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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Actually, doing that won't work because your forum account is named that. You could use ctfisep1... I'm hoping Krydos fixes Johnny's backlog before then though so your account gets deleted. That way you can just the same username and email address as before and everything will work as it should.
  2. Accounts go inactive when they get flagged for deletion, and stay that way until it actually deletes. If you wanted to cancel your deletion in the meantime, you can just renew it. Johnny is really backed up on his account management work though, so I'm not sure it'll even get deleted by tonight...you're 1 of 9 accounts waiting in line for a deletion, and deletions are processed after new sign ups (52 are waiting in line for that). I've put in a request to have that looked at because even Johnny doesn't usually back up this bad. When he does, it's usually because he got hung up restarting Apache and stopped working his queue entirely. Try signing up tonight and if it says the username or email is taken, it didn't delete yet. If I see your account finish its delete I'll let you know.
  3. No, you still need to delete the old hosting account first. You can do that here: http://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/delete Once you do that and it deletes, you're ready to sign up on Ricky when registrations open. Deleting your hosting account will NOT delete your forum account, so you'll keep using the forum account you have now. I'll just rename it to match your Ricky account once you sign up tonight. I only added that 2 to the forum account because you can't create a hosting account if a forum account with the username exists already.
  4. Just a heads up, Ricky allows more accounts than Tommy, so unless you need Java or ASP.NET, Ricky is easier to get an account on. Also, I've renamed your forum account so you can reuse your username too. Once you sign up, let me know and I'll rename it back for you.
  5. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  6. If you're able to donate, we can move your Johnny account instead of a sending a Tommy invite. Otherwise you have to delete it and sign up again at midnight when the registrations for Tommy and Ricky reset. http://wiki.helionet.org/Moving_your_account
  7. First, try clearing your cache. I've seen CF do some weird things due to stale browser cache. However, your particular issue seems to be fairly common with CF. I've noticed this on one of my sites as well. CF doesn't always play nicely with immediate redirects in the root. Try removing the index.php redirect and doing it using .htaccess instead. If that doesn't help, my next recommendation would be to move the content into the root so the redirect can be eliminated entirely. By the way, unless for some reason really don't want people to know you use our services, there's no reason not to post your domains. Every domain hosted on our service is indexed by Google (regardless of whether it's mentioned on the forums) and several other search engines, so the additional linking actually serves to improve search visibility. By not mentioning them, you're actually hurting your site believe it or not, and you're also making it more difficult for us to support you too since I now have to look them up.
  8. The public_html folder should be 750. All folders inside should be 755, unless the folder is the root folder for a subdomain or addon domain (in which case it should be 750 like public_html is). PHP files should be 644 (be aware that SFTP uploads are 664, which won't work until you change them...Apache does not like PHP files being writable by the group).
  9. We changed the outbound IP for Johnny yesterday due to an issue with Softaculous. Escalating to have the RDNS updated. Thank you for pointing this out.
  10. Could be script failure too. The deployment script is a beta feature. We'll see what Krydos says.
  11. Unblocked. There's no way to disable the IMAP that I know of. You can pass a completely random username that doesn't even exist in, it'll still block you. The most I can think of is not setting up any device to get mail from us and instead using the webmail. I've always thought the blocking for bad mail passwords was a bit harsh, but it is effective. It's meant to help mitigate the risks associated with bots vs. weak passwords
  12. It doesn't take 48 hours anymore. It's "up to" 24 hours now, usually less. Also, I'm not sure if this will even work properly right now because of this open issue: Johnny cPanel license needs to be renewed. I'll escalate this just in case that license issue causes it to not work. Our root admin Krydos can check on it after fixing that license issue to verify it changed successfully.
  13. Unsolved. Krydos will need to check on this and can post relevant logs if they exist, but I wonder if the WAR simply can't be deployed.
  14. Regular domains (.com, .org, .net, and similar) have to be purchased through a registrar to use them. They're not free. You can buy domains with common TLDs like .com and .org at any major registrar, we recommend Namecheap. If you don't want to buy that domain, you need to change your main domain to something that you can use. You can do that here: http://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/domain You can pick a something.heliohost.org domain, or a domain with an ending TLD that's from a free registrar (.tk, .ml, and .cf are the most well known free TLDs, but they can only be obtained from a single registrar called Freenom, which is known for poor customer service and their fairly common practice of cancelling domains or hijacking them and serving malware so they can extort money from you to get your site back). We own the domain heliohost.org, which is why we can give away anything underneath it (something.heliohost.org). Using the shared IP address will always show Queued. The server needs to see a domain name in it requests because it uses the domain name to determine what content needs to be shown.
  15. cPanel's license seems to have expired on Johnny. Escalating.
  16. You have to do this in your scripts. I think it can be changed with set_ini...can't test though since I'm on my phone at the moment. We can't change it in the ini because it there is only one php.ini that affects everyone on the server (There isn't an ini for each user).
  17. That page is long outdated. Stevie crashed, and the repaired hardware became Ricky. Tommy lives on a third server we purchased last year. The server comparison is in the signup process after you validate your email address last time I checked. Ricky and Tommy have much better performance. Both servers have all versions of php from 5.4-7.2, you can pick which one you want. Tommy also offers asp.net and Java hosting if you want them (Ricky does not).
  18. SFTP on Tommy is port 1342, not 1373. Also, we generally recommend tommy.heliohost.org as the host name, though the one you're using should also work. FTPS has never worked reliably on any of our servers, it works for some, doesn't for others. We recommend SFTP for this exact reason (not to mention its more secure). Worst case is "Only use plain FTP (insecure)" which definitely works on port 21, but is just that...plain, unencrypted transmissions.
  19. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  20. Our system requires the domain's NS records be pointed to us at the registrar to add the domain. Adding an A record to us on cloudflare won't work. Please remove cloudflare, set your NS records to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org at the registrar, add the domain, wait for it to start working, then set up cloudflare from scratch, letting it copy the records from our servers.
  21. You can't edit or override php.ini. That particular value should already be on for all php versions though, so if you're seeing one that's off, we can fix that. What version and server you using?
  22. It's not even removed by an admin. The server stops showing that on its own when Apache restarts. Short of manually restarting Apache (which causes downtime), we can't remove it either. Your account did take longer than many do though, because Johnny's Apache restart got stuck last night and never happened like it should have. Krydos will move you to Tommy when he sees the post.
  23. Thank you for the donation. Escalating to have your account moved to Tommy. The FTP issue is sadly a result of the overloading of the server. I agree this could be improved, but it would mean us accepting fewer users. Fewer users means our ad and donation revenue won't cover our colo bill, and we would eventually go out of business As for the lack of information on the redirect, it's because you can't remove the redirect. It's there because the server isn't fully configured. This reason is explained on the page you get redirected to. Do you think an additional message on the account creation page would be helpful for new Johnny users?
  24. Do they seriously do that? That's absurdly long. No, we don't have any daily maintenance window like that. It does go down once or twice a day, but just for a few minutes while Apache restarts so we can get rid of queued pages for people. The server you're on (Johnny) does get very slow at times though when it's busy creating and archiving accounts. Ricky and Tommy have significantly fewer accounts due to them being limited signup, and as a result they don't have the performance issues and downtime Johnny does. You can take a look at the performance for all the servers here: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/
  25. The queued page exists only because Apache has to show something when it doesn't know what account the domain belongs to (which is the case between the time you sign up and the time Apache restarts to load the new configuration that contains information about your domain...Apache only restarts about once a day on Johnny). It's not an intentional redirection, just Apache saying "I don't know what to do with this". Since it seems to be working now, the point is moot. Donation information can be found here: https://heliohost.org/donate/ Invite can take up to 24 hours to arrive. If you prefer to move your existing account instead, please post the transaction ID and the name of the account after donating and we'll move the account instead.
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