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  1. Krydos ... thank you very much for your goodwill and unsuspending my friends account. Regards
  2. That would be ok for me but to avoid all the awful work, isn't it easier to just unsuspend the account jeanine and let me have 2 (not really) accounts(?) which in fact aren't my 2 accounts but accounts of 2 different people (usernames) who have their own location. I created the account and made the webpage for a friend. Did I know that creating the new account, would be counted as a second account (other username) . Ok it was my mistake to not make it on her pc (location) and not mine (location). If I had done that, then there wasn't a problem at all, right? Regards
  3. I'll wait and I'll hope for the goodwill of Krydos to let me have 2 accounts. I hope he will understand my problem and point of view. I hope he will unsuspend jeanine's account. I'm waiting for Krydos (hopefully positive) answer! Regards
  4. I can't give a link because I didn't know about the one account/person. Where can I ask for that exception? My friend doesn't know anything about making an homepage that's why she asked me to make one and put it online. That way I had to create a new account with her name -> jeanine to put the files on that account. That's why the IP/login (?) is the same for both accounts. I hope this is an explainable reason for your multi-account detection system detects it. So is it possible to also unsuspend -> jeanine's account and get the exception for having 2 accounts with the same IP/login? You would do her a big favor to have her .own account and website on line. Best regards
  5. As I told you before ...because it's not mine but from a friend named jeanine Regards
  6. My website is indeed https://np-webdesign.heliohost.org/ username webmast1 The other website is not mine but from a friend that is why I made the mistake.,,, sorry ... But I see her website/account http://slovenskycuvac.tk/ username jeanine is also suspended. Isn't it possible to unsuspend both accounts mine and hers otherwise she needs to ask for it too and she doesn't know much of computers, I made her website. I hope you will understand and that I don't own two websites but only one, the other one is from my friend.
  7. But my account is still showing as suspended. How long will it last to get the status unsuspended and showing back my website.? Regards
  8. correction url np-webdesign.heliohost.org
  9. Please unsuspend my account . np-webdesign.heliohost.org Thansk in advance
  10. Please unsuspend my account ... https://np-webdesign.heliohost.org/ Thanks in advance
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