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Everything posted by Luigi123

  1. It looks the Queued Page got stuck in your account but even though your account is already active. Escalating to our root admin
  2. None of those IPs are being blocked. Do you have another IP address that you got block?
  3. It's not only that slot and the signup button doesn't stay open permanently. New users are waiting in line for all the signup buttons to reset it at midnight then later it gets filled out so quickly by the users. You will need to be fast enough to get one as well as staying up at midnight. If you don't want to wait in line, you consider making a donation by visiting https://heliohost.org/tommy and once you have done that, the invitation will be sent to you in 24 hours.
  4. Moved to Customer Service.
  5. Someone on discord could be wrong since it’s not 100 emails/day. Every servers is only allow up to 50 emails/day
  6. This support request is being escalated to our root admin and thank you very much for that!
  7. Your account was got suspended for sending too many emails. To prevent from this happening again, users will only allow to be sent 50 emails/day. Unsuspended
  8. Only our root admin can Krydos can enable it for you. We just need two database names so he can do it for you.
  9. Yes that’s perfect! Now we just need to wait for Krydos to check on that for you and he will increase your storage space in no time.
  10. Krydos will need a proof of your goFundMe receipt so that he can verified.
  11. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions.
  12. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  13. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  14. You were suspended for having multi-accounts and they are: jasonpik joe6 georgene js123456 According to the Terms of Services, our users only allow to have ONE account. Please tell me which you would like to keep and the rest will all get deleted it?
  15. Moved to Customer Service.
  16. As Wolstech says above, never ever use Wordpress! We highly recommended that you should use Joomla that has no issues at all, and plus we have a lot of users in the community has successfully installed.
  17. Yes, you can use you Joomla, no problem at all than using the Wordpress. WP is just really badly written, It's the number one cause of weird errors, suspensions, and even Phishing bans. (usually when the hackers set up phishing on your account) A 500 error with WP is almost always due to installing defective, bloated, or simply too many plugins. It’s really terrible and it throws in a lot of errors and also a lot of hacks. We have a lot of users successfully installing Joomla on their sites and that is recommended.
  18. Unblocked.
  19. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  20. Escalating to our root admin Krydos
  21. This is Krydos question since no one ever asked about this. Escalating
  22. Moved to Customer Service.
  23. This your link to your python file. http://purnama.heliohost.org/manage.py
  24. Escalating to our root admin, Krydos.
  25. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
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