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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Unless you want to move to the Tommy server, you can just wait for Krydos to fix it.
  2. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  3. Johnny loves to fail to add domains because of his high load. There's a bunch of things that happen when you add a domain, and some of them are timing out because the server isn't fast enough to do all of it before it reaches the time limit. Our root admin Krydos can fix that Apache error and manually add it for you so it will work. I'd personally recommend moving to Tommy though. He's much faster and doesn't have issues like this.
  4. It was half-added and failed, likely due to server load. Johnny is known for this issue. Escalating so Krydos can add it for you.
  5. Mono is installed. I've never tried running one personally, but nobody has ever tried running a .NET EXE on our servers since it's an odd thing to do on a shared host. Our root admin Krydos would know for sure, so I'll escalate this.
  6. This forum is meant for help with general software management and coding. It's not for help with your hosting account. Issues with your hosting account, domains not adding, IP blocks and suspensions, etc. should be posted over in Customer Service: https://www.helionet.org/index/forum/45-customer-service/
  7. Johnny is known for this. Have you tried re-adding the domain? If so, what error do you get?
  8. The addon domain probably failed to add. It's very common if you're on Johnny. Try adding it again. If it gives you an error, create a new topic with the domain name and your username and a root admin can check on it for you.
  9. An EXE won't run on our servers since we run linux. There's a difference between .NET PC software and ASP.NET (web software), we only support the latter. ASP.NET software is written differently, and generally comes in the form of .aspx files and dll files (depending on whether you compile it or not). You'll need to develop the program you want to run in a form our server can handle before you worry about email triggers. Can you write the email processing code in something like PHP/Python/Perl? The "monitor" component that watches the mailbox is not needed and should be left out. The mail server will handle that for you.
  10. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  11. Unfortunately yes, especially with the timeouts in webmail. The undelivered emails will probably arrive eventually. I suspect the mail sever wasn't responding when they were sent, so the sender never delivered them. If you move to tommy, the mail service will function as you expect it to, since that server is not overloaded.
  12. Unblocked. We usually recommend you use https://heliohost.org/login/ for logins, you won't get blocked that way.
  13. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. <br /><br />If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  14. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  15. This topic was from June... AutoSSL installs itself in 24 hours if you're on Tommy. It's not supported on Johnny. Please create a new topic for remote Postgres, specifying the database name, database user, and IP addresses that need access to it (or if you want any IP to work).
  16. That's a timeout. Whatever Java server that program is running on needs to be checked to ensure that it has access to the internet over port 465. If it's on your PC, turn off your firewall and see if it works. The fact it works on your phone tells me the SMTP server is not broken.
  17. Take a look at https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/28921-triggering-a-file-on-arrival-of-email/ (that person was using a Tommy account, but it works the same on Johnny as well, just change the server name in the URLs listed). When the server receives the email, it launches a configured program (such as a PHP script), and uses the email itself as the input. This way, there's nothing running at all until an email is received. When the email is received, it's immediately processed, then the script exits. The mail server itself is monitor as opposed to running something repeatedly.
  18. Is the mailbox hosted here? If so, you could also just configure the email address to pipe the mail directly into the processing script when it arrives.
  19. You're looking for subdomain delegation... If you use cloudflare as the DNS, I think you can do this. You should be able to set it up through cPanel (use a "full" zone setup so it copies all of our records to make the initial zone), then log into cloudflare directly and add NS records for the relevant subdomains. After that, point your domain to cloudflare at your registrar.
  20. You likely just need to remove this: DEFINER = `root`@`localhost` From the CREATE statement so the procedure is created using your account.
  21. We run Linux...ASP.NET is a Windows technology. Mono is the runtime used to run .NET code under a linux OS. For a list of what's compatible between .NET and Mono, see http://www.mono-project.com/docs/about-mono/compatibility/
  22. You can't do it yourself. You need to write the PHP script you want to run, upload it somewhere in your pubilc_html, and post the URL to the script here. Once you do, I'll pass it along to the root admin so a root admin can set it up for you.
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