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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. When I do a dig I'm seeing an SOA only for NS1. Whether that's because NS2 is down or because the SOA record just doesn't exist, I don't know. Either way, an admin will need to fix the issue with NS2. For the time being, contact the registrar and ask them to set the NS for you, telling them that your host only provides one (working) NS. We've had at least 1 other person with the same issue, and they were able to set it up by contacting the registrar. Alternately, you could create an A record to instead. You already have your domain set as your Heliohost account's main domain, so this should work without any additional configuration.
  2. An admin will need to look into the SOA record issue, but I wouldn't be surprised if the issue is actually because NS2 is down a lot. It's hosted on the same server as Johnny and is often impacted by the load Johnny creates. The server monitor seems to indicate that it something's been wrong with it for a while. In the mean time, your website should work fine with just NS1.
  3. It's logging in as anonymous. You need to specify your FTP account's username and password in Filezilla's Site Manager settings.
  4. Error 2013 is due to the crash. It occurs when you try to do things to innodb tables, like create or drop them. Best course of action is to just not use innodb tables. MyISAM is working normally. If you have to use them, you can move to Johnny, although it goes down quite a bit due to load.
  5. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  6. Please do not open a second topic for the same issue. Merged. Anyway, it may take a while before someone can look at this. Krydos is usually the one who handles this sort of thing; I'm not sure if the others can do it. I'll escalate it for you.
  7. The code seems to have disappeared, but your font tag and h1 tag were closed in the wrong order if I remember right. Closing Font tag needed to be moved inside the h1 tag I believe. Also, for what it's worth, font tags are obsolete, as are the align attributes on several other tags. You shouldn't be using them, but rather using CSS instead.
  8. Does it say if it was an access denied error or an error 2002? Error 2002 ("Cannot connect to the mysql server") is related to the crash. Access denied means your database user doesn't exist, isn't assigned to the database, or the password is incorrect. It is also worth noting that it is currently not possible to install Drupal from the distribution package or from softaculous on Stevie due to the damage, and many existing installs stopped working right due to their reliance on InnoDB and the now-frequent database server downtime.
  9. Krydos is the one who typically handles this, so it's a matter of when he finds the time to look at your post and assign the IP address to you.
  10. The first error is NS2 being down, which happens very frequently. The Heliohost server monitor shows that it hasn't been able to get data on it for the past several days. It's hosted on the same server as Johnny and is impacted by high load a lot, although the several days worth of "no data" entries in the server monitor look more like something broke. As long as NS1 is up, your site will still work. The PTR record warning has to do with reverse DNS for mail and is not an issue.
  11. That error is normal. Most ports are blocked for security reasons, and we generally won't open them unless you have a legitimate reason. Do note that the odds of getting a port opened are quite low. In many cases, the first solution is to try reconfiguring whatever it is you are trying to connect to so that it listens on a common port that's not blocked. I know a few people on here run game servers on web ports like 443 or 8080 for this exact reason. Feel free to explain in this topic what port you need and why you think it should be opened. Please try to avoid PMs, as it makes it more difficult for us to help you. A PM can only be read by one person, and multiple admins and moderators may wish to read your post. If there's a reason you don't want it posted publicly, PM me and I can post it so only mods and admins can see it.
  12. They're allowed, but they tend to get people suspended for high load if there's enough traffic, so I wouldn't recommend running them wide open like that one is. Would be best if he put a password on it.
  13. An admin can say for sure but I highly doubt we will install this. Not only would it add more load, getting it to work with things like php would probably require quite a bit of reconfiguration. We currently don't offer any way to have hierarchical databases.
  14. That account is not showing as suspended or inactive. Have you tried resetting your password?
  15. Check for a .htaccess file in public_html (use FTP or be sure to show hidden files in the cPanel file manager). Delete or rename it if you find it. Drupal creates one in the folder where you install it I think. (The reason Drupal didn't work is probably Stevie's database server being broken at the moment). Make sure that public_html has the right permissions. I believe the correct permissions are 750 (that's what mine is). The _vti_ stuff is frontpage extensions. There's a page for them in cPanel (it's at the bottom under the advanced group I believe). Go there and select to uninstall them. All of the _vti_ stuff and anything related will get fully removed when you do. Dropping old databases won't cause a 403 error. I'm not familiar with the CGI screen, so that might be another issue.
  16. No backup unfortunately. I don't know what activity got it suspended, but in some cases, backups could aid crime, hence we can't allow them. For instance, imagine you ran a phishing site. If we allow a backup, we'd be allowing you to retrieve whatever stolen information the site collected.
  17. You can't log in is because you got suspended for running too many cron jobs. We only allow cron 2 executions per day (it can be 2 jobs once a day, 1 job twice a day, etc. so long as no more than 2 things run in any 24 hour period). The reason your cron jobs also deleted themselves is because they were set to run more than twice/day. The account has been unsuspended.
  18. Are you on Stevie? If so, Roundcube is currently not working. Both the copy in cPanel and copies installed yourself do not work due to the database issues that Stevie has been experiencing for the past 2 months. Your only choice if you're on Stevie is to use another mail client, unfortunately.
  19. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  20. Actually, if you're on Stevie, yes. The DB server on Stevie has been broken for over a month. It's due to damage from a crash in mid-February. It goes down rather frequently due to damage, and also sometimes just acts up due to load. InnoDB tables are read-only and there's a pile of other issues as well (such as dropping a database with InnoDB tables crashing mysql). If you're on Johnny, it's probably just bogged down again. Johnny frequently experiences high load due to the extra features offered on it. And yes, the DB servers are run on the same server as Apache and PHP.
  21. Your link is wrong. It should be: http://www.wap.indosat.com.cgiku5050.usa.cc/wap.indosat.com/nph-proxy.cgi Also, be aware that proxies can get you suspended for high load very easily. I wouldn't recommend leaving it open to the public.
  22. You're probably blocked again (or were never unblocked properly). Also, if this kind of downtime is unacceptable for you, once you do get access again, you won't like Johnny very much. It is slow or down a lot. An admin needs to look into this again for you.
  23. I see a directory listing. What are you seeing?
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