to earn an IP ban varies by protocol and is intentionally not published for security reasons, however I will say the numbers currently set for all protocols are substantially less than 30 attempts per hour.
  14. SFTP does not support additional accounts. You have to use unencrypted “plain” FTP on port 21 when connecting with the FTP accounts you can make in cPanel. IP unblocked.
  15. I would start by removing all these redirects, optimizaion, and SEO nonsense, and just get the site to work first. Remove the Yoast and caching stuff from WP, and rename your .htaccess file so its ignored entirely. Then just get the site to work when visited. Don't worry about SSL or caching or SEO or anything else. Until your domain can actually display your content, those other things are pointless. Also, I suspect the docroot for the subdomain is wrong. If this is supposed to do what I think it's supposed to, the subdomain needs to have the same docroot as its parent domain (i.e. the subdomain is just for show and doesn't actually go anywhere different from the actual domain). While this sort of setup is possible, it is also entirely pointless (some snake-oil SEO sites say this is a good idea, but I've never seen it actually matter, and it adds needless complexity).
  16. Looks like they just badly implemented the PHP 7 support. I grabbed a PHP 7 XAMPP and had the same weird bugs (using the same exact config on your account, when I tested this I just downloaded your install off your account and just changed the database settings for xampp's mysql). IMO, 5.6 is fine even though it's unsupported. I still run a PHP 5.4 program on my account...
  17. Rename .htaccess so its ignored and see if the 500 error goes away. If so, its a syntax error or unsupported option in .htaccess. Also, remove the "force http" section, the services that need the stuff in .well-known will use whatever protocol they please and tend to hate being forced onto a specific protocol. AutoSSL likes HTTP, but there's also stuff that likes HTTPS in there. Let the services themselves use what they want, don't force anything. The size of your page doesn't matter since we don't monitor bandwidth unlike other web hosts. It's the amount of CPU and RAM on the server that we monitor, and WP is simply the worst at both of these. You're topping our charts with just your test traffic, and CF won't fix that because dynamic pages are not cached by CF. Other hosts generally monitor bandwidth instead of resource use, because it's easily quantified and they have tons of servers that they can pay for with money from paid hosting. Since we don't have paid services and also don't pay for bandwidth (our provider gives us unlimited traffic), we control the server resources instead so we can pack more accounts into a single server. Some other things to consider: SSL is increases load, as does compression (if you use it). The only real fix is to not use WP, but not using SSL (from a security standpoint it's pointless unless your site collects information of some sort anyway) and turning off any sort of compression you have enabled might help a little. Krydos's idea looks promising too. Convert the public site to static HTML and only use the WP install to generate new static pages when you change content. Static pages cause virtually no resource use at all. Once live, that site will end up suspended if the numbers above continue.
  18. Most notably, its a security disaster. WP gets hacked regularly, unlike just about every other CMS in existence. Once hacked, the hacker usually either sends a bunch of spam or sets up phishing. Either way, WP getting hacked will usually earn your account a permanent suspension and loss of all data. WP is the #1 cause of accidental suspensions here at HelioHost. If you need an alternative, Joomla (and more recently Ghost) have been quite popular around here and they don't suffer these same issues.
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