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  1. My brandnew VPS is running, with Hestia installed. Next step: moving my website (hosted on Tommy) to the VPS. I suppose that this is essentially 3 steps: Create a new domain record, create a new web record and upload the files. Two major questions: 1. I suppose that HelioHost has to delete my actual DNS records (on Tommy), before I can create new ones? 2. Must I change server names at my DNS provider's? What are the DNS servers responsible for myvps.heliohost.us? My VPS itself, perhaps? Another question concerns security. What should I absolutely do to avoid hacking and other problems? Thanks for answer. And thanks for having the possibility to have this amazing experience, that's mostly complete newland for me.
  2. I'm sorry. I got password anxiety which manifested into a whole OCDing wrong password frenzy! Can't say it won't happen again. It will. Everyone knows that... This is like the swear jar of forgotten and attempt overkill.
  3. I recently changed my domain name from munny to bigmoney. Is this domain name available? In the last field I typed "bigmoney.heliohost.org". Is that correct or should I have entered bigmoney only. Correct me if I made any mistake please. Thanks for the support. Note: I just hope that this change doesn't affect the database...
  4. Now I definitely can't access the Ricky server and my website any more. It's like the website is gone and doesn't exist any longer. I just won't ask: what's going on?, because I know you'll answer: Oh, we're facing a high load in server. Just wait.
  5. Hello, I deployed one JSP web application (HbitsInfo) and its working fine with URL "http://nyshbits.heliohost.org/HbitsInfo", but i would like to point to main domain "http://nyshbits.heliohost.org" . Could you please suggest me how to proceed to achieve this.
  6. Hey, I want to access my the page inside my subfolder (The third-level up website: http://englishup.hel...red_article.php). But I can't because of this: Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request [...] Well, I've set the permissions of the internal pages to 644 and the folders are already set to 755. What should I do?
  7. Hi I have this website questioninmind.com from couple of days my login was not working after that i was busy in some other task so not able to debug the issue ,now today when i saw my website only not responding when i check after login into the cpanel databse showing no record. Can someone please help em resolve the issue?
  8. Hi there I am unable to log into my account and i cannot reset my password, after clicking the link in the email it just fails. My website is also showing errors and no-one can log into any of my pages: Warning: session_start(): open(/var/cpanel/php/sessions/ea-php56/sess_mm7p6qrajt87u67dnooa0u8pq5, O_RDWR) failed: No space left on device (28) in /home/**/public_html/login.php on line 2 Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/**/public_html/login.php:2) in /home/**/public_html/login.php on line 2 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/**/public_html/login.php:2) in /home/**/public_html/login.php on line 20 What has happened here? I have not added anything to my site in a while. Please help as my website cannot be used right now. My website is www.rugbypredictions.co.uk
  9. Hi, I need Python 3.6,Bottle,django framework, and mailjet_rest installed on the instance allocated to me. Please do the needful. Need to host a bottle framework based website/one pager. Regards, Wilbur
  10. Hello, I've been attempting to run php files from the public_html folder and can't seem to get them to work. In place of my php webpage I get: Is this my fault for not properly setting up PHP or something? They work fine running on other ftp hosts's public_html folder. EDIT: I'm a Johnny that requires PHP 5.5+ for my files to work.
  11. Hi, I installed a StartSSL certificate but when I go to https://www.maicol07.tk it shows me an another website. Why? If I use http it displays correctly. Thanks
  12. Divi Theme A beautiful and powerful premium wordpress theme for your website, integrated with loads of modern features and unique functions such as: - Drag & DropOrganise your content easily with the Divi Builder. Just drag and drop! You can even zoom out and re-arrange content from a bird's eye view. - Draggable WidthsDragging widths and heights is such a wonderful experience in the visual builder. You are going to love how easy it is to create beautiful white space. - In-line EditingSimply click into your page and start typing to add new text content. Highlight text and adjust its font, color, sizing, styling and more. It's awesome! - Responsive EditingNow it's easier than ever to make your website responsive. Switch between mobile and tablet previews and adjust your design for each device independently. - CustomisationTons of customisation options and you can even customise the User Interface for yourself Check out the full features and details here Preview one of the Live Demos of this beautiful theme
  13. Hi I create an twnn.heliohost.org domain but why http://twnn.heliohost.org/index.php cannot work? it shows: 404 Not FoundThe server can not find the requested page: twnn.heliohost.org/index.php (port 80) Please forward this error screen to twnn.heliohost.org's WebMaster. How to use it?
  14. I got an Error in my Code that: 0 results: : Table 'ccraft50_db.MyGuests_Index' doesn't exist This is my code: <?php $servername = "localhost"; $username = "ccraft50_db"; $password = "my password"; $dbname = "ccraft50_db"; // Create connection $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname); // Check connection if ($conn->connect_error) { die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); } $sql = "SELECT id, firstname, lastname FROM MyGuests"; $result = $conn->query($sql); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { // output data of each row while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { echo "id: " . $row["id"]. " - Name: " . $row["firstname"]. " " . $row["lastname"]. "<br>"; } } else { echo "0 results: " . $conn->error; } $conn->close(); ?> How do I remove the database name in my Table?
  15. Dear Heliohost Team, I am newbie in this forum.I have created account hosting(Johny Server). I can login into Cpanel from helionet.org and create wordpress site,but i can not open my site/domain URL from my browser. I have clear my browser cache,change PC to open site from my browser,but the result is server is not found and webpage is not available.i am stuck ,then i check myheliohost website from http://www.websitenotworking.com/ and the result is my website is not working not only from my PC ,but for others my Url : theimaginations.heliohost.org i will attached screenshot pictures to easy to fix my error.I am sorry if my english is not good,because english is not my native language. Best Regards luckyb0y888
  16. Hi, From 29th August my website(www.dpssoba.com) has stopped opening without any reason. My other website(www.drishtantkapur.com) opens perfectly.Could anyone help me with this?
  17. Hello, my website http://vcr.heliohost.org/ is to test whether I can read data from a MySQL database also on the server name database is vcjan_php there are two rows of data in the data base there is a user called: larry (vcrjan_larry) password: larry2015 2 columns: name and email I try with PHP scrips to make the connection the script is visible on the site perhaps I overlooked something thank you
  18. Hello, my website http://vcr.heliohost.org/ is to test whether I can read data from a MySQL database also on the server name database is vcjan_php there are two rows of data in the data base there is a user called: larry (vcrjan_larry) password: larry2015 2 columns: name and email I try with PHP scrips to make the connection the script is visible on the site perhaps I overlooked something thank you
  19. I am currently working on a website that is a mixture of php, AJS, and JQuery. I was wondering if AJS or JQuery would work on other free hosting websites or if i should just wait for my javascript to be active on this site. I mean I'm in no hurry, but why wait until may if i can do it now. Right? This is probably a stupid question but I figured I'd ask.
  20. I add a new domain like www.mydomain.com and I want to protect it with a password. When anyone visits the address they enter an username and password. How to do this ?
  21. Hi, I was wondering if someone could give me some suggestions on what to add to my website. It is very basic right now, so I was wondering if I could add something more advanced to it... Not too advanced though, as I am more of a beginner when it comes to writing code. My website domain is: saveapet.heliohost.org
  22. Hi, I was wondering if someone could give me some ideas on what to add to my website. Things like different features that I should add to my website would be very helpful. My website is: saveapet.heliohost.org
  23. Hi, I was wondering if someone could give me some ideas on what to add to my website. Things like different features that I should add to my website would be very helpful. My website is: saveapet.heliohost.org
  24. Parts of my website have had the "Account Queued" page for weeks but when I put a "www." in front of the URL it works fine. Any ideas? I would really like to get my website fully up and running without always having to worry about if users are putting the "www." in.
  25. Why I can't login to my cPanel for over 2 days. My helioHost Details Below: DOMAIN: sgjava.tk HELIOHOST USERNAME: sgjava SERVER: Johnny
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