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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. All of the users who are still on the cPanel version of Tommy have now received their invites to move to Plesk as of last Tuesday the 7th. We will finally be shutting down Tommy cPanel on Thursday the 16th. If you haven't moved your account off cPanel by then your account will be backed up and your website will be taken offline. Also Thursday the 16th is when we will turn inactivity monitoring back on for Tommy Plesk so make sure you get logged in before then. Let us know if you haven't received your invite yet, or if you have any questions.
  2. Added. In order to host your domain with us you must do one of the following two options. Use our nameservers which are ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org Use any external DNS, Cloudflare is a popular free choice, and create an A record with the value and an AAAA record with the value 2001:470:1:1ee::2002
  3. Krydos

    Tommy back online

    We don't use cPanel anymore, but does WP Toolkit on Plesk work for you now?
  4. Krydos

    Tommy back online

    Thanks for reporting it. Does it work for you now?
  5. You're going to need to restore that directory from your most recent backup.
  6. Krydos

    Tommy back online

    It looks like that config.php file is missing. You'll need to restore it from your most recent backup. To stop the emails in the meantime you can stop your cron job.
  7. Krydos

    Tommy back online

    I tested PHP on your account and it seems to be working fine. https://goensch.helioho.st/krydos.php <?php echo "Krydos was here."; The only other PHP file I see is working too, but it's trying to access non-existent files so they are giving 404 errors.
  8. Krydos

    Tommy back online

    I just checked your site and it seems to be working now. Let us know if you're seeing garbled text still.
  9. Yes, transfers from Tommy cPanel to Plesk are still happening. Your invite to move has been resent.
  10. Added. Since you're using Cloudflare make sure you create an A record with the value and an AAAA record with the value 2001:470:1:1ee::2009
  11. Krydos

    Tommy back online

    I also wanted to mention that due to the downtime we will be giving everyone 1 week of inactivity immunity since you couldn't log in for the last few days. Inactivity monitoring will resume on 2023-02-16.
  12. Krydos

    Tommy back online

    Tommy is now back online and running! Since Tommy was powered off uncleanly there was quite a bit of corruption for anything that was being written to the disk at the time of the power loss. Most of it has been cleaned up, but there may be some issues here and there that still need to be fixed. The hard drive had it's partition table corrupted so we had to rebuild all of those. The XFS partitions had unwritten log data so we had to mount each one to write the log data to disk, then unmount them again, and run xfs_repair on each partition. Since the master boot record was corrupted we had to reinstall grub2 on the disk. The initramfs was corrupted too so we had to rebuild that as well. Then the main Plesk database uses InnoDB engine which always breaks whenever there is any sort of unclean shutdown, so we had to fix each table one by one until Plesk would run. The Apache config files and Nginx config files had a couple vhosts that were corrupted so that had to be fixed before they would boot up. Anyways, everyone's websites should be online now and you should be able to login. Please report any errors that you see so we can fix them. If you have an InnoDB database you might need to back it up, drop it, and import it back in. There isn't really any way to repair it otherwise. We still and always have recommended MyISAM tables for this reason.
  13. A password reset link has been emailed to you.
  14. A password reset link has been emailed to you.
  15. Krydos

    Recovery going well

    Did you read this news post? Or did you read this news post that you replied to? Since you're on Tommy, and the Tommy server is down, it makes sense that you would get no response from the server, and your website can't be reached. When Tommy is back up we'll make a news post to let you know.
  16. Added. It should start working in about 40 minutes.
  17. Please welcome our newest staff member, Kairion! He's been helping out quite a bit on Discord and on the forums over the last few years, so we decided to offer him a promotion so he can help out even more. If you're interested in volunteering for HelioHost too just do the same thing that Kairion has done and we'll notice and maybe offer you a promotion too. The worst way to get promoted is to ask for a promotion. The best way to get promoted is to just help without asking for anything in return.
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