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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. I'm honestly not sure on this one, but I do know that a lot of the software on our servers is considered ancient by today's standards, so probably not. Krydos might know, escalating.
  2. Johnny accounts can take 4-7 days to come out of queue due to the server being overloaded. You just need to give it some time.
  3. You can change it here: http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/domain
  4. Mediawiki is partially incompatible with our servers. We have a few others who use it, but I'm not one of them, so I'm not sure whether this is one of the things that doesn't work.
  5. It took a few hours more than normal, but it finally finished This domain is now working. Please clear your cache if you still get the queued page.
  6. The odd thing I noticed is that despite it being in cPanel for him, it does not show up in ACP under Domains. They normally show within 24 hours in my experience, even if its still queued (it doesn't sync immediately). I'm wondering whether this is actually added... http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/23390-new-user-wanting-to-use-a-domain/page__pid__115136__st__15#entry115136
  7. I'm just as confused as to why this doesn't work as you are Everything appears correct on your end. The only thing I'm worried about is the fact that the domain refuses to show up in the management tools. Stevie usually has no issues (as evidenced by the nearly 10000 domains it happily hosts). I have 3 domains on Stevie myself, one of which sees decent traffic. I'm wondering if something got screwed up when you moved servers...I've seen Johnny break Stevie accounts before.
  8. Thanks for the report. Escalating so we can get this cleaned up.
  9. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  10. You were suspended for inactivity. Please log into cPanel every 30 days to avoid this. In the future, you can renew the account yourself here: heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/renew Your account has been unsuspended. On another note...that domain is flagged as malware by MalwareBytes, and is redirecting to localhost...
  11. Just a heads up: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/23416-queued-domain/
  12. SSL is not free. Did you pay the required $12 fee for the dedicated IP needed for SSL? If so, please post the transaction ID so we can activate it for you.
  13. Krydos/Byron, Can you take a look at the following for a user? He says he added it yesterday and that it's showing as a parked domain in cPanel, but it doesn't show in the ACP and is still queued. User account is jrimer on Stevie. Domain in question is jaredrimer.com
  14. Something strange is going on...it's still not showing as added (let alone working) on my end. I'm going to give it the full 24 hours (until this afternoon) to see, but if it's still not working, I'll ask the root admins about your domain for you.
  15. cPanel servers all work the same way...most just have the various services set to restart a lot more often than we do (some actually do it immediately upon change, one host I've used you could add a domain in cPanel and it worked in <10 minutes). But those guys have entire farms for their hosting company (and the huge amount of resources that come with that)...we have 2 little boxes (soon to be 3). The thing is, these processes cause load spikes when they reload, so we just do it once a day during a low-load period to reduce its impact on sites that are already working.
  16. Yep, what you're experiencing is the process of it being configured. Your domain already did the DNS portion of its setup based on that ping ( is Stevie, which is correct for your account), so you're just waiting on Apache now. The Account Queued message is normal until Apache restarts during nightly, so you need to just wait out the 24 hours. After that, it will work (you may need to clear your cache once the 24 hours is up). If you're interested: the technical reason is that Apache uses Virtual Hosts to direct different domains to different web roots. cPanel adds a virtual host to Apache's config for your domain when you add it to your account, but that newly edited config file isn't loaded until Apache restarts. If Apache is asked to serve a domain that isn't in the loaded configuration, it serves the default "Account Queued" page. When it restarts during nightly, the new config file will load and Apache will finally recognize your domain and serve your content.
  17. You're suspended for having two accounts (okelapak and sagafx). You're only allowed one. Which one do you want to keep?
  18. Same user as okelapak. See http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/23412-suspended-okelapak/
  19. I don't see that domain in the system (only your jaredrimer.heliohost.org is associated with you right now), though that would be normal if you just added it today. I can't see it until the setup completes. Verify that the domain is showing in cPanel under your parked domains (add it if not). It takes up to 24 hours from the time it's added for the DNS and Apache setup to complete for a new domain. Domain setups are typically processed once a day on Stevie, so once it's added, it will get set up in the next cycle. When it starts working, I'll post back to let you know.
  20. I've moved this here hoping that someone else can answer this. I do know it works since I've seen others use it, but I'm a PHP programmer and just don't know how to set it up. From what I've seen though, it is one of the more difficult things to make work here.
  21. Did you just add this domain to your account? Domains on Johnny accounts take 4-7 days to start working once they're added due to load. If so, you just need to give it a few days, then clear your cache.
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