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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. If you don't plan to use our email forwarding anymore (you say your DNS provider can do it for you), you have two choices. I've personally tested the second (using A records and my Johnny account/IP), though the first should also work (and will be simpler since you already have the root domain added). Create a new subdomain in cPanel here, then add an A record for your subdomain pointed to, or NS records pointed to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. Done. Change your main domain to the subdomain that will be hosted here, then add an A record for your subdomain pointed to, or NS records pointed to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. Done. This second option will break your HelioHost email forwarding, so be sure you've got MX records sending your mail elsewhere first! After that, you just add the CNAME and A for Github to your root domain at your DNS provider and you're good.
  2. Your domain is now working. If you still see a queued page, please clear your cache.
  3. That account does not have Java on it. Your request for Java has an estimated wait time of 3 months:
  4. I'm assuming you're referring to standard house wiring, not low voltage stuff. I'm not sure where you are or what the electrical standards are where you are, but in the USA, you'd wire it like this: http://imgur.com/pTH254u (Black wire is hot, white is neutral, ground not shown, colors differ in other countries, I know much of Europe uses brown and blue respectively). The wires coming in from the left side are from the source of power. Note that this is a basic diagram assuming fans only, if you add other things like lights it gets more complex. If you need help with the physical aspect of it (how the wiring needs to be run and connected), you'll need to find an electrician experienced with your local electrical code. The code vary between countries, so I can't explain the proper way to do the wiring. Basically, that diagram does this, which is what I think you want: S1 powers both the first fan and S2. If S1 is on, the first fan will run, and S2 will control the second fan. If S1 is off, the both fans will be off, and S2 will do nothing.
  5. Verify that you can actually put NS records on a subdomain (known as subdomain delegation). Most DNS providers and registrars don't let you do that, hence my assumption this wasn't the case. It's also worth noting that even if you can do this, you will still need to manually add MX records to the root domain's DNS or the email forwarding won't work. Also, can you post the DNS configuration Github Pages requires for a domain? Check to see if you can even add the NS record to a subdomain, and let us know what Github requires. Once we know that, I can look into it further.
  6. Make sure you're using our website to log in. There are a few ways to log in that don't count.
  7. Yes you can uninstall it. The one you have access to through cPanel won't be affected by its removal. It's listed in Softaculous as an available program because Softaculous is used on thousands of servers and some people will want/need to install it themselves.
  8. That account is not suspended. If you're seeing a suspended page, please clear your cache.
  9. Sure. Also, we provide PhpMyAdmin in cPanel. You shouldn't need to have it installed on your account unless you wanted something the normal one doesn't have (or maybe you wanted a newer version).
  10. It's high load again. High load is usually caused by your software using too many resources. If you haven't changed anything recently, it's possible that the site is being abused by bots, or that you just ended up with a lot of traffic all of a sudden. You might want to take your site down until it can be fixed (an .htaccess with a Deny from All in the root will do) since you've been suspended twice already. If you wish, I can have Krydos check which file is responsible for the load so you can fix it. Finally, we don't generally unsuspend users a third time. Do you want me to leave this unsuspended you so you can fix this, or would you rather me escalate this so Krydos can give you some more information before we unsuspend it?
  11. When you create an addon domain, the system creates a subdomain of your main domain as well. Check under subdomains to see if a subdomain by that name exists. If it's there, remove it. Then, check in the Advanced DNS Editor for any DNS entries for that subdomain. If they exist, remove them. Then try adding the addon domain again.
  12. The domain has been changed. Give it 48 hours. To those who use that script: You must provide the full new domain in the script, like example.heliohost.org, not just example. That was the issue experienced by this user.
  13. Your domain has been changed to edge-gamers.heliohost.org. It may take up to 48 hours to start working. In the future, you can change your domain yourself by using this form: http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/domain
  14. Something is really weird...I see three separate accounts with different registration dates and IPs, but all with the same username (which shouldn't be possible). In addition, you're only allowed one account. I'm going to escalate this because there should not be 3 accounts with the same username. Once we get that cleared up, we'll need to figure out which account you want to keep since you can only have one, then change your main domain on that account if you still want to change it. @Krydos/Byron: How is this possible? (Search ACTIVE in ACP for a username of "cyber" with no wildcards...3 accounts with same username. Also, 2 appear to be suspended when visited though they're listed as active...)
  15. That script is what you would use, though sometimes it doesn't work. What's your account's username, and the domain you want to use? I can change it for you.
  16. The .tk is the one i see on your account. If you had changed it, it was probably incompletely changed due to a server problem. Since you said the .tk is working, I'll close it for you.
  17. This is completely normal for Johnny. It can take a week to set up accounts because the server is severely overloaded. His perfrmance is equally terrible. If you need something faster and reliable, I would recommend Stevie.
  18. Use a service like this: http://www.setcronjob.com to run as much as you wish. We do not give exceptions for cron because of the extreme load they cause. We limit normal cron and recommend an external service because timing and triggering the job externally makes a cron use less load (the cron daemon uses quite a bit of load when it runs a job, so using a service like that means they handle load from the cron daemon and we just handle the actual program vs. us handling both). You basically sign up on that service, specify the URL to the script (usually it ends up looking something like http://www.example.com/someprogram/admin/includes/cron.php), and give it a schedule. There's some limits on the free version, but if you need some of the stuff offered by the paid version, odds are you'll be suspended for load here anyway.
  19. If you skip moving the DNS to your registrar, you can just use the advanced DNS editor to change the A record for ryanzim.com to the other host's IP. However, if you really want to use different DNS, I think the following should work. First create a subdomain of ryanzim.com in cpanel. This subdomain will become your Heliohost-hosted subdomain. Wait until it's no longer queued and you can see your content/directory listing. Create an A record for the subdomain created above on your new DNS server. Point it to Create an MX record for ryanzim.com on your new DNS server. Point it to the subdomain you created above (you're not supposed to use IPs in MX records, so you can do this to point the MX to Stevie). Optionally create a TXT record for SPF configuration. Create the appropriate A or CNAME record for ryanzim.com on your new DNS server to point it to Github Pages. Point ryanzim.com to the new DNS server at your registrar and allow changes to propagate. Configurations using non-Heliohost DNS are NOT officially supported and have not been tested. As a result, I cannot guarantee that this configuration will work for you. I currently host a single subdomain myself without issue, however I do not have any email services set up on that domain.
  20. This question got left in the dust...do you still need help with this?
  21. Mysqlnd is enabled on Johnny based on his phpinfo. Johnny runs PHP 5.4, which uses mysqlnd by default. Doesn't appear to be available on Stevie.
  22. Did you drop the table first? If not, drop that table and try again.
  23. wolstech

    Mysql Connect

    Can you post the contents of that file (edit out the password)? Also, be sure your database hostname is (do not use localhost).
  24. I've been wondering about this too. His load has definitely been rather high lately. When I looked earlier, a good chunk of CPU was being used by mysql, crond, and a bunch of PHP processes (all owned by one user). I'm not sure what "normal" looks like on Stevie though. Krydos would know.
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