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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Yes it'd be a Tommy account since it's a donation. Sent. Please let us know the username once its created so we know to ignore it if it shows up as multiple accounts.
  2. Split from Drashko's topic since its a different user. What email address are you using to log in? The email address on your forum profile does not match the one on the account if it's that one. In fact, the email shown is hosted on the account itself...which could make resetting the password impossible if you don't have a way to get into that mailbox without the main account password.
  3. Password link for Drashko has been sent.
  4. It believe it was the node app he had me remove because it was causing high load and he couldn't get it to stop running.
  5. I just killed the processes for you and turned off nodejs on your account. You can disable node or restart the app yourself in Plesk, but if the processes won't quit when commanded, a root admin would need to kill them for you.
  6. Whatever was running on your account is too memory hungry. Node apps are especially known for this, though other things such as long-running Python or badly written PHP (like Wordpress...) can do it as well. Please fix your application quickly. You can monitor your own load here: https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load/ Unsuspended. It may take a little while to start working.
  7. It has finished setting up at this point, but he also had an invalid .htaccess file uploaded. I renamed that and the file is accessible now (though it's empty except for a title tag, so a blank page is to be expected). https://aggiornamentijw.heliohost.us/index2.html (note the Work_In_Progress page title).
  8. That is in your .htaccess and not a function of Plesk. You could have removed that yourself by simply deleting the .htaccess file. I renamed that file for you and added an index.html file in your document root, your domain is no longer redirecting. I've also enabled reinstalled the HTTPS certificates for you on your main domain and added a certificate for the fotos subdomain. The changes may take up to 2 hours to take effect.
  9. Domain added. Also, the automatic HTTPS redirection and associated options such as HSTS have been removed from this domain. This is kind of an unusual request considering things like Google really hate plain HTTP these days, and odds are this site will not be indexed as a result, but nonetheless. I would recommend that even without the redirect forcing HTTPS that you install a certificate so it can still accept HTTPS connections. Both changes may take up to 2 hours to take effect.
  10. This user's account did not have an IPv6 address for some reason, only an IPv4. I added the shared IPv6 to it in Plesk and the domain added successfully after that. I think this might be a case of overzealous error checking though. Not having an IPv6 address is a valid configuration, just not a standard one for us. ACP really should just ignore this instead of producing an error... The domain will take up to 2 hours to start working.
  11. This is the website from the other account our system thought was yours: https://tarkeshwarpatil.tk/ Both created 3 years ago within 10 days of each other from the same city in India, so definitely not new users by any means, these are both migrated cPanel accounts. Krydos has additional information, so lets see what he says. It's mostly because nobody reads the terms of service. This is the first thing on the list: https://wiki.helionet.org/hosting/terms That list of terms is shown when signing up, most people just hit agree and move on without reading it like every other website.
  12. It's suspended for multiple accounts, the other of which has already been unsuspended. I will let Krydos deal with this because he suspended them. I don't see a connection between these two accounts myself (aside from both showing as being from the same city in India), but he usually has more information than I do.
  13. Let's see if Krydos can figure this out. It's not blocked in the firewall like I was expecting it'd be.
  14. So you can connect to the database remotely from your PC, but Fly.io cannot connect to our server remotely? It's possible the firewall is blocking it on our side. What IP does the fly.io connection come from, what host name are you using for the database server, and what port?
  15. We don't have any control over how long the links last unfortunately, it's limited to 24 hours by design and is not adjustable. A link to reset your password has been sent to you.
  16. You logged in today, so likely you know your existing password... You can change it yourself in Plesk (click your username and pick edit profile).
  17. You won't receive a link for the second account automatically because you can't have two accounts under the same email address. What email address do you want the second account to be under?
  18. Please check your email for a link to reset your password.
  19. Fast CGI is just a technology for how PHP talks to Apache, it's not a file itself (though it does have a configuration). Odds are what you're referring to is extending the timeout so the script can finish. We intentionally restricted the runtime of the scripts to I believe 60 seconds to keep the server stable. We generally recommend a VPS for Moodle (which is really the sort of platform it's made to run on). If your software cannot run on Johnny, it often won't run on Tommy either (Tommy has tighter limits and is actually slower at the moment), and the third option Morty (which may or may not run it) isn't available yet.
  20. No. You need to delete the Johnny account first.
  21. Registration opens for free each day at midnight UTC. You can grab an account on Johnny at no cost here right at that time (you basically have to refresh the page repeatedly and if the button is there click it immediately to grab a spot): https://heliohost.org/signup/ Keep in mind that slots are limited and fill quickly each day. Yesterday we filled up in less than 3 seconds due to demand. Alternately, if you don't mind donating $1, you can get an account instantly on Tommy: https://heliohost.org/tommy/ Johnny is a bit faster at the moment due to overcrowding on Tommy, but that is slowly being resolved.
  22. Many users don't even know load suspensions are a thing until they get hit with them, hence the reminder. As for your issue, I took a look and the errors I'm seeing look like this, which means that PHP didn't return a response (could be for any reason, but just timing out is likely considering the software in question): [Sun Dec 24 19:17:38.822355 2023] [fcgid:warn] [pid 29571:tid 140670773749504] (104)Connection reset by peer: [client] mod_fcgid: error reading data from FastCGI server, referer: https://barashada.net.helioho.st/my/courses.php [Sun Dec 24 19:17:38.835511 2023] [core:error] [pid 29571:tid 140670773749504] [client] End of script output before headers: view.php, referer: https://barashada.net.helioho.st/my/courses.php It looks like Moodle, which is known to be problematic on our service due to the amount of resources it needs. Moodle is meant more as an enterprise application that's supposed to be run on a dedicated server. It is extremely heavy, and this is a common issue with it when it's used on shared hosting. This is one of a few programs that we know of that struggles to run properly here due to its design. Others include things such as Wordpress (especially when extensions such as Wordfence or Elementor are installed), Media Wiki, Magento, and various non-PHP apps like Ghost CMS and nodejs-proxy.
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