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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. After you renew/issue the certificate, it can take up to two hours before it starts working. As long as Plesk says you have a valid certificate for the domain, it should take effect the next Apache restart.
  2. The account moved back to .77 as the DDoS mitigations are being reversed. There is no need to put a request in every time this happens. When the account changes IP address, it may experience a few hours of downtime. Most of these changes including this one are announced, but you need to be on discord and signed up for the Tommy announcements role to receive the notifications.
  3. The server your account was on has been retired. An invite for a replacement account on johnny has been sent to you, and a backup of the accounts contents can be had at https://heliohost.org/backup/
  4. Gmail does not accept email from our servers by default. What domain is the email coming from? It likely needs spf and dkim set up. Also, keep in mind that even with this, the messages will likely end up in the spam folder on gmail. Pretty much all email from our servers is considered spam by gmail, even stuff like our invites and announcements goes to spam for these users. They only start delivering to the inbox on gmail once a user finds them in spam, and clicks "not spam".
  5. This was already resent in the other topic you posted.
  6. That account was actually on the old cpanel Johnny, but the result is the same. It's not suspended, it was deleted. An invite for a replacement johnny account has been sent to you.
  7. Manually sent. It'll probably be in your spam folder.
  8. Krydos will need to do this since I’m on mobile at the moment…
  9. This is the 4th account you've created and subsequently deleted this year...considering you usually need it again after a few months, it would probably be better to let it go inactive and you can just renew it when you're ready to come back. Do you still want me to delete it?
  10. Domain changed. Escalating to have the MX's changed. For the domain, please make sure you either set your name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org, or create A and AAAA records pointed to the IPs shown in Plesk. It may take up to 2 hours to start working.
  11. I merged the forum accounts and then forgot to escalate the rest of this to Krydos.
  12. Changed. Please make sure to configure DNS to point to the IP addresses shown in plesk. The domain can take up to two hours to work.
  13. Uncheck the wildcard certificate box and try again. We don't support wildcard certificates at this time.
  14. I'll let Krydos handle the domains due to the recent events... I'll merge the forum accounts shortly.
  15. We’re being hit by ddos attacks (see News section). When that happens we have to get our ISP to mitigate it by null routing the IP, which takes the associated websites offline. Until we can resolve this (or the attacks subside), random outages like this may occur.
  16. They do this automatically when they're not pointed to our servers. In this particular case, I suspect this happened because your account has moved IPs as a result of the recent DDoS attacks (see News section for more information) and the domain is now pointed to an invalid IP address. The new IP address for your account can be found in Plesk.
  17. It was. We keep getting his by a DDoS attacker targeting an as-yet-unknown website on Tommy. When he hits, everything goes offline until our ISP can mitigate it for us. We're blocked by Malwarebytes because we have a history of hosting phishing sites. That's been that way for 2 or 3 years at this point and they're the only company we're aware of that so far refuses to fix it (I sent them an email early last year since I'm a paid user and they simply said it was flagged because of phishing activity and that they do not remove sites by request). I use MBAM on my home PC and had to put *.heliohost.org and helionet.org in the whitelist.
  18. Weird, it doesn't show as being a 2000MB account in the admin tools. I just checked in Plesk and it shows it though. Regardless it's now showing on only 646MB used anyway... Escalating so the space weirdness can be checked and the domain can be changed.
  19. Before we do that, you're over quota and need to either delete something or buy more disk space ($5 for an extra 1000MB, max of 6000MB per user). You're currently using 1200MB on a 1000MB account. If you decide to buy disk space, please send us the money and post the transaction ID of the payment so I can apply the space for you and get your domain moved. If you decide to delete files, please let us know when you've done so and we'll recalculate the space use and get your domain moved.
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