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Found 13 results

  1. Just wondering if there will be any future plan to have Node 18 installed on Tommy? Since some of the popular frontend frameworks nowadays require Node 18+ in order to work properly.
  2. I have followed the tutorial code and waited for more than 3 hours but the "Node.js is working" does not appear on comics.helioho.st How to proceed?
  3. I have followed the tutorial code and waited for more than 3 hours but the "Node.js is working" does not appear on comics.helioho.st How to proceed?
  4. Hey! I've tried working through this as much as possible before wasting your time here, but I'm at a loss. I was trying to set up MongoDB Atlas alongside php to dynamically load what's essentially just a directory with some filters. Nothing memory-heavy, but a few hundred entries long with ~12 fields each, and I already have it in csv format, so I was thinking that it would just be really nice to not have to deal with typing everything in on static pages. Anyways, I have everything connected and working on my local machine (connected to Atlas), but was running into a wall getting the Mongodb drivers for PHP installed on HelioHost (or even finding out if it's possible in the first place). I had also tried using the composer.json file to install the dependencies, and while it brought up the package that would work, it couldn't install it due to the php.ini file and missing MongoDB extension. Then, after spending all night trying various versions of PHP, I kind of threw in the towel and thought I'd just go with what I wanted to do in the first place and utilize Node.js (or more specifically React/Next.js). But I'm running into similar issues of just not seeing what I'm missing/what needs done. I've read through the documentation and created the app.js file (with provided code), scrubbed this forum, and have looked on most every other forum that I can find. The parts around node.js in the Heliohost documentation mention/show some settings that I just don't see anywhere in my Plesk control panel. Same for PHP. I can change the version (as previously mentioned), but is there a way to install drivers/extensions beyond what's already shown in phpinfo? I'm hoping that I'm just missing something simple or perhaps it's just something that I need to ask for/about. So 2 questions: 1. Is it possible to use PHP with Mongodb's cloud database on here? 2. What's needed in order for the Node.js settings to show up?
  5. hi, i'm unable to run nodejs app, i'm getting error about port that is already in used. i tried many ports but same error every time. i also tried process.env.PORT but it is undefined. Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use thanks,
  6. Hi, I'm trying to deploy a NodeJS app with mysql database. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong because I can't access the logs. I get the 504 Gateway Time out error and it says nginx below. I would appreciate any help. Thanks, María
  7. Hi. I want to access my Tommy server via SSH from my PC. Is it possible to connect my server using SSH? if possible, Kindly point me where I can find the credentials to ssh my server. I want to install Node-Red (A nodejs based open source app) to my server for testing. Inside Plesk, the extension tool(At the sidebar) is also not available to install Google Authenticator and ssh extensions. Also, If any steps available to install npm packages in your server other than using SSH, Please tell me. Thanks & Regards, Shyam Bhattacharyya
  8. User name: quataofr Domain: quataofr.heliohost.org Server: Tommy I try to create a nodejs application with tutorial in wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/node.js But when I access quataofr.heliohost.org/node/ , It show 404 error. I try to rename my .htacess file but nothing is change.
  9. Hello, I would like to be able to access my PostgreSQL database from outside Helio. What do I have to do to make that happen?
  10. I have configured my nodejs application, but I get an error when I request the page to use data from a database. Please help me. Thank you very much
  11. I just realised there's a (sort of) official way to install Ghost on HelioHost! I've also noticed some other people using it here. Just wondering what your impressions were? I don't mean this to be a "help" thread, so feel free to share anything about the experience. Does it load up reasonably quickly? Any risk of overloading the server (à la Wordpress)? I set up a sort of "guerilla Ghost" before I realised it could be run here: software on Heroku, database on HelioHost, and the public-facing website hosted on Netlify via Gridsome (the static site generator). So Ghost is used as the backend, with all the dashboard and integrations, and the final site is rendered as a static site by Gridsome. Now that Ghost 3 is out, along with it's "memberships" feature, I'm wondering whether to make the switch and install everything here. At least, until I save up for a VPS. I heard that the "app" (or whatever it's called) gets powered down after 5 minutes and takes time to start up again: is that a reasonable delay, or a bad idea? The situation is similar with Heroku free hosting, and it doesn't take noticeably longer for the first load (especially for me, with my bad internet connection ). The only problem is when trying to access the JSON API: I get a "Ghost is still starting, please wait..." message in the JSON, which means I have to make sure the server's running before I make any API calls. [Edit: I hope this is the right forum to post this! Should it have gone into "General Discussion > Website Management and Coding" instead? ]
  12. I have deployed the nodejs application but it's been more than 2 hours and it still isn't working. I have followed the instructions at https://wiki.helionet.org/Node.jsplease help meServer: tommyUsername: somedays please help me
  13. Hi, I would like to run a NodeJs service. Is it possible to install and run NodeJs in this host? (I searched this info in the wiki and similar forum question but did not find the info, as well was not able to install using PERL)
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