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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Apache appears to have crashed. Escalating.
  2. This is by design. You have to create them in cPanel. https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/sql/index.html
  3. You need to move to Tommy if you can't wait. Tommy's wait for Java is only a few hours. http://wiki.helionet.org/Moving_your_account In fairness to the others who also have to wait, we don't allow people to skip the Java queue.
  4. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. <br /><br />If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  5. Correct. You can only have one WAR at a time, so the old deployment should be overwritten when the new one takes effect. There might be a small period where it doesn't work at all, actually (between when the old one undeploys and the new one goes live). I'm not sure though.
  6. They take a few hours to deploy, and when they finish I think the application will just start working and it will show the URL of the deployed servlet. Usually the servlet address ends up being something like domain.heliohost.org/cpusername_warfilename/ (so a user example deploying MyFirstServlet.war on example.heliohost.org would have example.heliohost.org/example_MyFirstServlet/ as its URL) I don't use Java myself, so I don't have much experience with its deployment unfortunately. I'm a PHP developer. Krydos would know more about how this deployment works since he built the script.
  7. You're on Tommy, so you can do this yourself in cPanel now. https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/29658-servlet-deploy/ It can take a few hours. If it doesn't deploy within 24 hours, let us know and we can post the logs (usually a failure in deployment is caused by either too many mysql connections or a damaged WAR file).
  8. You have to sign up right at midnight UTC. It only allows a very few accounts per day. You can see server performance and what servers are accepting registrations here: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ Last night, he was open for about an hour. If you don't want to wait, you can donate instead and you'll get an email invite within 24 hours that lets you sign up even if he's already full.
  9. I've noticed this myself with other applications. Softaculous usually has a several day lag in updates. As Krydos said, they probably just haven't added it yet. We just have a subscription to the service, we can't control what's on it. If you don't want to wait, you'll need to try updating manually.
  10. This is not supported. Just looking at Matrix's website shows it requires custom inbound port (port 8448), a custom daemon (which has to be built from source), and shell access (maybe just for the install, but I didn't look far enough into it to tell if its needed for administration too), none of which we allow. You probably need a VPS to run this. It's not standard web software like a PHP or Python web application is. You can get a VPS for $20/month from a few places if you need a public server to host this on. If you want to learn it for free, download something like VirtualBox, install linux in a VM, and play around with it on your home PC. You can even host it from home if you don't mind setting up port forwarding (and possibly DDNS if you have a dynamic IP).
  11. IMAP again. Do you have any other phones or tablets with an email account set up? There is no way to just disable the IMAP access unfortunately. To my knowledge, there's no good way to find the specific device from our end. All we see is your public IP address making attempts. What I can say is that whatever is getting you blocked is on your network since it's showing up as a Comcast connection. If you turn off your cell phone's Wifi, that would eliminate the cell phone as a cause.
  12. Unblocked. If you use https://heliohost.org/login/ you won't get blocked for incorrect passwords.
  13. No it's not actually, considering most people don't use much space at all. In the past month, the long outages you see on the monitors are because our provider had a power outage (building struck by lightning), and the server crashed once (believed related to said outage). The other, shorter, red spots are typically either Apache restarts that took longer than normal or abusive users that took a few minutes to suspend.
  14. How about a cron to call your page every minute? Even though we restrict cron in cpanel, we can set it up externally at much greater frequencies as long as the script to be called can be triggered by visiting it in a browser. If that would work, post the URL we need to call and Krydos can set that up for you.
  15. Apache restarts whenever needed (domain updates, etc.) on Tommy, and I believe Tomcat does the same, so yes, servlets are subject to restarting without notice. Krydos would know more and might have an idea what's going on/how we can make this work for you. Escalating.
  16. Renaming it will just disable it. The exact effects depend on what's in it. If you want, post the contents of it inside code tags here and I'll look.
  17. Very true. There's indeed no such thing as perfect since the internet has far too many variables beyond your control, any of which could change or break and make a website fail. A good host and a service like CloudFlare will go a good way towards closing the gap though. Google probably has the best known uptime out there, and even they had an outage a few years back...
  18. It wouldn't provide much benefit. If you have two servers hosting the site, but they share a single database kept on one server, all the servers will stop working if the server containing the database goes down. You need to have two completely independent copies on different servers. Separate database and all. That also means you have to make any edits twice, unless you make a script to synchronize them (probably doable but not fun). Be aware you're only allowed one account unless you ask for permission to have a second and can explain why you need it. Otherwise, you're violating our terms of service and all of your accounts will get suspended. If you need near-perfect reliability, a paid web host is probably more in line with what your client needs. We usually recommend Hostgator.
  19. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  20. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  21. We don't limit to 1 per hour like that unless you got throttled for some reason. Our limit is 50/day and you can request more if you can show that you're not sending spam (we'll want to see things like example emails, etc. if you need such an increase) Moved to customer service.
  22. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  23. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  24. The system does this for a variety of reasons. Using certain functions in cpanel will create one for example.
  25. You are indeed on Ricky now. I've renamed your forum account back for you. Enjoy your Ricky account
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