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  1. Hello all, I've recently come across https://eu.org and thought "Why not give it a try?". I have applied for a domain and got accepted! However, I can't add my domain as an alias or addon domain. I have the right nameservers set (ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org), what am I doing wrong? Furthermore, I would like to use CloudFlare with it, is that possible? Edit: There is this post by Krydos on cPanel's forum which is really confusing to me... so does it mean that we can't use eu.org domains...? P.S.: Sorry for my lack of knowledge regarding domain names and related subjects. I'm happy to elaborate if needed. Thanks for all answers!
  2. Hello, I added my domain to "Domains" instead of "Addon Domains" using cpanel. But when trying to remove the Domain, i get the folloowing error message: Error: Unable to find out which user owns the parked domain Could someone please help me? Thank you.
  3. I have created a domain namexxxx.combut it doesn't load. I can't ping it either. For example, when I try to install wordpress, I get this error. Internal Server Error500No response from subprocess (cpanel (cpanel)): The subprocess reported error number 72,057,594,037,927,935 when it ended. The process dumped a core file.cpsrvd Server at johnny.heliohost.org Edited 15/08/2020 16:19h UTC I will wait 24 hours: "Ahoy! You're seeing this page because HelioHost has not gotten about to installing and configuring your account yet. This process usually takes 24 hours, and once it is complete your website should show up properly. While the account is being created we suggest taking a look at your control panel. "
  4. Hi, I want to forward my one subdomain to another server. Because of the storage limit I have, I like to have my blog.mydomain.com subdomain to forward to another server. That particular server needs NS update. They only provided name servers. So I'm in need of updating subdomain's NS. Is it possible? if yes, how can I do it in DND Zone? Thanks.
  5. can bz2 be enable for my website softwarwraps.ga ? i am trying to install PH7builder trial version and it says i require bz2 php extention. regards
  6. Greeting. I tried about 5-6 time to add an "Addon domain" but every time page won't do anything or returns an error! It says DNS record already available, so I went to "Zone editor" --> click on manage button in front of my addon domain name and delete every 5 records (name of domain still is there, but when I clicked on the manage button for it, it shows no record founds); also deleted the appropriative folder named with my domain, under public_html; plus I deleted the sub-domain it generates with the name of addon domain followed by shahabou.heliohost.org then, I click on add domain in Addon domain section, after did and check the above things, and it shows me error below: (XID uhuswp) A DNS entry for “ouraie.ir” already exists. You must remove this DNS entry from this server or all servers in the DNS cluster to proceed.please help. thanks in advance bcs of all of your helps! with LOVE to HELIO <3....
  7. How can I create a subdomain inside my new domain: orangeadex.tk (old orangeadex.heliohost.org)? I want something like subdomain.orangeadex.tk? Is it possible? Up to how many subdomains like that can I create? When I create a subdomain, my files must go to the folder related to that subdomain, right?
  8. Hi, there. I've just pointed in my Freenom account the domain name orangeadex.tk to: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org Now I just need to know how to do the second procedure. Could you help me, please? Many thanks! Note: my current url/domain is https://orangeadex.heliohost.org. I'd also like to preserve this SSL certificate (HTTPS).
  9. Please release the domain greenvalleyrecording.heliohost.org from the DNS cluster. I understand that I can then use the same FTP settings to upload my website again to Tommy. If that is incorrect, please advise. I had NOT temporarily put the site on another of your servers. Thank you. Richard
  10. I recently changed my domain name from munny to bigmoney. Is this domain name available? In the last field I typed "bigmoney.heliohost.org". Is that correct or should I have entered bigmoney only. Correct me if I made any mistake please. Thanks for the support. Note: I just hope that this change doesn't affect the database...
  11. Hello, I just received my invite to restore my Tommy account after the downtime and have successfully created my main account. Before the server went down I had a second domain on heliohost that was manually enabled by the root admin. May I request that it be added again? Many thanks, Kurt Server: Tommy Recently created domain: kurtilk.heliohost.org Desired second domain: tpltrl.heliohost.org
  12. Dear Heliohost, I am sorry if this is in the wrong forum. I have also checked the wiki. I would like to set up nigelbarksfield.co.uk as an addon domain on Ricky after Tommmy crashed. However, cPanel states it cannot create the addon because a DNS record already exists for nigelbarksfield.co.uk. Please, could someone create it for me? Thanks in advance for topnotch service. Regards, Mr Nigel Barksfield
  13. Hi! I'm receiving this error, while I tried to add the domain in the temporary Johnny account (Tommy > Johnny) I need some help to solve this, and I wanted to know too, if (when Tommy comes back) I'll need to do this again?
  14. Username: demon666Domain: phantomtest.heliohost.orgServer: ricky Hi All, I tried to access web pages on my domain today but was presented with an error message from my ISP stating "website cannot be found". I found my usual FTP connection didn't seem to be working, I tried to create a new connection but this didn't seem to work either. And I also found I was unable to access my email account. However, logging in to my account and accessing the cpanel from the main heliohost.org page appears to work as expected, from here I am able to access File Manager and Webmail. So the issue seems to be related to being unable to access anything which contains my domain name. Is anyone able to assist? Thanks in advance. D
  15. Hi, I had a domain on Tommy until the driver problem. Since I am using both PHP and Java, I would like to re-create my domain on Johnny. Is that possible? I sent my donation back on 29-08-2017 (transaction number 2AR0995890673234R). Is that enough to have right now an account on Johhny or should I execute another donation? My user is: shuffly My domain is: shuffly-backend.heliohost.org Thanks for the support
  16. Hello Dear Heliohost support team, Previously my account (karaouf1.heliohost.org) was suspeded for Root Symlink, probably due to a Wordpress flaw. The DESSIN.ML "addon domain" was associated with it. Now that I have a new account (rauf.heliohost.org), I would like to rebuild the website DESSIN.ML again, using joomla. But, when I try to setup DESSIN.ML as an "addon domain", on my newly created "rauf.heliohost.org" account, I get the following error message: "(XID 79qtjw) The domain “dessin.ml” already exists in the Apache configuration." As if DESSIN.ML is still associated with the previous suspended account (karaouf1.heliohost.org). Please help me fix this issue, so I can put the website back online. Thank you for the great service! Best regards, Rauf
  17. I am trying to build a new website. I would therefore like to either change my main-domain or add another domain to my account. I failed at both options and am now looking for help or guidance. The wiki did explain what the differences for add-on/sub-domain are, but not how to use Cpanel. First attempt: Creating a Addon Domain, accessible under zivijobs.heliohost.org New Domain Name: zivijobs.heliohost.org Subdomain: zivijobs Doxument Root: /[Public HTML]/zivijobs Results in an error explaining that the domain heliohost.org already belongs to a different user (duh) >>The domain “zivijobs.heliohost.org” may not be created by “greenley” because “heliohost.org” is already owned by another user. Second attempt: Changing my main-Domain, using the script http://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/domain/ [Cpanel Username] [Password] [Desired Domain] [username] [secretPa$$word] [zivijobs] The script for changing the primary account seems to have no effect (even after 48hours). Full disclosure, I tried these options more than once and probably messed something up. Any help or guidance is much appreciated I am on server: Jonny Domain: greenley.heliohost.org user: greenley desired Domain: zivijobs.heliohost.org
  18. I tried to change my domain to a top-level domain via the script, and it isn't working for me. That was two weeks ago. I just did it again today but could you tell me why it's not working? I did point to the correct DNS servers.
  19. Hello, Are you good? Well, I just would like to change my primary domain from clitown.heliohost.org to wd4all.heliohost.org? I already filled in a form. Should I wait? Or is there any way to do it manually? Thank you very much, gentlemen. My username is roguitar and my server is Ricky
  20. Hi I am trying to point a subdomain i got from freedns (example.uk.to) to my heliohost website (example.heliohost.org) CNAME and NS records are disbaled so im left with A and AAAA records (and some others that i doubt are useful like MX and SPF) Can anyone help with this issue? Thanks
  21. I've requested that my main domain change for a long time now. I read everywhere that it takes 48 hours so I'm just wondering how come mine is taking such a long time? I tried the link in the account page (http://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/domain) perhaps I did someting wrong. Anyway, my main domain is retrope.heliohost.org, and I'd like it to change to radioretroperu.com. Otherwise, could you change it for me? Thanks.
  22. I've requested that my main domain change for a long time now, almost a week if I'm not mistaken. I read everywhere that it takes at most 48 hours so I'm just wondering how come mine is taking such a long time?
  23. Hello, My account was hacked some time ago, and I got a new one. The new account's address is torels.heliohost.org I also have a torels.tk domain, but if I set the domain to point to ns1 and ns2, i get sent to my old, suspended account. This happens well over a 24h wait and with a clear browser cache. Any help in fixing that? thanks in advance
  24. Hi, after my account is restored of a suspension for use Wordpress. I try to add my same domain to this new account but I have an error because the domain aparently is still configured with my old account. Can you delete this register domain. I need use this in my new account. This is the error in cpanel. (XID edwxc5) The domain “javidigital.com.ve” already exists in the Apache configuration.
  25. Hello, our site https://etilk.com is accessible but non of our subdomains is. Including "System" subdomains. https://muskamp.etilk.com https://cpanel.etilk.com https://webmail.etilk.com ... Is cause of this DDOS attack on Tommy? Also my username: etilkcom Thank you and best regards, Jakob Hostnik
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