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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. To update on this, the new accounts from today have now all failed as well, and the scanner has also started malfunctioning. Apache has 36 hours since last restart too but I assume that's just a side effect of the space issue unlike last time around...
  2. Try it now. (You're the second one today on Johnny that had an account listed as "active" after a renewal, but actually was still suspended. Not sure what's going on here...)
  3. You need a cPanel account anyway, so get a tommy account for Node then request lily access. Lily accounts don’t count for the one account limit because they have to piggyback on a cPanel account due to how they work.
  4. What are you seeing on the website? If it's invalid password, it's probably actually an issue with server load. The website will throw an invalid password error if it can't tell whether a password was good (usually because the server didn't respond). Unless you're trying to use one of the options on the site, just sign in directly: https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/ (make sure there's nothing after the / when signing in). The logins still count for inactivity purposes. Please be aware that this form does not accept email addresses. Also, 2FA has been known to cause some odd issues from time to time in the past, but it usually works pretty well these days, especially if you log into Tommy directly.
  5. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache. If you need help figuring out why your site is causing such high load let us know and we can try to help. If the high load is simply because your site is getting a lot of traffic, you might want to consider purchasing a VPS instead. https://www.heliohost.org/vps/ VPS hosting gives you an entire virtual server to yourself, including no load limits, a dedicated IP address, and full root access.
  6. The account tycoon has been removed and the domain of tycoon59 has been changed to http://tycoon.heliohost.org/ Please give it a few hours for everything to update, and if something still isn't working, please let us know.
  7. The delete failing might be related to this issue: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/40633-krydos-ricky-apache-restart-stuck/ Please check your email and reply to confirm you want the account above deleted manually and I'll remove it for you. Once I do that, I can make the domain match your old account. We cannot change the username of an account though.
  8. Can Ricky's apache restart be checked? It's showing 2600 minutes, and at least one user has a domain from yesterday that's still queued. Scan looks stuck as well, but oddly accounts seem to be creating successfully...
  9. The last time someone donated bitcoin for a tommy account then got banned (intentional phishing), he lost his donation. I'm open to giving this user another account, but as per the TOS, illegal activity (ponzi, scams, phishing, fraud, etc.) will earn accounts a permanent ban. As for Nigeria, while I don't like generalizing countries like this, it's sadly an accurate statement. We do get legitimate users ( like you ) from these regions, which is why we continue to serve them, but all the abuse we get gives these countries a bad rap To give you an idea of abuse statistics, the last time I did the numbers a few months back, 96.9% of all abuse accounts in our system at the time had originated from two countries. #1: Indonesia or #2: Nigeria. The other 3% was mostly a mix of VPNs, Morocco, China, and Russia...
  10. Thanks for catching that. That appears to be a Ponzi scheme. Ponzi schemes are illegal activity and violate our terms of service. Account originated from Nigeria too...I'm not surprised. Suspended.
  11. You must use such a subdomain as your main domain. You can change that here: http://heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/domain Addon and alias domains require you to use our name servers. Also, please keep in mind that we are unable to provide support for any account that does not use our name servers. Many features of cpanel (mail, webdisk, anything DNS related, etc.) will not function if you use an account this way.
  12. You can't at this point. An invite for a replacement account has been sent to you. Please create a new account and don't use WP. It's laughably insecure and is a leading cause of hacked accounts. Almost every time a hacker gets into a WP site, they either set up a phishing site or send spam or phishing email.
  13. The chart doesn't update instantly, its an average. It'll drop as the day passes, but because of the load spikes today that have already been counted, tomorrow's numbers will be a more accurate reflection since they won't include any load from the Joomla and WP that are now gone.
  14. High load this time around. Please fix it quickly. Unsuspended.
  15. Accounts on Ricky and Johnny can take up to 2 hours to start working. Since you created it 45 minutes ago, I would suggest waiting a bit longer, then clearing your browser cache. If it stays queued for longer than a few hours, please let us know and we'll be glad to take a look
  16. Actually it was (for inactivity). His domain just isn't pointed here... Unsuspended.
  17. It's the default setting in cPanel these days, which is why it's turned on. We like to leave things alone when possible to improve security as well as ease of rebuilding the server later (if we change the default, it's one more thing we have to remember to change in rebuilds). It does seem silly that we allow insecure IMAP but not SMTP though. As you said, the passwords are the same in both directions. The insecure webmail is intentional. We also offer insecure cPanel on 2082 (and 80 via the cpanel.domain.heliohost.org subdomain) as well). These are provided for a few reasons: Many enterprise/school networks block SSL on non-standard ports (or block SSL entirely except to approved sites)...we have tons of users who access us from work, or who use our services for educational use at school.We have users in countries where private use of encryption is banned (yes these exist).Some lesser reasons that aren't as important these days (WinXP support comes to mind...we used to have a decent number of users in places like China running XP, not sure if we still do)While I think you've answered your own question (you're admittedly using obsolete software), lets see if Krydos is willing to turn this off considering the fact we already allow a bunch of other insecure email services like IMAP.
  18. Donate here: https://heliohost.org/tommy/ As long as you don't already have an account, you'll receive an email within 24 hours at the address on your paypal account with a link to create a Tommy account. Minimum donation is $1 USD, anything smaller and Paypal eats it all in fees. If you already have an account on Johnny or Ricky, please donate then post your transaction ID and existing account's username and we can move it to Tommy for you.
  19. Can you provide a link to what's not working?
  20. It fills in less than ten seconds every day, so it's not uncommon for this to happen. Read the responses in this topic for more information, especially Krydos's response at the bottom: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/40538-tommy-server-signup/
  21. It's likely intentional because AUTH PLAIN is a security issue (this is the default setting too). The issue you're seeing is because of this option in WHM that we have turned on: I've actually turned this off briefly a few times to confirm this exact problem was the issue with my apps, but since it's a security issue I turned it back on and found more secure solutions once I knew where the problem was. I'd be looking for newer software. If the software is old enough to need this option turned off, it's old enough to have god knows how many other security issues. I have a PHP mail client from 2011 installed on my account, and even it supports STARTTLS...
  22. The latest easyapache releases support it, but I'm not sure if those can be used without updating cPanel (the initial support for 7.4 in easyapache appears to have coincided with cP v88, Tommy is running v84). We don't usually update cPanel unless we rebuild the server since it breaks a ton of custom stuff. Since Tommy just got rebuilt last year (and Ricky is currently overdue for rebuild), I wouldn't expect that to happen anytime soon. I'll let Krydos look at it though since I don't know enough to answer my above question about whether it's possible to update EA outside of cPanel itself.
  23. That app is now working on plain HTTP: http://sepiqon.heliohost.org/sepiqon_server2/ HTTPS doesn't affect mysql at all. It's just that your Java app won't be able to accept a plain HTTP connection (not terribly important unless you have a need for programs that can't handle HTTPS to connect, or perhaps you have users on older PCs that are still running XP). HTTPS can be much slower when server load is up though, which isn't uncommon on Johnny. Krydos would need to configure the HTTPS for you.
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