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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. First, the forced SSL prevents the server from getting a certificate. There needs to be an exception so the .well-known folder can be accessed via plain http. I don’t have that code handy at the moment since I’m on mobile, so the crude fix is to just delete these two lines: RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] ...and wait for autossl. That SSL error is normal when the cert is either missing or doesn’t cover the domain you’re using it on. Note that a cert for example.com will NOT cover sub.example.com. AutoSSL should get you the right cert if you let it, but it probably failed because you forced SSL. Also, it can take time to work, it’s not instant.
  2. What language are you using? Java is the only one we would really have logs for. Python errors usually appear in cPanel under error logs, and php will produce an error_log file in the folder where the script is.
  3. Can you try changing the hostname to tommy.heliohost.org and see if it sends? The server's domain is the officially supported domain for mail and should be used for other reasons anyway, most notably Tommy reports itself as tommy.heliohost.org when another mail server connects to it, so using that domain to reach it is preferred. If that doesn't work, I'll have Krydos look at it.
  4. Indeed. A boolean false from a failed database query to Cody will cast to int 0, or a datetime of 1970-01-01 00:00...and Lily reacts by thinking your account has been abandoned for 50 years. Lily works fine, but struggles with error conditions. Also, please be aware that Lily is running maintenance tonight and has to do 6 months of backlogged updates. There will be a 10-30 minute downtime for the reboot at some point between now and 6AM EDT tomorrow.
  5. It runs on PHP 5.6 under Windows (XAMPP) on my home PC perfectly too. It has something to do with the configuration of Tommy at this point. Try PHP 5.6 as I suggested, and if that doesn't work, we can consider moving it to Lily since she runs Windows.
  6. What version of PHP are you using? That gibberish could be mbstring missing...
  7. Try reuploading first, but if that doesn't help, It's probably a compatibility issue of some sort. I assume your home PC is probably running Windows? Also, what are the requirements for the software?
  8. Taking a look at the account, i agree, it looks like warez. @mithian: you have 24 hours to remove it or you'll be suspended for copyright infringement.
  9. Luigi probably doesn't know that email suspensions have to wait until the mail counter resets before they can be unsuspended. You'll need to wait until at least midnight UTC.
  10. Krydos can install that extension for you.
  11. What version of PHP are you using ?
  12. His port number is indeed wrong. 1342 is the correct port for Tommy (the 1373 he lists is for Johnny).
  13. If it's just for disk space, you can buy an extra 1GB for $5, for a maximum 2GB for any one person. Since your donation is $5, I can just make the existing account larger instead
  14. You can't get an invite because you have a Tommy account already (the account tstamp appears to belong to you based on the domains and content). Users are limited to one account maximum.
  15. Does plain FTP on port 21 work? Sometimes SFTP has weird issues.
  16. The picture seems to have gotten lost. Are you using FTP over TLS (if so that's not supported, you need to use SFTP instead)?
  17. What IP is blocked? The one you posted from is not. Also, Webdisk is notoriously buggy. I'd suggest SFTP instead, it's much more reliable.
  18. Do you mean the button never lit up to click, or it doesn't do anything when clicked? The first is usually an issue with the data you entered. Note that since you have a forum account called heirloom, your hosting account cannot use that username unless the email address matches the forum account. Second, we usually recommend a chrome-based browser (Chrome, new Edge, Brave, etc.). If continue to have issues, you should try signing up in an incognito window (which will ignore your extensions and cache), and use entirely new information. We can change your domain later if that's an issue.
  19. If use use FTP, this error means the permissions on the file are set to 664 (note the center number is 6). They need to be 644 (center number 4).
  20. Unblocked. It may take 10 minutes to be effective.
  21. Payment confirmed. Krydos has to actually set this up though.
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