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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Archived accounts are not eligible for transfer because the transfer script requires an actual cPanel account to import. It can't import an archive (cpmove file). I'll pass this to Krydos since I'm not sure exactly how this is being handled, but I would imagine the solution will be an invite once we open registration and start creating new accounts.
  2. Please don't bump topics from over a year ago... Locked.
  3. Changing the PHP version can fix this I think. I see mentions of PHP-FPM which Krydos disabled for performance reasons... I had similar weird issues with PHP when my account transferred, as soon as I changed the PHP version everything started working.
  4. It was indeed inactive somehow. The website itself was showing an inactive page as well. Unsuspended.
  5. Gotcha. All but one app on my Tommy account has been moved to Lily for the time being, so you're free to mess with everything on rax2. The one app still running there gets accessed so little that it being broken for a few weeks would not be an issue.
  6. I'm curious now too. I just looked up my account rax2 and it says its already transferred. I can't log into it on tommy2 though, Plesk says the credentials are wrong. "Forgot password" said it sent an email but I didn't get it...
  7. Johnny was under attack and has been turned off to stop the attack and prevent further damage since we are unable to provide replacement accounts and it would be too time consuming to remediate the existing ones. Please see the below News post for more information. https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/52691-johnny-accounts-hacked/#comment-213465
  8. You need to generate a new certificate with any free Lets Encrypt tool. Krydos recommended this command line tool: https://github.com/do-know/Crypt-LE (completely free but not the easiest thing to use if you don't typically work with CLI tools). ZeroSSL is an easier product but is trialware, you have to pay them after I think 3 uses. There are also similar websites to zerossl that you can find online to do it without paying, but there's no guarantee as to security or continued availability with those. Regardless, once you get the certificate and key, upload the files into your home folder via SFTP (do not place them in public_html as that will compromise them), then let us know and Krydos can install them for you (if you look over in Escalated requests you'll see what I mean...) You'll need to repeat this process every 90 days until Plesk is working and the accounts are migrated.
  9. We are not accepting new users at this time since we don't have any working servers for the free service (please see my other post about your missing account). We haven't offered new free hosting accounts since July 2021 when our cPanel license got revoked, and we won't be able to do so until the replacement system is finished being built (no ETA on that). In the meantime, we are still offering VPS service if you're willing to pay for hosting, which starts at $4/month for a basic linux VPS. If you've never administered a server before, we can help you set it up. Once free hosting becomes available again, we can help you move back to the free shared server if you wish and cancel the VPS. If you're interested, please see https://heliohost.org/vps/ for more information.
  10. I replied to your PM, but the long and short of it is that it was archived when our cPanel licenses were revoked. Since we no longer have a license for cPanel, archived accounts cannot be recovered. Please see the News section for more information about the license issue and the not-yet-finished replacement system that's based on Plesk. A backup can be downloaded from https://heliohost.org/backup/
  11. Running as admin will solve the errors, but it's worth noting that the folders those links reference are typically either useless cpanel data (that .cpanm folder can be ignored entirely) or alternative names for actual folders that extract normally (e.g. that www symlink points to public_html). The data from the account should be in the output even if you ignore the symlink errors. The vast majority of users need these (paths may be slightly different since I'm trying to recall this from memory at the moment...): /homedir/public_html /mysql (if you use mysql) /pgsql (if you use postgres) /homedir/mail (if you used email) /homedir/logs (if you want the access logs) Custom folders and files added to your home folder.
  12. cPanel is no longer available because our licenses have been revoked. Please see the News section for more information. We're working on a replacement that's based on Plesk. We have no official ETA, but my guess is somewhere between "several months" and "never". If you need to access your account, you must do so via SFTP. Files can be uploaded/downloaded, and databases can be managed by uploading phpmyadmin to your account and accessing that. Email does not work and domains cannot be added or altered. I believe Krydos can reset the password if you need it. Please let us know if so.
  13. wolstech

    Plesk ETA

    Nobody has been moved. I just looked at his existing account and there is data in there just as Krydos said above. The old accounts still work, they just have to be managed using SFTP and there's no cPanel or email.
  14. VPSes don't have any control panel or account you can sign into, so that's normal. Once it's set up (it can take up to 24 hours), you'll receive an email with instructions for logging into it. Linux VPSes are administered using an SSH client, Windows ones use Remote Desktop.
  15. wolstech

    Plesk ETA

    It’s not so much lack of him sharing (and a lack of communication isn’t unexpected when there are more pressing issues such as those K is currently dealing with) as it is that none of us have the skill set he does. For example, If I were tasked with this project, the first step would’ve been “convert servers to Windows” since I know very little about Linux…
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