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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Typical. Please don't use WordPress, it's notorious for this. Literally any other CMS you could use is faster, lighter, and more secure. Please fix it quickly. Unsuspended.
  2. Load is probably up on the server, the most common cause of that these days is someone's Wordpress install getting too much traffic or being broken. Wordpress is literally the only program we recommend people not use...it's horribly inefficient and also extremely insecure. It's the leading cause of load suspensions as well as accidental bans here at heliohost (WP gets hacked, then the hacker usually sets up phishing or sends spam and the account gets banned). Any other cms in existence is better than WP.
  3. The number shown in that chart are not real time, they are averages of the day's samples, so if you were already causing high load today, then made changes late in the day, tomorrow's numbers will be more accurate. High load can be a pain, it took me forever to figure out my cause when I suddenly started having issues. My issue turned out to be a mantis install being hit by bots.
  4. That's typical of WordPress. It's complete garbage internally and causes more load than any other CMS you could possibly use. It's the leading cause of load suspensions here at HelioHost. It's also extremely insecure, which means not only does it cause tons of load, it is a common cause of accidental bans (typically phishing) when it gets hacked. The best fix for Wordpress is to not use Wordpress. Unsuspended.
  5. You're only allowed one account. Which one do you want to keep?
  6. Register the domain and set its name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. After that, either add the domain under Aliases in cPanel, or you can use this tool to change the primary domain instead: http://heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/domain
  7. wolstech


    If you mean the heliohost.org subdomains, you pick the subdomain you want when you sign up, or can change it later through our website. For SSL, Johnny has a rather involved process to get and install one: https://wiki.helionet.org/management/johnny-ssl Ricky and Tommy do it for you if you simply wait. It can take up to 24 hours once a domain is created for SSL to work.
  8. We need your server and the PHP version you're using at minimum. Please keep in mind that mcrypt is not available for PHP 7.2 and up since it's no longer supported in those versions. If you're using 7.2 or newer, please change your PHP version to something lower in cpanel. Most apps that use mcrypt expect 5.6 or older anyway...
  9. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. <br /><br />If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.<br /><br />If you need help figuring out why your site is causing such high load let us know and we can try to help. If the high load is simply because your site is getting a lot of traffic, you might want to consider purchasing a VPS instead. https://www.heliohost.org/vps/ VPS hosting gives you an entire virtual server to yourself, including no load limits, a dedicated IP address, and full root access.
  10. Please make sure that the program you offer is legal in the USA and that it does not attempt to collect credentials for third party websites like banks or PayPal (doing this will earn you a phishing ban). While MLMs are legal and we do not prohibit them, there are nuances in how they're structured that makes them legal, and these can easily become illegal (for instance, a Ponzi scheme). Unsuspended.
  11. The backup had nothing to do with your suspension. This is why we tell everyone to not use WP. It's the leading cause of load suspension WP causes way more load than any other CMS you could use, and it's also the most insecure (WP is a leading cause of hacked accounts, and the leading cause of accidental bans). Please remove WP as soon as possible. Unsuspended.
  12. That domain is refusing to be unparked due to a server error. Krydos will need to fix this. (XID 6jnt5b) This system does not have a domain named “fritschi.gq”. at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Domain/Owner.pm line 57. Cpanel::Domain::Owner::get_owner_or_die("fritschi.gq") called at whostmgr/bin/whostmgr2.pl line 3062 main::unpark("unpark") called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Dispatch.pm line 259 Whostmgr::Dispatch::_do_call("unpark", HASH(0x32fb040), HASH(0x330d510)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Dispatch.pm line 157 Whostmgr::Dispatch::dispatch("unpark", 1, ARRAY(0x3304778)) called at whostmgr/bin/whostmgr2.pl line 960
  13. Is the domain from eu.org or .br by chance? If so, those aren't supported as aliases. You have to make these your main domain in order to use them.
  14. We take crypto too. For free use though, the free signups reset at midnight UTC and fill in less than 10 seconds each day (you basically have to mash F5 on the server select page right at midnight and hope you see the button, then get through the wizard before someone else). Most have to try for several days or more to get a free Tommy account. I would say the majority of Tommy accounts go to donors.
  15. You need to change your domain's name servers at your registrar to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org
  16. Let's fix WP before you start...just don't use Wordpress. It's the number one cause of unintentional suspensions here at heliohost. It's complete garbage internally, and is notorious for causing both high load suspensions as well as accidental bans (gets hacked, the hacker usually then sets up phishing on your domain and sends spam from your account).
  17. Unblocked. It was failed SFTP logins. Make sure you use only your cpanel username and password for that, additional FTP accounts from cPanel, email addresses, etc. won't work for SFTP.
  18. Still not hosted here: phabricademoda.com.br Host: phabricademoda.com.br Class: IN Ttl: 3600 Type: NS Target: ns2.locaweb.com.br Host: phabricademoda.com.br Class: IN Ttl: 3600 Type: NS Target: ns1.locaweb.com.br Host: phabricademoda.com.br Class: IN Ttl: 3600 Type: NS Target: ns3.locaweb.com.br The .br domains are a known compatibility issue with our service though. Make sure you've set the .br domain as your HelioHost account's main domain before setting the name servers, or they won't save. This is because .br has a non-standard requirement that the host be set up first, while everyone else expects the domain to be set up first.
  19. It's marked as "suspicious"...what do you plan to use this for?
  20. Ricky usually lasts a few minutes each day. Johnny always lasts longest because he accepts substantially more accounts than the other two, at the expense of his performance.
  21. It has to be something specific to your computer, your internet connection, your region, or in one case I've seen, the language of the operating system (Windows can be weird...using a non-English language can cause certain software that otherwise works to malfunction). Unfortunately, there's nothing more we can do on our end since it works perfectly for every other person who has tried.
  22. That link works fine for me. Either your computer or your ISP is the issue. I see this: https://imgur.com/a/iP9KpCa
  23. Cloudflare registrar is a known compatibility issue because of that limitation. You need to change the IP address in your A records to Please keep in mind that some features (mostly email related stuff) might not work correctly without using our name servers. Since you’re unable to use our name servers, you will have to transfer your domain if you need these features to work. Also, as a reminder, Heliohost may not be able to provide support for issues with accounts using name servers other than ours.
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