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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  2. You were indeed suspended for high load...you've been suspended for this 3 other times it appears over the course of 2 months. Are you running any sort of heavy applications on your account (proxies and WordPress with a lot of plugins are two of the more common load causers)? If you want, I can escalate this and an admin might be able to tell you what file is causing the load. Also, we normally only unsuspend users twice for the same reason. Consider this your final chance, since every time your account causes high load, it impacts the thousands of other users on Stevie. Your account has been unsuspended.
  3. Your post was probably merged with the Stevie SQL issues topic (I don't agree with this for exactly this reason, but others keep doing it for cleanliness...you're not the first person I've heard from about topics disappearing, others have PM'd me). anyway, I hear ya on running a site with these issues. I have a pile of stuff on Stevie that is impacted as well. Haven't heard anything as to the progress of the repairs. In fact, I've noticed less admins around than normal too (I assume they're busy fixing this issue, they did say it was time consuming to repair).
  4. It's getting suspended because you are causing high load repeatedly. Looking at that domain, you're running a proxy. Proxy scripts are known for being very heavy on resources, and seeing it is open to the public, bots and people on the internet likely are using it, even if you aren't. There isn't much you can do about high load caused by a proxy script, except either put it behind some sort of password protection so only you can access it, or not run a proxy here and go use one of the thousands that already exist. Your account has been unsuspended.
  5. Everybody using innodb tables on Stevie is experiencing it. There is nothing to do but wait until it is fixed. See http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/18427-stevie-mysql-issues/
  6. IPBoard has always been a pain...it doesn't work right due to the helionet site lagging a lot. There's times where my posts don't submit, the link editor freezes, and my edits don't save. It always seems to be related to the AJAX-based functions too, normal stuff like the full post editor page tend to work better for me. I'd personally like to see the AJAX functions disabled. I belong to two other boards that did that because of these issues. As for the board being updated, I'm not sure what if any upgrade to it is planned. An admin would be able to tell you more.
  7. I wouldn't be surprised if it's related to the same issues we've been experiencing for 2 weeks now. PHPMyAdmin and mysql are both up as of this post, so try again now.
  8. You were suspended for running 7 cron jobs. The limit is 2 executions per day. Your account has been unsuspended.
  9. Everybody is having that error. Error 2013 is related to the crash that Stevie recently experienced. Does Drupal 7 try to create tables using innodb? If so, it won't work until Stevie is fixed.
  10. Some registrars are backwards like that... Change your main domain to the domain you're adding by using this script: http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/domain Once you do that, wait for the DNS to propagate, then set the name servers at your regsitrar. After the name servers are set, you can change your main domain back and add the domain as an addon or parked domain instead if you wish.
  11. Last night I was converting my tables to MyISAM. I made new DB and imported a freshly taken backup, then tried to drop the old DB. The database seems to be half-dropped. It no longer shows in cPanel, and I can no longer query it from PHP (database doesn't exist), but I can still see and use it in phpmyadmin. Can an admin please drop database rax_si3 on stevie when there's time? It's not urgent.
  12. They're working fine for me, although phpmyadmin has been throwing #2002 a lot due to the mysql issues on Stevie. What exactly is the problem you're experiencing?
  13. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  14. Did you target the program for .NET 3.5 when you built it? That tends to be the common cause of ASP.NET apps not working... Also, in my opinion, PHP and HTML/CSS/JS would be a better choice than an ASP.NET application if you're just developing it now and are planning to keep it hosted here, especially since you're trying to host on linux servers. Mono and ASP.NET can be picky sometimes...
  15. Seeing you have a VPS...can you reconfigure the game server itself to use 3 ports we already have open so your control panel won't have trouble talking to it?
  16. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  17. What exactly do you need them for? Also, is it possible to reconfigure whatever you're connecting to so it uses ports we already have open? An admin will decide based upon the reason for the request. Also, it is worth noting that getting one port opened for you is rather uncommon. The probability of getting all 3 of them opened is likely 0.
  18. Everybody is getting that, among other errors. I get it when I try dropping or creating tables. The errors I know of that are related to the crash are: #2002: Cannot connect to server (server just went down) #2013: Lost connection during query (usually happens when you CREATE TABLE or DROP TABLE, but also during other queries) #1030: Got -1 from storage engine (happens with any INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE to an InnoDB table, and probably on ALTER as well) There hasn't been any update on the progress of repairs as far as I know. When there are updates they'll likely be posted in one of these two topics: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/18447-mysql-issues/ http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/18427-stevie-mysql-issues/
  19. No backup allowed. Also, I'm not sure why your account is suspended, but this suspension reason usually means it was involved in illegal activity of some form. If you want, I can escalate this and an admin might be able to tell you what happened.
  20. The entire images folder sounds like it was the dumping ground for the malware that the hacker installed. The JS and other stuff is just malware components and a link to what's likely either the malware maker or the group using the malware. My original directions were assuming you didn't have backups since the large majority don't bother to make them as they should. Since you have recent backups, restoring them is a good choice. The downside is that any files you might have added or upgraded (including plugins or upgrades you might have installed to prevent future hacks) will likely need to be redone. The upside is that you can guarantee the hack is gone.
  21. That account cannot be unsuspended.
  22. Are you on Stevie? If so, the issue is likely to do with the ongoing mysql issues on that server, and most you can do is wait. If not, it's possible that the issue is due to load or other reasons.
  23. I dont believe Wordpress is supposed to have an index.php in that folder. The hacker probably added it. As for being a false poitive, i doubt it. When I visited that file in my browser, it redirected me to some Russian hosting service... I have no way of checking if it is totally clean now though since only an Admin can re-run the scanner. If you get suspended again, it's not.
  24. This time it's for malware. The suspension reason explicitly named this file as malware: /public_html/wp-content/images/index.php Delete that file before you do anything else. In addition, I would recommend downloading a backup of your account and running a virus scanner on all of your files. Delete all infected files from your account. Since you are using wordpress, I would also recommend making sure that everything is up to date and that you aren't using any plugins from dubious websites. There are many plugins out there for wordpress that are full of security holes due to lack of support, and sometimes others (especially those from less-reputable websites) are malware disguised as a theme or plugin to make people install it. You have 24 hours from the time of this post to remove any malware from your account. If you don't, it'll be resuspended.
  25. It appears to be working fine now. Thank you for fixing this
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