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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Krydos can upgrade this for you.
  2. The donation gifts for the go fund me are manually processed. If you just donated today, it can take several days before the space is added. Also, if you donated using an email address thats not connected to your account, it's possible that it won't appear at all if we cannot link the donation to an account. What email address did you donate with, and what account is the space supposed to be added to?
  3. You can technically move to Tommy, but it currently requires a donation. There are no free sign ups for Tommy at the moment due to overcrowding on that server, and as said above in that post bailey linked, Johnny is actually a faster and less crowded server right now anyway.
  4. You're suspended for having more than one account (luismmv8278 and luismmv9411). You're only allowed one account. Which one do you want to keep?
  5. Gmail almost always marks email from our IP addresses as spam. Even our service-related emails like invites and inactivity notices often go to spam. If you hit "not spam", future ones will usually stop going to spam for you.
  6. Linux servers actually do not let you turn this off. The reason its possible is because someone made a module for apache that lets Apache locate files without respect to case. The case-sensitivity comes from the fact that the file systems used by linux/unix are inherently case sensitive. As a result, URLs of stuff served by a web server running on such a system is also case sensitive. Windows servers are not case sensitive because Windows file systems (NTFS and FAT) are not case sensitive. The typical way to handle this is to just design your site to use all lower case filenames, or if you insist on caps to use a specific pattern of capitalization like editDataFile.php and move on.
  7. Tommy's MX would be tommy2.heliohost.org. Krydos will need to set up the SPF and DKIM for you.
  8. Server uses UTC for all time-related functions. You can try using the " SET timezone='timezone' " command before running the query (see the documentation for a list of time zones), but I'm not sure if it'll work or not.
  9. Changed. It will take up to 2 hours before it works. Make sure you have that domain's A record pointed to or NS records pointed to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org.
  10. It could be. I also found online that this command changes the entire server's timezone, which obviously you can't do since you're one of several thousand users. The server is permanently set to UTC. It's erroring because you're indeed not allowed to do that here. Since the site works without it, just comment it out, and if you need time offsets, implement them in PHP.
  11. If you want to go to a higher version than 5.6, you'll likely need to either upgrade the software version by version until you get to a version that supports 7 or 8 (if such a path exists), or throw your site out and start over.
  12. So, PHP 7 and 8 are not code compatible with 5.x. If your site was made for 5.2, odds are the highest version you're going to be able to run it on is 5.6 without things breaking or needing to be completely rewritten.
  13. Krydos can reboot this for you.
  14. Krydos can check on this for you. The most common cause is accidentally blocking SSH in the firewall when setting it up, but sometimes there's other issues.
  15. You can if you want, but you need to make sure you keep everything updated and avoid extensions from dubious websites (stick with something like the extensions on the list from WP's website). Not updating WP regularly or using infected extensions from questionable websites are typically how it gets hacked.
  16. OK, I'll have Krydos move your domains onto the new account for you.
  17. I can't find either in our system, either as an account or as a backup, so it's either deleted or lost (we had ransomware back in February and lost a ton of backups, so its possible your account was a backup that got deleted). I do see it in the logs from 2019 when it was created, but there's no mention of it anywhere in our system now. A replacement account invite has been sent to you. For now it'll be a Johnny account due to capacity.
  18. What's the username of the account?
  19. Also, do you want your forum accounts merged? You have 3 forum accounts (yoe06, yoe2006, yoefie), and it looks like you've posted from both yoe06 and yoe2006.
  20. Invite for replacement account has been sent. Let us know when it's set up and I can have Krydos move your domains to the new account.
  21. Did some digging...the yoe06@yoe06.heliohost.us account was used to spew bogus emails (and text messages via SMTP->SMS gateways). Tons of NDR notices for emails that just have "bunder <random numbers>" as the body, or the above "sa" and "as". I'm guessing a cybercriminal verifying emails considering there's no meaningful content in any of them. The abuse reports above have hashed emails as the recipients. WordPress is very clearly hacked, and the account is full of malware. I see: At least 2 dropper scripts What I think is a bot for a botnet A script meant to exfiltrate phished credentials. A phishing site. Time for a new account...
  22. Krydos has to do this since you're using our DNS.
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