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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Krydos can do this for you.
  2. Which database and database username?
  3. Krydos can rebuild it for you.
  4. This website is working properly for me. Please clear your cache.
  5. Bingo...there needs to be an index.html or index.php file inside of httpdocs in order for this error to go away.
  6. Added. Please create an A and AAAA record pointed to the IPs shown in Plesk. The domain may take up to 2 hours to work.
  7. Try setting it up again, and make sure the folder where you put the repo exists. I created the one in that error, but now it just says it's not a git repo...if that doesn't work, let me know and I'll escalate it as I don't know much about Plesk's git implementation. I've seen others use it successfully....
  8. Escalating to Krydos as I don't see why this isn't working. The zone exists and has a webmail entry in it...
  9. Your account has been deleted and an invite for a replacement account has been sent to you.
  10. Domain changed.
  11. Domain lag.heliohost.us has been replaced with apex.oops.wtf. It may take up to 2 hours for it to work.
  12. Usually within 24 hours, though sometimes longer.
  13. Krydos can rebuild this for you.
  14. What is your hosting account's username?
  15. Please check your email for a link to reset your password.
  16. There currently is no self-serve way to see the numbers, but that functionality is planned and will eventually be available in the dashboard. In the meantime just ask and we can post a load chart for you.
  17. An invite for a replacement account has been sent to you (and is probably in your spam folder since Gmail considers our mail to be spam). Your new account will be on Johnny since Ricky is no longer available. As for why you didn't get the email, Gmail puts all of our email in spam, so you likely missed it alongside your actual spam. A copy of your old account's content can be downloaded via https://heliohost.org/backup/
  18. You're suspended for causing too much server load. You've consistently been the heaviest account on Tommy for the past several months, you were suspended because your load has gotten to the point that it's causing impact to other users. Please fix or remove whatever application is causing the excess load quickly. Long-running Nodejs applications and Wordpress (which is poorly coded) are the usual culprits. Node apps can be fixed by using passenger, unless it's something like a discord or telegram bot (in which case rewriting it to be less resource intensive is usually the solution). Wordpress is best fixed by removing extensions or not using Wordpress. Unsuspended.
  19. Just checked again on this and it was causing a ton of load again, I've added deny from all to the htaccess in your httpdocs folder to take the site offline until you fix it. Please fix or remove WP, then remove the deny from all statement to put the site back online.
  20. Escalating to Krydos to handle this.
  21. Changed and sent. Domain may take up to 2 hours to work.
  22. Please do not bump your posts after 6 hours, doing so moves you to the back of the line. Also, please keep in mind that being impatient and/or repeated bumping may result in a ban from the forums. It is normal for support requests to take 24-48 hours for a response as all of us are volunteers who have a real life outside of HelioHost and don't always have time to work through these requests. An invite for a fresh account has been sent to you.
  23. We have to make all domain changes on our end for the time being because there's no DNS integration for Plesk. As a result, we disabled all the domain settings. Also, it looks like our system does not provision the DNS record for www by default on the name servers, so that not working for domains hosted using our name servers would be expected. Krydos can add the DNS record for it so it works.
  24. You need to remove all of the extensions from Wordpress, or just use something that's not Wordpress. WP is infamous for being extremely heavy on resources. Unsuspended.
  25. Renamed.
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